
Strongest Dungeon Boss on Vacation

In a peaceful and warm magical realm, there lies a concealed dungeon teeming with fearsome creatures that have never been seen before or been challenged. The mightiest heroes, fearsome demon kings, and strongest gods yearn to put their skills to the test against this renowned dungeon, only to be greeted by "Do not enter, Dungeon Boss on vacation.”

Notorious_911 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs


[ Please choose your perks:

A. Once outside, the host can summon a dragon pet on the same level and allow it to grow alongside the host's new body outside, as long as it consumes human flesh.

B. Once outside, the host will wield a magical dragon sword that grows stronger with every drop of human blood it tastes.

C. Once outside, the host can collect and capture magical beasts, gradually expanding, strengthening, and evolving the dungeon.

D. Once outside, the host can exert control over weaker humans for seven seconds like robots if they are ever subdued by the host. ]


Looking at the system perks, lord Emberon did not say anything, but instead he just stepped forward.

He walked with a distinctive style, moving slowly and calmly. His steps were graceful and composed, as if he enjoyed every moment of walking.

He moved with precision, as if time slowed down around him. With unhurried yet purposeful strides, he created an aura of tranquility that caught the attention of everyone who saw him.

"I can finally get out," he whispered, his voice filled with warmth.

The system's relentless buzz seemed insignificant compared to the overwhelming surge of excitement coursing through his veins. His anticipation demanded precedence, drowning out all other distractions.

Standing before his room's entrance, he considered the idea that now the mission was complete, he could venture beyond these walls. With that thought firmly in mind, he made a resolute decision.

Lord Emberon maintained his steady pace. He moved purposefully, ascending the stairs from the third floor to the second, then to the first, without informing or seeing all his loyal guardians.

Seeing the system screen, still displaying an array of enticing perks, he chose to remain silent.

The allure of the rewards couldn't deter him from his current path. He pressed forward, until his steps took him to a random corner in the first floor where knights and Palest emerged earlier.

There, Lord Emberon positioned himself.

Amidst the anticipation, the sudden resounding of the system shattered the silence, disrupting the tranquility of the moment.


Without warning, something materialized from the shadows beside Lord Emberon, and the system screen that shows the perks.

[ Would you like to get out of the dungeon? ]

Lord Emberon nodded.

After nodding, Lord Emberon's vision blurred, and he felt body was being pulled. The transition overwhelmed him with awe and trepidation. The dim candle light flickered, casting elongated shadows that twisted like specters.

Soon, the view of his vision changed.

Before him stretched a breathtaking panorama of lush, green meadows, vibrant wildflowers, and towering ancient oaks. The air resounded with the melodious trill of songbirds, the rustle of leaves, and the distant murmur of a brook.

The scent of earth and foliage delicately perfumed the breeze, carrying whispers of distant lands.

Lord Emberon stood rooted, overwhelmed by the magnificent sight before him. It was as if he had been transported to a realm untouched by weariness and strife. His responsibilities and burdens melted away, replaced by a profound sense of liberation and elation.

As the wind caressed his face, Lord Emberon felt a surge of vitality coursing through him. His body became one with the elements, and a joyous energy propelled him in an exuberant dance with the wind.

As Lord Emberon bathed in the sunlight, he suddenly felt a lightness permeate his body. When he glanced at his arms, he noticed their diminutive size, prompting him to ponder, "Is this the sensation of a human body of mine?"

In his human form, Lord Emberon discovered an intricate connection between his mind and body, where each sensation intertwined with thoughts and emotions.

With a delicate touch, he could discern the texture of a velvety petal of his skin, tracing its contours with a tenderness. Thus, he was fully immersed in the complex tapestry of the new human body he got, with the kaleidoscope of sensations enveloping his entire being.

At that time, while enjoying the view and his new body, Lord Emberon heard another notification.

[ Warning:

Once the dungeon was intruded upon, if the last dungeon boss was not present and the intruders reached the fourth floor, the dungeon would be considered conquered. And a new dungeon boss would emerge in time, and the missing dungeon boss would disappear forever. ]

Lord Emberon knitted his brow.

After reading it carefully, he felt frustrated and confused, "I could die just going outside? Here?" he wanted to say and think this is unfair, but a sense of helplessness crept in.

'Maybe I read it wrong?' He convinced himself.

He meticulously examined the warning before him, focusing on the intricate details of the message again. Each word etched itself into his mind, he didn't misread anything.

He let out a heavy sigh, resigning himself to the situation.

"There's nothing I can do," Lord Emberon muttered, bitterness in his voice. His hands clenched into fists, his knuckles turning white as he grappled with reality.

"Going outside is better than waiting for luck," he reasoned, determined out of necessity.

With newfound resolve, Lord Emberon looked beyond the horizon and forest.

The sight was still serene.

The gentle sway of trees and vibrant hues of flowers painted a picture of tranquility.

A flicker of a smile danced upon his lips.

"Now, what do I do?" Lord Emberon pondered aloud, his voice barely audible against nature's symphony. His eyes scanned the boundless blue sky, searching for an answer.

Yet, before Lord Emberon could fully immerse himself in contemplation, the system rudely interrupted his train of thought once again.


[ Abilities downloaded.

1. Innate draconic regeneration.

2. Dragon Claw.

3. Dragon Breath.

4. Dragon Combat Art.

1. Name: Cron Wycliff (?)

2. Health: 100.

3. Level: 5 (Cannot Level up)

4. Status: Healthy.

5. Innate: Core transformation( 10 seconds) and Draconic pressure.

5. Mana: 100/100. ]

Emberon, a discerning creature, always approached his readings at his own pace. If he wants it slow, he shall, if fast, he shall make it fast.

His eyes slowly moved across the text, familiar of his own skills.

An expression of satisfaction adorned Emberon's face.

His face, sculpted with sharp angles and framed by a mane of midnight-black hair, exuded contentment. The lines on his forehead and the subtle curve of his lips spoke volumes about his gratification.

However, amidst his self-assured thoughts, Emberon's attention was caught by a peculiarity, "Level five?"

The text he was perusing mentioned levels or leveling.

His eyes narrowed, and his gaze fixated on the words, dissecting their implications with meticulous scrutiny.

"Cannot level up?" he murmured, his voice tinged with incredulity.

In that moment, the series of resounding sound of the system echoed through the air.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Soon a new message appeared.

The system's message, delivered with unwavering dead tonality.

[ As a dungeon Lord in soul, the host will be denied the conventional path of leveling up, that privilege only granted to mere mortals. Instead, host's ascension to greater heights could only be achieved through a more sinister means—a path paved with the blood of intruders who dared venture into the host's dungeon. ]