
Strongest Dungeon Boss on Vacation

In a peaceful and warm magical realm, there lies a concealed dungeon teeming with fearsome creatures that have never been seen before or been challenged. The mightiest heroes, fearsome demon kings, and strongest gods yearn to put their skills to the test against this renowned dungeon, only to be greeted by "Do not enter, Dungeon Boss on vacation.”

Notorious_911 · Fantasi
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26 Chs

Gray flame devastation

Baron Willard and his wife Sophia, surrounded by their trusted knights, watched with fear as Devin's sword suddenly burst into flames, illuminating the room. 


The flames danced around Devin, revealing his status as a Blazing Magic Knight.

As the realization sank in, awe and concern filled the faces of those present. 

Baron Willard felt a mix of fear for his son's safety. 

He wondered whether to intervene and protect his son, but when he turned to Wallace, he froze up again. 

Wallace stood defiantly, showing no fear, his expression did not even change. It was the same when Baron Willard looked at him earlier. 

In fact, it was deadly calm to the point that Baron Willard felt even more fearful of that. 

Wallace's determined gaze met Devin's fiery eyes, sending shivers through the onlookers. 

Without warning, Baron Willard took his wife and carried her, and then he sprinted far away. He wanted to ensure that she wouldn't be affected by the Burning effect of the Blazing Magical Knight's innate ability before putting her down. 

They watched from a distance, maintaining a safe distance.

Sophia, unable to contain her anguish, trembled beside her husband and cried out, tears streaming down her face. 

"What are you doing?!" she exclaimed. 

"He's your son! 

"Are you going to let him die at the hands of that Magic Knight?"

Her words hung heavily in the air, filled with heartbreak and accusation. 

Sophia's eyes burned with intensity, reflecting her sense of betrayal. 

She believed her husband favored Devin over their true child, Wallace, driven by ambition and power. Now, she felt he cast a shadow over their once-unbreakable bond. 

Baron Willard remained silent, confirming Sophia's suspicions. In her eyes, he had become a heartless, greedy person willing to sacrifice their own child for personal gain, for status! 

Overwhelmed by rage, pain, and maternal instinct, Sophia could no longer control her emotions. Hatred smoldered in her eyes as tears mixed with her fiery gaze. 

She realized her husband's treachery had shattered their once-perfect union, so she stepped forward to come to her son's side.

Seeing his wife's turmoil and was about to go back, Baron Willard could only sighed helplessly. 

"Look at our son," he whispered as he stopped her by pulling her dress back, feeling resigned. 

"Does he look like he needs our help?"

Sophia's gaze shifted to Wallace, who stood unwavering, facing the blazing magic knight with determination. 

This sight shocked Sophia. 

Despite the danger and Devin's overwhelming power, her son remained deadly calm and fearless.

"What is going on?" 

Meanwhile, facing Devin, Lord Emberon was supposed to attack Devin when Devin had his eyes closed.

Only for the system to give him a notification, and it's a mission.

[ Ding!


A. Defeat the foe, Blazing Magic Knight Devin Holler, without using dungeon Lord Emberon's ability.

B. Torture the foe, Blazing Magic Knight Devin Holler, before defeating him without using dungeon Lord Emberon's ability.

C. Defeat the foe, Blazing Magic Knight Devin Holler, using dungeon Lord Emberon's ability.

D. Torture the foe, Blazing Magic Knight Devin Holler, before defeating him using dungeon Lord Emberon's ability. ]

Seeing the choices, Lord Emberon just rolled his eyes.

He likes to fight in an unfavorable situation, but he is not a fool, and he is not the type to hold back even when facing an ant. 


That is only for people who have something wrong in their heads.

Under the watchful gaze of everyone, Baron Willard, Sophia, and the knights who had retreated alongside their Baron, Devin's body suddenly erupted with a fiery glow.

Now his whole body looks like he is engulfed in flames.

Soon, he shot forward with blinding speed, leaving a sizzling trail behind him like a comet streaking across the night sky.

But amidst the spectacle of Devin's fiery display, a sense of unease settled within his heart as he looked at the ever-calm and unusually cold Wallace. 

There was something about Wallace in front of him that he had never seen in the past when he was bullying Wallace. It made Devin shiver, a feeling that something was terribly wrong.

Initially, when that unknown fear had gripped his heart, Devin had found comfort in his transformation into a Blazing Magic Knight. He believed that his newly awakened power would conquer his fear.

However, as he stared into Wallace's icy expression now, he couldn't shake the foreboding sensation that his fears were about to return with even greater intensity.

Meanwhile, Wallace swiftly maneuvered his body with calculated precision and forcefully threw his shield and sword at him.

Swoof! Swoof! 

The sequence of actions seemed to stretch on endlessly, each movement executed with careful deliberation. 

Devin, however, his scorching forcefield effortlessly melted the shield and sword upon contact, like dry leaves thrust into the eerie flames.

However, what truly made it feels weird to Devin and the crowd was why did Wallace threw his shield and sword? 

In a knight duel or any combat situation, it is generally considered foolish to throw away one's shield and sword because these are essential tools for defense and offense. 

Throwing away the shield and sword in a knight duel would deprive the knight of their primary means of defense, offense, and strategic advantage. 

It would be considered a reckless and ill-advised action that could lead to defeat and potential harm.

But then, in a moment that caught Devin off guard, Wallace's voice cut through the chaos.

"Do you like fire that much?

"I'll give you a fire that you love!"

The words carried a mysterious meaning that Devin couldn't grasp. 

Before he could respond, Wallace took a deep breath, seemingly drawing in the essence of the surrounding air.


With a powerful exhale, he released a breath that transformed into gray flames, twisting and writhing like ethereal phantoms born from smoke and shadows in Devin's eyes.

As soon as Devin clashed with the gray flames erupting from Wallace's mouth, the atmosphere became heavy with anticipation. 

It felt like the world itself held its breath, waiting for the spectacle to unfold. 

Baron Willard, Sophia and every knight around, filled with fear, prepared themselves for what they knew was coming, they could even hear their own heart beating.

Time seemed to slow down as the two opposing forces collided with a deafening roar. 


Devin, a newly awakened Blazing Magic Knight, seemed ready to defy the malevolent gray fire with his own sun flame and strike Wallace's vulnerable neck. 

The crowd, holding their breath and on edge, eagerly awaited the decisive moment.

However, to their astonishment, when Devin's blade met the swirling gray inferno, something inexplicable happened. 

In an instant, he was engulfed in gray flames along with his own yellow flames around his body, it was as if the sun was devoured by a massive gray cloud. 


It wasn't just an embrace of fire; it was a transformation into the embodiment of the very flames that sought to consume him along with his yellow flame as a Blazing Magic Knight.

Soon, the relentless gray inferno continued its advance, devouring everything in its path. 


It showed no mercy, reducing the sturdy walls of the training ground to feeble ashes. 

The flames stretched out like serpents, claiming the surrounding vegetation as their prey. The once vibrant trees succumbed to the gray fire, reduced to charred remnants.

Then, in a cataclysmic climax, an explosion shook the air. 


The force was so devastating that it defied comprehension. 

The shockwave shattered eardrums and sent witnesses sprawling to the ground from the sheer concussive force, Baron immediately held on to his dear wife to protect her from the explosion, while the other knights were unprepared, thrown in distance!

The landscape bore the scars of the explosion's wrath. 

The ground was torn apart, its surface ruptured by the release of the gray energy. 

The once proud trees were uprooted and scattered like broken twi


The air itself seemed to tremble under the weight of the devastation, as if the natural order had been disrupted, and still keeping the air around them twisted.