
Strongest Dungeon Boss on Vacation

In a peaceful and warm magical realm, there lies a concealed dungeon teeming with fearsome creatures that have never been seen before or been challenged. The mightiest heroes, fearsome demon kings, and strongest gods yearn to put their skills to the test against this renowned dungeon, only to be greeted by "Do not enter, Dungeon Boss on vacation.”

Notorious_911 · Fantasi
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26 Chs

Lord Emberon

In a dark and mysterious cave, massive stone structures inspired both awe and fear. Intricate designs, resembling ethereal dragons, adorned the rough surfaces, concealing ancient stories in mystery.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Occasionally, the ground shook, and a cry erupted, echoing through the darkness.

"Oh no!"

Despair marked the face of an unknown boy. Fear and anguish twisted his features, wordlessly expressing his emotions.

"No! No! No!" he shouted, his voice strained and desperate, each syllable carrying the weight of his shattered beliefs.

"This can't be! It's a new dungeon! This creature shouldn't appear and be awake now!"

His fervent denial reverberated off the cave walls, a plea to reject the unthinkable that he made a big mistake happened, or whatever is happening isn't real.

"I'm a system user! I'm a system user!"

Deep in his soul, he clung to a flicker of hope, believing in his destiny to transcend ordinary existence, reach the pinnacle of being, and create legends with his newly awakened system still exist.

But before his anguished cries could subside, a voice filled with contempt and authority pierced through the air.


The voice thundered, commanding and imposing, sending shivers down the boy's spine.

In that moment, the boy froze, overwhelmed by suffocating terror. He cast a wary glance over his shoulder, his body tensing with apprehension. He sensed a presence lurking behind him, without needing to turn his head completely.

With closed eyes, he muttered, his voice trembling with disbelief, "No, this can't be real! It didn't happen like this both in the series or in the game. He's supposed to be asleep, along with everyone else. And why is he the only one awake?"

Tears streamed down his face as he desperately wished for a way to change the situation.

A sudden realization sparked in his mind, like a lightbulb turning on.

"Could this be the butterfly effect? The chain reaction they talk about? Does it mean I can still reason with this? Right! I can still negotiate and continue my journey!" he whispered, clinging to the hope that this nightmare wasn't real.

"I'm hungry," the creature interrupted, interrupting the boy's desperate thoughts.

As it spoke, a gaping, snake-like mouth opened wide behind it, mirroring the widening of the boy's eyes in horror.

He tried to protest, "Wait, let me-" but his words were cut short. The monstrous jaws descended upon him, devouring his head and upper body in one swift motion.

Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!

The bone-crushing sounds reverberated, sending shivers down the spines of all who heard it.

And as the bones made a final crushing sound, the sickening noise finally stopped.

Only the lower half of the boy's body remained on the ground, while the rest dissolved into nothingness.

From the shadows emerged a figure, taking on a human-like shape.


This being possessed remarkable features—a flowing mane of white hair, a face radiating captivating handsomeness, and two dark horns on his forehead and two more horizontal horns at the back. His eyes, a serene shade of gray, held a unique blend of detachment and intensity.

As the figure's gaze fell upon the lifeless remains, genuine curiosity crossed his expression.

"Hmm, interesting," he silently mused.

"So these creatures evolve into me and the floor guardians during my slumber? But there's something different about this one, a flavor that sets it apart from those I've encountered in the past."

He suddenly touched his chin with his claw-like finger.

"It was saying something too that I cannot understand... And he doesn't have horns like me and the others."

Finding solace in the comforting embrace of the shadows, the humanoid figure closed his eyes, deliberately seeking tranquility.

After a moment, a subtle vibration seemed to emanate from him, causing the air to ripple gently. Time appeared to slow down, as if accommodating the creature's presence.

Eventually, the figure's lips parted, and he spoke softly, his eyes tightly shut.

"Did they fall asleep too?"

Memories flooded his mind, vivid images of his rise to power within the cave. He had triumphed over his adversaries, establishing his dominance, only to be unexpectedly engulfed in darkness.

Initially, he believed it to be his demise, but now he was certain it had merely been a deep slumber that had gripped him.

He worried intensely about the possibility of others surpassing or eliminating him while he was unconscious or he was asleep. However, he hadn't anticipated that everyone in the cave would fall into the same unexplained sleep too, which was quite peculiar.

"Why did we all fall asleep?" he silently wondered, his curiosity sparked by the mysterious event.

As he felt the body of the deceased creature beneath him, he stared at it and he pondered its significance.

"And why did this creature wake up alongside me? It's not as strong as I am, and considerably weaker than the others that I spared, did he escape my wrath when I killed everyone from this fourth floor to the lowest floor and is one of the survivors?" he thought, keeping his eyes closed.

