
Strongest Dungeon Boss on Vacation

In a peaceful and warm magical realm, there lies a concealed dungeon teeming with fearsome creatures that have never been seen before or been challenged. The mightiest heroes, fearsome demon kings, and strongest gods yearn to put their skills to the test against this renowned dungeon, only to be greeted by "Do not enter, Dungeon Boss on vacation.”

Notorious_911 · Fantasi
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26 Chs

Willard Wycliff

Emberon stood in the library of the Wycliff family mansion, surrounded by towering shelves filled with dusty books and manuscripts.

He scanned the rows of books, searching for the secrets he desired.

His mission had two parts: to uncover the stories of long-gone kingdoms and the techniques passed down by the Baron, which Emberon believed held the key to strengthening himself and his dungeon. He couldn't rely on his own powerful techniques, as they were too destructive.

"I am in the Fiorell kingdom," Emberon muttered to himself in the quiet library.

The Fiorell kingdom, ruled by a kind King, spanned a vast territory. It was a realm of vibrant cities, bustling marketplaces, and breathtaking natural wonders.

Within the Fiorell kingdom, there was a hierarchy of nobles. The powerful Dukes held great influence over the land, while the Barons presided over smaller territories. The Wycliff family was among the nobility, granted their Baron territory by their ancestors in this the Fiorell kingdom.

The Fiorell kingdom was immense, with a hundred thousand Baron territories scattered across its landscape. The sheer number was astonishing, highlighting the vastness of the kingdom.

In addition, there were other races living beyond the borders of the Fiorell kingdom. Emberon discovered that there was a world filled with different cultures, races, and realms. Distant lands housed beings of myth and legend.

Some races were allied with the Fiorell kingdom, while others held animosity towards it. Understanding these relationships would be crucial to Emberon's quest for power.

Furthermore, there were other human kingdoms parallel to Fiorell, each with their own customs, traditions, and territories. They were governed by their own kings and nobility, and their histories were intertwined with the tapestry of the world.

To Emberon, these kingdoms represented additional sources of knowledge, potential allies or enemies, and gateways to unexplored realms.

Emberon's determination grew stronger as he expanded his understanding of the world. He now had the means to explore uncharted territories, discover important locations with untold secrets, and venture into challenging dungeons. Acquiring this knowledge would not only empower Emberon but also strengthen his Dungeon.

Suddenly, Emberon heard something—a faint sound of footsteps, gradually growing louder and closer. Intrigued, he raised his head and scanned the room until his eyes landed on a figure emerging from the broken door.

The man, adorned in gleaming armor, walked forward with purpose, commanding attention.

Emberon's heart was calm not skipping a beat but he recognized him from his memories—the esteemed Baron Willard Wycliff, the father of the person whose identity Emberon had assumed in this world.

Behind the Baron, a retinue of knights followed, their armor clinking softly with each step. Among them stood a young man who bore no resemblance to the Baron, but there was a language implying a familiar familial bond. And there, amidst the group, was the butler—dressed impeccably in a suit that exuded refined elegance—whom Emberon had glimpsed earlier.

Composed and undeterred, Emberon calmly asked, "What do you want?"

His tone revealed neither surprise nor reverence, as he had his own purpose. The mundane matters of the Baron held little significance to him, even though he had assumed the role of the reincarnator's identity in this world.

Baron Willard's expression contorted, shifting from anger to a deeper, more intense wrath. His furrowed brows, fiery eyes, and clenched jaw demonstrated the Baron's potent mix of authority and indignation.

"You impudent child!" the Baron seethed, his voice dripping with disdain. "How dare you speak to me in such a manner?"

His words lashed out like a whip, unleashing his righteous anger upon Emberon. The Baron's rage, fueled by Emberon's casual address, surged forth, creating a heavy pressure in the entire library room.

As Baron Willard observed Emberon's unconcerned expression, his anger intensified. He was furious and shouted, "You always think only of yourself! You foolish child! Don't you understand how dangerous it is out there? There are perilous magical creatures lurking and rising beyond our well-guarded territory, and their numbers have increased recently, and yet..."

"You dared to venture outside and act like nothing happened!?"

The Baron pointed to the determined and patriotic young man standing next to him.

"Look at him," the Baron said firmly. "He is the example you should follow, the perfect citizen."

The young man felt a sudden embarrassment, but his face retained a determined and dedicated expression, clearly showing his commitment.

In the eyes of the Baron, he was the complete opposite of his useless son—a symbol of strength and responsibility.

The Baron didn't hold back as he scolded his son, speaking harshly in an attempt to awaken a sense of responsibility in him.

"You should have acted like him!" he exclaimed, disappointment and frustration evident in his voice. "Or better yet, you should have been a well-behaved child instead of causing problems for everyone!"

The Baron's tone was unforgiving, emphasizing the seriousness of his son's actions and his own disappointment.

As the Baron reprimanded Lord Emberon, Lord Emberon's gaze briefly shifted to the young man standing next to Baron Willard.

Emberon couldn't help but observe the person who had earned the Baron's favor and admiration. The young man's appearance reflected his character—steady and determined.

His eyes displayed determination and a commitment to protect and serve, while the lines on his face revealed strength and maturity beyond his years, a testament to the hardships he had overcome.

Meanwhile, Lord Emberon was not ignorant of the situation.

Back on Earth, the reincarnator faced a tragic backstory. He endured constant bullying at school, causing him pain and distress. Fate intervened when his mother, who was a compassionate teacher at the same school, chose to become a teaching assistant to the bully, despite being aware of the torment her own son faced.

Feeling betrayed, the reincarnator believed he couldn't defeat the bully on his own, and now even his mother was siding with his tormentor.

The trust between mother and child became strained, and their once peaceful family became tense. The reincarnator started questioning why his mother had chosen to support the bully as a teaching assistant.

However, his mother provided an explanation for her actions. She saw the bully as someone in need of compassion due to their troubled upbringing, dysfunctional family, and tragic life.

To the reincarnator, it felt like a significant betrayal.

In the depths of frustration and anguish, the reincarnator mustered the courage to talk to his mother. He warned her that her plan to help the person tormenting him would irreparably damage their relationship and that she would be dead to him.

Unfortunately, his heartfelt plea was not taken seriously by his mother, who thought he was joking. She failed to understand the pain he was experiencing.

In that moment, he felt a profound despair, as if he desired nothing more than to cease to exist. He couldn't comprehend why his mother cared more about his bully than her own child and was willing to break their bond for the sake of someone else.

Consequently, he decided to distance himself from his mother, blocking out her voice and presence. Even his father, who could see the growing divide, disapproved and punished the reincarnator by confiscating his belongings a

nd grounding him, hoping it would compel him to reconcile with his mother.