
Strongest Dungeon Boss on Vacation

In a peaceful and warm magical realm, there lies a concealed dungeon teeming with fearsome creatures that have never been seen before or been challenged. The mightiest heroes, fearsome demon kings, and strongest gods yearn to put their skills to the test against this renowned dungeon, only to be greeted by "Do not enter, Dungeon Boss on vacation.”

Notorious_911 · Fantasi
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26 Chs

Craving for thrill of combat

Lord Emberon felt a sudden jolt as a loud noise filled the air, shaking him and disrupting his peaceful surroundings.

The noise, like thunder, echoed and disturbed his senses, causing him to frown and lose his composure.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

He cautiously left the cavern, focusing his eyes on the source of the disturbance. Looking through a narrow opening, he saw a strange and surreal scene that he couldn't fully comprehend.

Huge creatures, resembling worms with metal hammer heads, were engaged in a fierce battle. Each clash produced sparks and shook the ground beneath Emberon's feet.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

As he watched the massive beings fighting, he realized that they were unaware of his presence, completely absorbed in their own conflict.

Emberon's mind raced as he considered what he should do about these creatures before him.

Should he just erase them?

After all, they are disturbing his sleep.

Or should he just let them go?

He knew that these two wouldn't take that long.

His new body, though he was still unfamiliar, he is still confident that he could use all his special skills.

With those special skills, he could defeat these formidable enemies, despite their immense size, which he estimated to be at least level nine or ten.

Suddenly, a holographic screen appeared beside him, accompanied by a pleasant chime.

[ Ding!

Two unidentified creatures detected!

Would you like to engage in combat with them? ]

Emberon's curiosity was aroused, and adrenaline surged through his veins.

The system's proposition excited him.

Without hesitation, he nodded with determination and replied, "Yes, let me confront these creatures that disturbed my sleep directly and put an end to these insolent fools."

Emberon was no fool; he knew well how the systems of reincarnator worked.

Though uncertain, Emberon believed that defeating these colossal entities would reveal the answers he sought.

He understood from the reincarnator's memories that systems often held hidden secrets, waiting to be discovered, and his own system might be no different.

Soon, the system made another sound.

[ Ding!

Combat commence now! ]

The words filled the air, announcing the imminent battle.

The anticipation grew as the two giant hammer-headed worms, their monstrous bodies oozing with malice, turned their attention to Lord Emberon.

The creatures opened their grotesque mouths, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth covered in a sickly green slime.

It was a horrifying sight, but what was even more unsettling were the screams that came from their throats.


The screams were otherworldly, high-pitched yet devoid of real sound, as if their essence had been drained and replaced with a hollow resonance.

[ The two unknown creatures used Forest prey growl! ]

Lord Emberon stood tall and resolute, feeling the anguished screams resonate in his bones.

He felt his body felt weak.


[ The host body was affected by the paralyzation effect! ]

Although he was affected by their scream, Lord Emberon sensed their hunger for superiority. But instead of being frightened, he grew even more determined.

"These two disturbed me and dared to scream at my face," he muttered with a knitting brow.

Lord Emberon's face tightened, his eyes narrowed, and his jaw clenched with a resolve that could ignite the heavens. It was a deadly look, a visage that spoke volumes without words.

Just as the tension peaked, a notification appeared next to Lord Emberon.

[ Ding!

Innate ability Draconic pressure activated! ]

The words appeared on the screen, Emberon was taken aback.

"I have forgotten this ability, how come?" he murmured, his voice tinged with questions, disbelief and excitement.

Looking at the two creatures who stopped fighting and were now slithering towards him, Lord Emberon only felt excitement instead of dread.

"Will I experience the exhilaration of true battle again?" He added. Still in disbelief.

Memories rushed into his mind, of a time when he was not the unstoppable force or the dungeon's strongest and mightiest boss he had become.

He remembered numerous encounters with near death situations, moments when victory had seemed impossible and everything on his side was unfavorable.

Like his level is lower, he was exhausted, size disadvantage and so on…

Yet, through sheer will and unwavering determination, he had defied fate time and time again, rising from the ashes like a reborn phoenix.

It was this ability that helped him get through those tough times, it would only get activated if he was in an unfavorable situation or if the enemies are stronger than him.

With this ability activated, he knew he had a significant advantage. His mere presence would cause the enemies special effects on their attacks nullified.

So now, the tingling and paralyzation feeling he felt, disappeared in that instant!

Before his ability took effect, Lord Emberon's eyes narrowed with determination.

He felt a surge of excitement and readiness for combat. He had long wanted to escape, but now, with the urging of the system, in this intense moment, he couldn't help but express his desire to experience true combat again.

"I will experience true combat again!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement and a hint of nervousness.

The words poured out, carrying the weight of his unquenchable thirst for battle.


The air filled with the screams of the two grotesque creatures facing him. Lord Emberon's instincts kicked in, and he gracefully backflipped, avoiding their attack.


His mind raced as he analyzed the situation.

He possessed many abilities from his last boss dungeon form, but in this dead of the night where there may be more of these creatures and other threats, he needed to be careful of using those abilities, and he had no knowledge of the powers of these two hammer headed creatures.

It was because Lord Emberon's mortal form now possessed the mysterious Mana that others had unlike his dungeon form.

Using his abilities too often would deplete his Mana reserves, leaving him vulnerable to future threats.

He quickly scanned the environment for any tools or weapons that could help him, all while keeping an eye on the advancing creatures.

To his disappointment, he found nothing useful, only frustration.

"That reincarnator left me without even a sword, and only these useless clothes," Lord Emberon for the first time complained quietly, showing annoyance and resignation.

Left with no other option, he resorted to the simplest of weapons—a rock or stone.

Lord Emberon positioned himself, ready to throw the rock. He adjusted his grip, ensuring a firm hold. The two worms approached slowly, concealing their powerful attacks. But Lord Emberon's reflexes were sharp from his past battles before he became the dungeon boss.

With a swift motion, he launched the rock through the air, his arm extending precisely.


The rock flew directly toward its target—a vulnerable, jelly-like stomach of one of the worms. It made a sickening impact, causing one of the creatures to recoil in pain, releasing a high pitched shriek.


Lord Emberon's heart raced.


[ One of the two unidentified creatures used regeneration. ]