
Your Girlfriend Is Waiting

Early the next morning, Xin stretched a bit before groaning. Last night she had indulged too much and now she would have to pay the price. She hated hated hated the fact that she had to stay fit to dance well. And now all the greasy food that she had eaten needed to be burnt. Opening her overnight bag, she pulled out her workout clothes and changing into them, walked straight to the small gym room in Ru's house.  At least she could use the gym and did not have to go on a trail to run! She would do a simple thirty minute jog and then she was out of here for the day!

Sadly for her, someone had already hit the mat before her. "Why are you still not in bed?" She scowled at Ru who smiled back," I am going to go in early today. I want to see Min Min."

"You, Ru Long are a perverse bas****! I doubt Min Min will be able to come today to the office considering the difficult night he must have had. And now, get off that machine so that I can finish my set."