
The Following Morning

Philip's Mom, Nancy, didn't know why her son was so energetic this morning. Usually, she would need to pull off his covers after calling him a few times for breakfast, but not today. He was up and dressed, walking to the kitchen just as she was about to call for him. He sat down with a bright smile on his face. 'Did he not have any homework, yet?', 'Did he get himself a girlfriend?', she wondered. But before she could ask, once again he beat her to it and starting explaining his happiness so early in the morning.

**** Philips Explanation

Mom, you won't believe who I met yesterday. (His Mother gets home late, so he didn't have a chance to tell her anything.) She is a new student in the same grade as me. She is a cute little animal. In just one day she turned from a shy cute little kitten, into a venomous snake than into a wolverine. (His Mom looked upset at her son for calling a girl an animal, well kitten sounds cute, but why a snake or .....wolverine?) Seeing his Mom's upset questioning look, he quickly explained each incident with Gabriela.

Ok, Mom so let me explain, after shooting some hoops, I went to put the balls back. I didn't expect to walk in on a cute curious 'little kitten', I mean girl. It seemed like she was really into the sports equipment, that she didn't notice me walk in. So when I greeted her, she quickly changed from cute to defensive mode. Looking like a cat ready to attack if I had gotten any closer. I didn't mean to startle her, so I quickly put up my hands in defeat, telling her I meant her no harm. She lowered her stance. (Nancy was getting more and more curious about this new girl. 'Did she truly act like that or was her son exaggerating. Knowing how playful he is, she went with the latter thought.) We introduced ourselves and I asked if she knew where the Main office was. Since she already did, I just said ok and left to change clothes.

Then I saw her again in the cafeteria. I was excited to see her again since we don't have any morning classes together and I didn't see her at all, not even once in the hallways, after our morning meeting. So, you know me, Mom, always playing around. Well, it seems like Gabriela doesn't like to play around. Even though she knows me, well at least who am, I thought it would be ok to put my arm around her. (Leaving out the details on why he was being too playful'.) But before I could even touch her, she threw me on the ground and pinned me there. See just like a wolverine, small and cute but strong and aggressive. Then like a snake she seemed to be hissing at me as she told me not to touch her.

Nancy scolded him for being too playful and said he deserved it. (Although, she did think throwing him down was a bit much.) But just as her son has an interest in Gabriela, her curiosity also grew as she listened to her son describe the young girl. By the time Philip finished explaining and eating his breakfast, he got up running to leave the house. His Mom stopped him saying he should invite Gabriela over one day. He nodded in agreement before waving bye as he left. His Mom, Nancy, didn't know who Gabriela lived with, nor where she lived, only that she lived close by. She really wanted to meet her and her parents.


Philip arrived right before Gabriela at the intersection. They greeted each other then began their walk to school. Philip starting talking, after quite a few minutes of unbearable silence.

PHILIP: "It's a nice day today."

Gabriela: Although she remained silent, she began to look around her. Enjoying the pretty sunny day.

PHILIP: "Where are you from?"

Gabriela: "The City."

PHILIP: "If you don't mind, after school, I could take you to a convenience store close to school. They sell a small variety of items." (He hasn't seen her before school had started, so he thought she had just moved in.)

Gabriela: "No, thanks."

PHILIP: "Do you have things to do at home after school?"

Gabriela: "No."

Don't get me wrong. Gabriela does want to make friends. She just needs to work on her conversational skills. Although it seemed super easy to get along with Monica and Natalie, she is having a hard time with Philip, still a bit confused as to why he wanted to get close to her, despite how she treated him yesterday.

PHILIP: "Can we walk home together after school?"

Gabriela: "Why?" she looked at him out of the corner of her eyes to see his reaction.

PHILIP: "I enjoy walking with you." he said with a smile, glancing at her. (really wanted to say entertained, but didn't want to get her upset, knowing she doesn't fancy being teased)

Gabriela: Turning away, she simply stated: "We will see."

PHILIP: 'We will see? What does that mean? Does she think I will try to touch her, even though I said I won't unless she is ok with it?' While in his thoughts, he would glance back at Gabriela, only to see her looking straight ahead. 'Somebody must have betrayed her trust to be like this.'

PHILIP: "Do you study martial arts?"

Gabriela: "Self Defense. What about you?"

PHILIP: "Blue belt in Karate. You got me good yesterday. I was completely off guard. Remind me to not get you angry again." he said the last part playfully.

Gabriela: stopping, she looked at Philip.

Gabriela: "You are not mad at me, nor bullying me, instead you apologized to me, and now you are walking with me to school, why?"

PHILIP: Stopping as well, amazed to hear what she was thinking.

PHILIP: "You do not like nicknames, yet I still teased you and when you ignored my teasing, I went a bit too far with trying to put my arm around you and talk in your ear."

*A bit of a blush coming to his face, as it was embarrassing having to explain his actions to her.

PHILIP: "I was in the wrong, so I deserved it, well being thrown was a bit much, but well, now I know not to touch you. You won't have a reason to throw me down again if I don't touch you right?" he said matter-of-factly.

Gabriela: She stayed silent. 'People are good at talking. When we arrive at school many will be talking about me, maybe even ignoring me. He will most likely turn against me then too.' Saddening at the thought of him betraying her just like her previous friends.

Glancing at him once more, her sadness replaced with no emotion, before beginning to resume walking with him following beside her.

PHILIP: Stunned to see how her light green eyes filled with sadness for a brief moment before she went back to her straight face.

PHILP: Thoughts all in disarray, more questions popping up, 'What just happened? We were talking, she told me her true thoughts, I answered and then she got sad...why? Did my answer to her question make her sad? No, couldn't be since I told her I would do her no harm.....then why?'

Philip continued to struggle with the answer to his question of why she looked sad, as they continued their walk in silence.

After that, they both remained lost in their own thoughts, not daring to voice out their own questions. Getting closer to school, they could feel people staring at them. Some whispering to each other, while others just stared in amazement. Philip broke the silence by saying "See you later." before heading to class. Gabriela just thought, 'Later, yeah right.'