
Crush 10


I could've saved him….

The thought plagued my mind.

But I don't have any abilities.

He saved me during the accident. He was kind to me.

If only I had….if only I was not who I was…..

I could've saved him. Tried dying perhaps, against such a powerful right hand Shadow of Lord Zakhri.


I didn't even try.

As soon as the sun hid its face and darkness covered the surface of the earth, for weeks, my sleep had left me, as a thought like a worm wriggled inside my brain to get up and do something. It must've been my guilt, a large part of it while the smaller part being-

I stared down at my shoe.


I screwed my eyes shut and knocked on the door. It took a series of continuous knocks for the door to finally click open. I met a woman, who seemed to be around in her mid 40s or 50s. She had her curls on, and a cigar in between her lips, that were swollen and smudged with lipstick. She looked at me up and down then took a blow only to exhale it over my face. I coughed. Not to mention she was only wearing a brazier with a pencil skirt.

"Can't a human have sex in the middle of the day without any disturbance!!!?"

She yelled at me. I blushed at her words.

This is what you get for being selfish.


I racked my brain to say something when from behind her, a half naked man appeared, rubbing his chest which was filled with curly black hairs.


I quickly mumbled and turned around, about to leave when I knocked into somebody.

"Shit, sorry, are you okay?", I massaged my nose that was hurting bad and looked up to find the person I was trying to meet all this time, "Mom, oh god,don't stand there like that!"

"This is my house, don't run your mouth at me!!!!"


He tossed the bag of vegetables towards her, and she closed the door shut. I flinched at the use of such force and hid behind him.

"I'm so sorry about that. You ok?"

He looked down at me worried.

"Yes, I'm okay. Thank you"

Then he placed his finger on his chin and squinted his eyes.

"Hey, aren't you the same girl we met that night?"

I nodded my head, smiling softly.

"Correct. Ez, right? I remember"

He gave me a small smile and his countenance turned sullen again. An air of melancholy was wrapped around his soul. I brought my hand up and held his hand, confusingly so, he let me bring his hand up between us, allowing me to transfer some positive energy through hand holding.

His eyes widened and I smiled.

"Feeling better?"

He nodded his head, frowning.

"Why are you here?"

I sighed, not knowing where to begin.

"I'm sorry I…"

I closed my eyes shut and let the words flow out of my mouth. Who knew socializing took this much energy?

"Can I have some of your time, please? I'll explain everything then"

I could see the fight going over, in his eyes. He finally sighed and nodded his head. He looked tired, very exhausted.

I swallowed and led him to a secluded place near the bridge. From the bag I carried, I pulled out a box and gave a sandwich to him, having one for myself as well.

"Thank you"

He said. I nodded my head. For some time we just ate in silence then I sighed, not knowing from where to start. I sucked in a sharp breath.

"The monsters"


I stared at him and he looked at me.

"Can you see them?"

A pause. It felt like the longest. He looked confused, terrified and very confused.

"Look over there"

I pointed at a couple having an argument some few steps down from us. He looked at the direction then frowned.

"Can you see anything other than what others might see?"

He swallowed and nodded his head reluctantly. I smiled.

"That's because you have an ability, Ez. A superpower of some kind. Erzefirs. We call humans like you Erzefirs."

He narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth.

"Stop bullshiting, what do you think I am for me to believe some stories you made up easily? Are you mocking me?"

I quickly shook my head, grabbing his wrist to stop him from going away from there.

"Why don't you try and see for yourself?"

He turned to look at me.

"Go over there and touch the monster you see. All you have to do is let the energy seep into you and not fight against it"

He looked torn apart. I waited for him to decide patiently. He looked over from the quarrelling couple to me for a long time then he cursed and I smiled as he walked over to the couple. Hesitatingly so, he laid his hand upon where the monster was, I think behind the lady.

I watched as the couple stopped quarrelling and the girl nodding her head, then in the next moment they were hugging each other. He looked at me astonished with a gaping mouth and a trembling hand.

My smile widened in excitement as he walked closer towards me.


He asked.

"Like I told you, Erzefirs"

He gulped and furrowed his brow.

"I have a lot of things to tell you. Are you ready?"

He nodded his head, determination rising in his demeanour.


I looked around and went to a corner under the bridge. He followed and stood beside me. After making sure that there was nobody else in the area, I pulled out the vial with orange fumes and opened the lid.

He watched in awe as Pepe started forming slowly mid air. Pepe flapped its two small wings and circled around us, finally, a hint of light sparking in his otherwise dull honey brown eyes.

"Now, do you believe me?"

He nodded his head vigorously, trying to touch Pepe. Once he could catch it, he brought it to his chest and petted it.

"I can make one for you"

I suggested, seeing as how he looked jubilant at the moment. Then he got gloomy again. I rubbed his arm to soothe the nerves. I should've brewed some calming potion.

"I'll make one for him too, Once we get him out from Sheki Maithal's house"

He frowned.


I nodded my head.