
he’s so in love

Aidan wanted to ask further but Lena came when the place was less busy

"What are you two talking about" Lena asked

"I am telling him how stubborn you are"

She laughed and they went to the park hand in hand

"You know a few years back I used to run in between jobs, I was a child when I started working and going through that I never wished it on anyone and I prayed that those going through that find the way out, Lena when you need something tell me ok I will not ask you to stop working but if you can't do it stop I will help you out" he said and kissed her

She was happy

"Now can I see your parents?" He asked and she smiled

She took him to his house and when she opened the door, she went inside and he heard her

"Mom and dad I am home and today I brought someone to see you. You know I never bring anyone here except Mr. Jonas so he's special" she said and realized he has not entered the room

"What are you doing outside come in" she held his hand and walked him in, at the sitting room no one was there

"Your parents are not home?" He asked but

"They're, come with me to my room"

She took him there and no one was there

"Mom and dad here he is" Lena said

"But Lena no one is here" he said

"Because you're looking for something else that's not there... here come" she walked him to a table and he saw two old pictures

"This is my mom and dad" she was smiling


"Yes they're no more but they're alive in my heart, say hello"

He felt sorry for her but greeted them and told them he was going to take care of their baby and she smiled

She took him back to the sitting room and gave him water

"How long have you been staying alone" he asked

"Since I was 15, my parents died early" she said

"And your parents family?"

"My mom and dad had no one but themselves….. don't feel sorry for me but I had a loving parents, I wanted to stay here after my mom died because I didn't want to leave the memories of this place So when the social workers came I begged Jonas to help me and he did. He took care of me until something happened and I had to work so don't feel bad for me" she said

"You're lucky" he said


"Because you had parents who loved you, you had a beautiful childhood with your parents, you look happy talking about them" he said

"It wasn't always beautiful but true my parents loved me" she said

She realized how quiet he was

"What about your childhood" she asked

"Oh me? Haha it wasn't pleasant you already met my mom and seen what she can do"

"Hasn't she loved you before when you were a kid"

"Not that I remember, I had no normal childhood with my parents" he said and Lena was sad

"Don't feel pity for me, I have had people who made me happy just like you"

"Have you thought of the possibility that she might not be your real mom.... I am sorry for insinuating that but even at this time she should have loved you"

"Not every mother loves their child sometimes it's the child's responsibility to love them and do something for them.... I know it sounds stupid but I want one day her to realize that the person she hated was the one who loved her so much"

"But she doesn't deserve it"

"But she's my mom and maybe someone asked me a favor to always be there for her and that person was very precious to me"

"Very precious for you to go through that" Lena asked

"Some sins are borne by the son, I am repaying a debt, one day you will understand"

"I am not sure"

"So am I allowed to spend the night in your house?" He asked

"To do what???!!!"

"Definitely not what you are thinking and I already asked your parents and they agreed" he said and she smiled

"I am not taking advantage of the fact that you stay alone but I am really tired, it's late and I want to stay with you, today I don't want you to be alone in your house"

"Ok but we will just be sleeping" she stated

"Hey I am a gentleman" he said and went inside her room, laid on her bed and tapped on the other side for her to sleep

"Stop acting shy haven't we already slept together and we even cuddled even before you agreed to be my girlfriend"

"Oh my goodness, when was that?"

"You don't remember? How can you forget so soon when I kept on thinking about it?" He said and showed the picture of them on bed at his house

"I even sent you a copy, did you delete it? Don't you like it? Should i delete mine cause I can delete it if you don't like it" He said sulking

"Hey don't be sad I didn't mean to upset you" she said and sat on the other side, she got inside the sheet and his head was still down

"Hey I am sorry"

"I cherish every moment spent with you….. Lena I don't want you to forget even a single thing about us" he said and she was silent


"Yes..... Aidan I do cherish time spent with you" she said but saw he was still in doubt so she kissed him

"Kissing me with us on a bed is not really a good idea but I will let go if you kiss me again" he said and she smiled but still kissed him

"How did we get here? I don't know but what I do know is I love it and I'm so happy. Lena's parents don't worry I will cherish and take care of this precious gift you have given to me" Aidan's thought

After seeing him fall asleep she wrote something in her diary