
Strongest Existence's Son

This is a story about a special child. So special actually that he is the son of the strongest thing to ever exist. Upon reaching the age his father wanted, he is now put on stage, a world like stage to prove his worth as the sone of the great one himself. Now placed in the world made by his oh great father, a world so complicated only his father could be praised. But of course the start would be simple, as in this vast world, his existence is but a miniscule dust. Watch as the adventure of a man that is to be the strongest lives, as the son of this great ol fat- of the GREAT ONE HIMSELF!!!! *On Hold

KinglessHeaven · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
23 Chs

09. The Elf's Story

I was once just a normal elf living at the far edge of the continent. On the complete opposite of this one. On the continent of Ygrill, or commonly known as The Great Forest.

Since I was young, I was hailed as a genius. The one who will bring glory to the elves.

"Long Live Rakzil!"

"May The Great Tree Bless You!"

"The Hero Of The Elves!"

"Our Greatest Future!"

And so, I did, I became just like who they wanted and expected. I became a great Hero and retrieved the rest of The Great Forest from foreign captures. Establishing the entire country of Ygrill. Gaining fame for the elves. Establishing trade.

I was praised and worshiped as the greatest elf to have ever existed. I did so many things for my country and people, so... I completely had no idea, I completely did not expect... that someone would even betray me.

"Sorry Rakzil, you have reined for too long."

"Is this how you repay your great King!"

"You're not a King anymore... I am."

And so, I was tricked and robbed of sll my achievements. I was announced dead and banished in a secluded prison where no one will ever find me.

But of course it was only time, till I escaped. And when I did, I went as far as I possibly could.

Until I reached this land. The small country of Hannan, where I met the 3rd King of Hannan, Evengrail. But that's a story for another time.

And then I became friends with him then I met his son, Nukai and raised him alongside Evengrail and his wife Reyal.

And I thought Nukai everything he could learn from me. And he learned a lot, but even still, for someone who is now known as the Great King of Hannan, I would not brag, but I haven't even thought him anything.

Despite what people believed, Nukai was still not talented enough...

After his reign, I was put inside this forest and stayed forever to this day.

But my life was not complete empty, it became tradition that I would at least teach something to the Kings of Hannan.

"Even your father. But unlike Nukai, they were far weaker, they can't even be compared no matter how hard I try."

"But then you came... Ryu, you are someone more talented than Nukai. Someone who I would say, is a person that is the most talented in the entire history of this continent."

"So Ryu, feast in your eyes... my masterpiece!"


Master, said in a high tone voice. Something that suprised me as I was really convinced he was just monotone.

But of course, I should really be surprised by what my eyes has just bare witnessed to.

But umm... well 'What? Why?'. I was looking at a giant pool of blood encased in a glass tube. By just a little bit of thinking I could guess it was the blood of all the previous kings, but the question is why? Was Master secretely an evil genius out for world domination.

Or maybe, it was really just something much simpler... Revenge.

"This a collection and a combination of every blood of the previous and even current King combined."

"Isn't that evil."

"Oh Ryu! I could hear the fakeness of your tone. You are not very good at acting."


"There, better."

I acted and talked in a much more childish way. Like an innocent kid just acting cute and asking respectfully and answering with great care and ignorance in his tone.

But even then he noticed it, oh well, it would be stupid for no one to doubt a genius of such a calliber as mine. Not bragging.

"How... did you know."

"Does it really matter? Cause it doesn't and I don't really care who or what you really are Ryu."


"You can freely say anything inside here! I have this place protected with so much barrier it would take anyone years to break."

Master was obviously acting weird. He was hyper and acting like he was on drugs. Or maybe thst last one was a stretch. He wasn't that insane looking, but his tone is very loud and his words sounds just like what an insane madman would say.

"So what do you want out of me?"

"Straight to the point. I like it."


"Well there is only one thing I really want, and I think you know it too."

"So it really was that huh."

[New Quest Available.]

"I just want a little... Revenge!"

[Side Quest "Destroy The Country Ygrill"]

[Reward: I don't know, I didn't expect this either. But finish it first, i'll think of the reward later, it would take you years till you reach Ygrill.]

Well that reward section is long. But fine, I agree with what he said.

"I'll do it, but can you atleast tell me the name."

"I don't know."


"Ryu, I have lived a life so long I could die at any moment. I am using magic to keep myself alive."

"... So I would just destroy the country."

"Yes, I don't care about that country anymore... I'll meet them all in the after life... And just like how that bastard did to me, i'll just act like I did nothing."

He smiled creepily, and as normal as that may sound. It really wasn't, and what a dark belief.

"So then what is that tube for?"

"Well... If you didn't appear before my eyes, I would have taken one of the gaurds and transformed him into the greatest monster that could ever exist!"


"But now that you're here, I don't need to do that."

"Then what can I use that tube for."

"You truly are something, I didn't even need to tell you directly and you already know! Just what world has a four year old like you!"

[Fun Fact: Maybe you'll learn why in the future, but Ryu was actually only three if you compare him in human years.]

Whoah! What? Even I did not know that? So every three year old is like me?

[Hell No!]

"Then what is it for?"

"Simple, to improve your soul of course. The soul is the source of a mages power, and I could help you improve it."

"Oh... well then I don't think I need it."


"Well like you said right. You don't care who or what I am, but I am positive that blood wouldn't improve my soul in any way."

"But... I could turn your soul into of a God's!"


"Just trust me I ca-"

"I am not as lowly as a God... Fredryr."

I was slowly trying to actually act more mature for a few seconds, but I really just wanted to not do it after this.

Fredryr was acting more insane and insane by the moment. And I know for sure that after hearing what he said about how he keeps himself alive.

I am positive, just like every master in any series, they always have to die. And this one... I know this will be our last time talking.

Fredryr's face was in shock. He was intruiged and now was truly curious on what this man in front of him really was.

"Just wha-"

"I thought you said you didn't care."

I came closer to Fredryr, and as his last moments in this world. As his actual and only reason to exist is being passed on...

"Fredryr... I have recieved your will... you have lived long enough, I'll handle it all... I promise in my honor."


I may not have known him long enough to truly be attached, but just a short story of his past and the time he has lived... even I know a petty revenge will only last a person short while to live.

And Fredryr... has done it for far too long.

"Promise me... you will destroy my country."

"I promise..."

"Thank you..."


"The library is on the right. The passcode is 0927... Once again, thank you... Ryu..."

And as I held his shoulders as he kneeled on the floor. His eyes closed and his breath drew near.

Fredryr, in a few seconds, died...

"I just hope you died peacefully knowing I am here..."

I may not have known him for long. This may just be the second day. I may not have grasped his entire personality. I may not have learned his true entire story. I may not have learned his hobbies. Nor his favorite food. His favorite color. If he had a family.

I could only mourn you now, Fredryr. Wether you were a good man, an evil man, or a madman. I made a promise, and a man, always keeps his promise.

"I will carry your will. I will... destroy the country of Ygrill."


"The leaf of Fredryr has fallen of your majesty."

"That old man has finally fallen huh."


Standing on a throne inside a giant three was an elf who wore a crown and a cape down from his back.

"Ten thousand years... it really took him that long to die. What a persistent old man."


"But in the end, I am still here standing. Hahahaha!"


"You! Call everyone, we are having a royak celebration."

"For what? Your Majesty?"

"What else! But none other than the victory of your King!"

"I will heed your orders. Everyone in the capital shall be in Yggdrasil by this evening."

The servant left the room and the King continued laughing.

"This is a great day! I shall call this day "The Glory Of The Old King."."