
New Dawn at Ringleaders

The thread of dawn stretched across the canvas of the sky; It was morning. On the trees along the cleared and beautiful pathway of the campus, birds sang melodiously, awaiting the arrival of the beautiful students in uniforms they've lived to behold along this way.

Even the creator of nature seemed pleased as he blessed the earth with a warm sun and calm breeze. The ambiance of the school didn't disappoint the beautiful energy from nature.

The familiar campus looked nothing like it used to on this pleasing morning. The buildings were painted classic white and navy blue. Unlike the cold and spooky vibe it gave off the last time, it looked rich and sophisticated this time. Broken windows and doors were fixed. The overgrown grasses was trimmed to fit in the field. The excessive tree branches were cut out. The offices and classrooms were given a thorough makeover, signifying a new beginning for everyone.