
Strongest Butler in the Pokémon world

A Pokémon fan reincarnates and a series of events cause him to become a butler and a Pokémon master

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5 Chs

Chapter 2: A New Family

Years went by and Chrono had grown into a young boy. He had lived in the Slumbering Woods for as long as he could remember, and he was no longer just surviving, but thriving with the help of his psychic Pokemon family. They had taken him in and taught him how to harness his psychic potential. Over the years, Chrono's powers had grown, and he had formed a close bond with the creatures that had become his new family.

One day, as he was meditating with his Pokemon family, he felt a strange pull towards a mirage that appeared before him. The psychic Pokemon by his side encouraged him to follow the pull, sensing the potential for something extraordinary. Chrono's powers were strongest when he was with his Pokemon, and together they stepped into the mirage.

As they entered, they were transported to a world filled with Pokemon of all shapes and sizes. The world was stunning, filled with vibrant colors and sounds that Chrono had never experienced before. He saw Pokemon that he had never seen before, and he felt a deep connection with them.

It was then that Chrono encountered Alakazam, Cresselia, Gardevoir, and other powerful psychic Pokemon. They welcomed him and his Pokemon family, and they soon became inseparable. These Pokemon became his new family, teaching him the ways of the mirage and helping him hone his psychic abilities.

Chrono spent his days exploring the mirage, training his powers, and bonding with his new family. He discovered that the Pokemon in this world were far more advanced in their psychic abilities and had a deeper connection to each other. He was amazed at what he could achieve with his newfound family by his side.

With the guidance of his psychic Pokemon family, Chrono became a powerful trainer, mastering the art of harnessing his psychic potential. He was ready for the adventures that awaited him, and he was determined to become the greatest psychic trainer the world had ever seen.

As the sun set and the stars came out, Chrono sat with his family, feeling grateful for all that he had. He closed his eyes, imagining all the adventures that awaited him, and he smiled, knowing that he was finally home. He had left behind his old life, but he had gained a new one filled with love, adventure, and the magic of Pokemon.

But little did he know, his life was about to change once again.