Slowly, he opened his eyes and declared, "Maybe I'll know if I wake them up!"

His voice boomed, echoing through the silent darkness of the cave.

Soon, he opened his mouth, and his humanoid mouth transformed into a serpentine shape with a thousand needle-sharp teeth, initiating the process of sucking in the air.

A tremendous roar erupted from him, breaking the stillness and reverberating through the cavern.


The primal, earth-shaking display of dominance echoed through the cave levels, resonating with his sheer presence.

After noticing the distinct flavors, scents, and textures of the creature below or he had consumed upon awakening, the humanoid figure became curious.

It sparked a burning desire in him to uncover the origins of this mysterious creature. He refused to remain ignorant of its nature, sensing its connection to the cause of their shared peculiar slumber.

Determined to find answers, he decided to awaken the others from their deep sleep and seek their help in unraveling the enigmas that surrounded them.


Before long, the cave began to tremble with a powerful force, causing the chamber to shake.

The sound of pounding reverberated through the walls, growing louder and more intense with each passing moment.

Tudub! Tudub! Tudub! 

Suddenly, roars erupted, starting with one voice that multiplied into a deafening chorus.


The cave transformed into a symphony of primal fury, its echoes filling every corner.


Amidst the escalating chaos, the humanoid figure stood tall, projecting an aura of composed strength. With unwavering focus, he maintained a calm posture, his gaze fixed ahead, as if piercing the darkness.

Radiating an undeniable sense of unwavering determination, his look and his presence alone reassured those around him that he would remain steadfast in the face of any challenges and obstacles.

Suddenly, a resounding bang echoed through the cavern, shattering the noise and filling the space with a powerful echo.


Emerging from the darkness, figures gradually took shape, stepping into the soft glow of dim light.

Among them was an unassuming man with a calm demeanor and pale skin, without any armor. He looked ordinary, except for three gentle horns protruding from his head.

Standing beside him was a towering barbarian woman, exuding strength and vitality. Her muscular figure emphasized her raw power, and two prominent horns adorned her forehead, enhancing her formidable presence.

Completing the trio was a man dressed in weathered dragon skin armor, displaying a sense of ancient wisdom. A single horn proudly adorned his head, symbolizing his experience and knowledge.

Together, the three figures knelt before the humanoid creature, their heads bowed in a display of deep respect.

Their voices rose as one, a united proclamation that echoed through the cave, "We greet Lord Emberon."

Emberon glanced at the trio, his trusted floor guardians responsible for overseeing different levels under his command. 

Thornhelm, Hornbreaker, and Steelteeth stood before him, playing crucial roles in maintaining harmony and order.

Emberon wasted no time and addressed them directly. 

"I know all three of you were in a deep slumber along with your minions, but can any of you recognize him?" 

Emberon pointed towards the lifeless body on the floor.

The trio followed Emberon's gaze, closely observing the deceased corpse. Its skin appeared smooth and lifeless, unlike the creatures they were familiar with. Nevertheless, they examined it intently, closing their eyes and focusing to detect any lingering scent.

Emberon believed that the trio possessed a keen sense of smell capable of detecting even the faintest traces of the creature he had consumed. If they could identify it as one of their minions, their years of overseeing the floors would confirm that this corpse had no connection to their slumber. However, if they failed to recognize it, the mystery surrounding the lifeless form would deepen.

After a thoughtful pause, Emberon's expression grew serious as he awaited a response from the three floor guardians. .

Time seemed to stretch on, and their lack of reaction became apparent. A furrow appeared between Emberon's brows, conveying his concern.

Finally, the guardians opened their eyes and exchanged glances before turning to Emberon. They nodded, silently communicating their shared confusion. 

"We don't know who or what that creature is, Lord Emberon," they admitted with uncertainty in their voices.

Suddenly, Emberon's composed demeanor masked the inner turmoil he felt. He had not anticipated their answer, yet it offered him no closer understanding. The puzzle only grew more perplexing in his mind.

Expressing his frustration, Emberon voiced his bewilderment and questioned why they had been put into such a prolonged slumber, how the unknown creature found its way to the fourth floor, what its purpose was within the cave, where did this creature come from and the purpose of their own slumber.

As seasoned warriors, Emberon and the others knew that an extended slumber could be dangerous and potentially cost them their lives. They were accustomed to brief periods of rest, and the experience of this prolonged slumber heightened their awareness of its potential dangers.

So they are aware that they had a long slumber and their bodies are not used to it.

"Just what is going on?" 

Emberon pondered these questions, interrupted abruptly by a sudden interjection. 

He was caught off guard, momentarily taken aback by the unfamiliar glowing markings, lines, and symbols in front of him. His eyes widened, reflecting surprise and curiosity.

And with that, a mechanical voice resounded, breaking the silence of the cave.


[System integrated.]

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