
A day passed quickly and the heaven domain ship arrived in time. It stopped at the outskirts of the immortal city. The ship was almost half the size of the city.

When Ye Mo and them left the city with the management, the entered the ship from below. It took only a few minutes for the ship to begin flying again once Ye Mo and them entered.

After the management left, a great unity immortal led them on the ship. He scanned them and said, "Welcome to the Tang Feng Heaven Domain ship, because you bought low grade tickets you can only stay at the low grade deck. The rent of each room is 100k immortal crystals a year…"

"Huh…"one abstruse immortal tertiary stage was shocked and asked, "Qian bei, we've already paid the ticket, why do we need to pay rent?"

The great unity immortal frowned and his tone suddenly went cold. "You mean that after you paid those few immortal crystals you can stay here for free and use the immortal spirit chi for free?"