
Strangest Kind Of Love

{COMPLETED} The King of the almighty South Empire holds a ball in courtesy of his daughter's birthday as an avenue for her to find a young man to marry because, he felt like he was going to die soon and he wanted to fulfill all his wishes on his bucket list before he actually kicked it. Which getting his daughter (Princess Rosaline) married to an eligible bachelor was apart of. 23 year old Princess Rosaline meets a fine young man -whom she names Mr. Good Looks - at a bar in a drunken state the night of the ball. She had ran away with the help of her personal maid and best friend (Mira) and her fianceé (Fredrick) who was a palace guard. Princess Rosaline had lost track of time and ended up getting to the palace after it was cancelled because the King found out about his daughter's absence. Rosaline is then forced to marry Prince Rexford. Prince of the Wearlof Empire. A powerful neighbouring Empire to the South Empire. He's chivalrous and let's not forget about his looks but little did she know about his little agendas. She crosses paths with Mr. Good Looks again and falls in love with him. A guy who she only saw at night and would sneak into her room and she wouldn't even know how he got in but, she never questioned him because she trusted him and all she knew about him was his name! Mr. Good Looks finally uncovers all his secrets to her and her entire world shook. She was finally able to connect all the dots and discover all about Prince Rexford. In a feud between love and power, there is a thin line of hatred. At least, all is fair in love and war...right? * Check out my other book titled Empress Of The Netherlands also on Webnovel. Author IG : lovetheexplorer

author_love_ · Fantasi
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89 Chs

Rebel Princess - Part 2

Rose blinked a few times trying to assimilate what she just heard.

"Ur joking right?" she said

"Nope, I'm as serious as ever"

"So, you're saying you're serious?"


"OMG! Mira?! You're the best! How...how is...ugh now, I'm at a loss of words. I'm so happy right now, I could just eat you up."

Then, she stood up and hugged Mira so tight, Mira could hardly breathe. Then, she whispered into her ear saying "Thank you. This means a lot to me. Even if my dad bought the whole world for me, it'll never amount to this"

"Your welcome"

They stood there for an immeasurable amount of time.

Fredrick was a guard at the palace. Mira and Fredrick had been dating for about two years. The relationship between Mira and Fredrick had also been benefiting Rose.

As a royal, one was not expected to leave the vicinity of the palace and if one was allowed to go out, they were expected to take at least an able-bodied guard with them.

As expected, Rose did not like that she was to stay in the palace 24/7 and when she was even allowed to go out, she was to take a guard with her to ensure she behaved properly in public.

She knew the protocols were for her safety but, she couldn't help but feel caged.

She just wanted to feel and be treated like a normal person even if it were just for a few minutes so, she devised a plan.

It took a lot of convincing but, her plan still worked.

Rose had convinced Mira to convince Fredrick to let her sneak out unsupervised whenever he was on duty to allow her to explore the world.

A guard who was labeled on duty was to supervise the main gate leading outside the palace. He was to make sure no one went out unsupervised and anyone who was not on the list of visitors for that day was not allowed in.

Fredrick hadn't been on duty for more than four months so, having Rose stuck in the palace for that long was like a punishment to her.

"Now, let's finish your hair," Mira said.

Then, Rose pulled away from her embrace and smiled at her before quietly sitting down.

When Mira finally finished styling Rose's hair, she crouched down to her level and said "You look beautiful Mi Princesa. Happy Birthday" she said "Thank you" Rose replied.

One could see the tears threatening to fall from both their eyes. They both could see the tears glimmering in their eyes as they stared at each other through the mirror. There was just an overflow of happiness in the atmosphere.

Rose couldn't hold it back anymore so, she blinked and a tear rolled down her face. "Ok, ok, let's go because, if we both start crying, we both know that we'll not stop anytime soon," she said

"Wipe your tears now. I have to go see Fredrick"

"Tell him I say hi"

"Of course. Bye Mi Princesa

"Bye Mira"

As Mira was heading to the door, she heard a knock. She quickly waltzed towards the door and opened it.

There was a guard at the door. He looked bulky from head to toe. He had chiseled abs and huge muscles. He had a perfectly square-shaped face and brown eyes with ginger hair. His name was Oliver.

"Oh, hell Oliver," said Mira

"Hi, Mira. I have a package here for Princess Rose from the Queen"

Mira's eyes then drifted to the plain black box in Oliver's hands.

"Is this it?" she said pointing at the box.

"Yes. Here" he said while stretching the hand the box was in towards her. Indicating that she should take the box from him.

"Thank you," said as she took the package from him.

"Thank you milady"

Mira then walked towards the bed and placed it on the bed.

Rose who was still sitting on the stool in front of her dresser was watching Mira from the mirror.

"Mi Princesa, you have a package from the Queen"

"I can't wait to see what this surprise is!" she said almost squealing.

She immediately stood up from the stool and walked towards the bed. She was grinning from ear to ear.

She quickly opened the box and what she saw, screamed surprise

"O..." she said

"M..." Mira said

"G!!" they both echoed.

The box contained a one-of-a-kind designer bodycon trouser, a short-sleeved crop top that had a V-neck cut that wasn't too deep, a pair of boots, and a choker that had a heart shape diamond right in the middle.

The diamond was authentic. And the set was in all black. It was designed for rebels after all.

The set was the most sought for design in the world and there was only one of its kind. That set could make anyone look like a real rebel.

Though the design was a really simple one, it was the diamond and material used to make it that made it very expensive.

The reason why there was only one pair of that particular set was because of the amount of money just to make a pair.

Many girls only dreamt of having the set.

Rose carefully laid the set on the bed and just stared at it for a few minutes before picking up the box when she noticed that there was a note stuck to the bottom of the box that read thus: 'Happy Birthday my rebel princess ;-)'

"This is going to be the best birthday ever," said Rose.