
Stranded In The Dungeon

【Warning: Player Transportation Imminent】 With those four words, Kang Min-Chul was instantly transported from the front doors of a convenience store into a musty cave with only the clothes on his back and a system to guide his survival. He had been teleported into a dungeon, a strange place filled with monsters. The system only gave him one quest: 【Defeat The Boss】

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4 Chs

Chapter 2: One More Level

Min-Chul slowly moved through the samey caverns, club at the ready, teeth gritted, waiting for the next enemy to wander in front of him, if he was lucky he'd stumble into another goblin, if not? Well, he can just run back to his base camp and wait for it to leave! It was a fool proof plan, well, provided he didn't run into a creature faster than him, but what are the chances of that?

As this train of thought reached the station, Kang would heard a roar bellow out from, of all places, behind him. Turning to face the source of the noise, a goblin, a little taller than the others Kang had seen, a rusted iron hatchet in each hand and was practically frothing at the mouth waiting to put Min-Chul's insides on his outsides and a short string of text above it listing its name.

<Goblin Berserker>

"H-Hey, what level is that thing"

[<Goblin Berserker> is level 6]

Kang gulped as he realised the level different, he took a few tentative steps back as the Goblin Berserker continued to shake in its place, only for it to stop as it met Min-Chul's gaze, leaping at him, through a small miracle, Kang would swing first, knocking the berserker onto its back as he rushed past it to try and get back to his base camp, if he can get there he can put off fighting the goblin berserker for just a little bit longer. Though, that shrill roar of the goblin berserker echoed out from behind him, a rock causing Kang to trip, he'd roll onto his back just in time to catch the goblin's hatchets in the bulk of his club, of course, the berserker's strength would slam the club back into Kang's chest before he swing with enough force to knock the goblin off of him. Unfortunately this would not leave him unscathed.

[Player is at 75/115 HP]

75?! Damn it, the goblin had almost halved his HP with a second hand attack! Well, at least he knew what was likely to happen if he didn't put the club between him and the berserker, though, one of the hatches hadn't been flung away with the goblin, meaning he was able to take it for himself. On picking it up he was able to see its stats.


Goblin Berserker's Hatchet

+1 Strength

+1 Agility

+10% damage to goblins


He found it weird that the hatched dealt more damage to goblins, but, given it was from a berserker, friendly fire was always a possibility. Kang couldn't spend more time admire, admittedly, shoddy craftwork of the hatchet, with it being more akin to a sharpened chunk of rock jammed into a stick, still, it was better than his old weapon, so Kang looked at the goblin berserker at it lept at him, with him dodging to the side and swinging his axe, as the berserker rushed past him, a spurt of blood would come from both combatants, a noticeable slash graced Min-Chul's face, just beneath his and a hair's breadth away from blinding him in that eye, as for the goblin? It tumbled as it hit the ground, down one arm. However, soon he would have two problems.

The first? His health had dropped dramatically, leaving him at 15 HP, moreover, the goblin took its remaining hatchet in its remaining arm, with it raising its hand as power flowed from a bracelet comprising a set of stone beads and feathers, as it did a small burst of red energy would emanate from it, a similarly red aura trailing from the creature's eye as it acquired a burst of speed, leaping at Kang faster than he could react, only barely parrying the creatures attack and even then it retreated not too long after.

Min-Chul took a few steps back to put a bit more space as he held up his hatched, the berserker did the same, the red energy coating the blade.

"S-system? What the hell is it doing?"

[The item has allowed it to enter a Berserk state, increasing its stats]

He would've asked further, but, knowing this alone was enough bad news for him at the moment, not to mention the fact that this wasn't even the dungeon's boss, from what he could tell the boss was in a specific room somewhere in the dungeon. The goblin rushed at him, Min-Chul barely avoiding as strike that would've other decapitated him while, just as barely, landing an attack on the goblin, creating a wound on its head that also managed to take out one of its eyes. This was good, this was good, if Min-Chul could keep this up, then maybe he might be able to survive and, better yet, claim the item that allowed the goblin to enter this super state.

The goblin would make a leap at Min-Chul, this slash coming even closer to burying the hatchet's cutting edge into his body, however, another near death experience had trapped his opponent, leaving their axe to be stuck in the cave's wall, the berserker trying to rip its weapon from the stone. Kang didn't know which god he should've thanked for this opportunity, he swung his axe, neatly decapitating the creature in a single hit, Kang would fall back on the goblin was decapitating, falling on his backside at the same time as the head hit the floor.

[Congratulations Player, you've earned a title!]


[You now hold the title "Descendant of David"]

"Oh, uh, cool..."

[Congratulations Player, you have levelled up!]

[Congratulations Player, you have levelled up!]

Min-Chul smiled to himself as he checked his stats, 2 levels higher, 10 stat points free for him to use, and 50 gold richer. As he stood up, he'd drop all 10 stat points into his Intelligence so he could finally use magic. More importantly, he'd walk over to the corpse of the berserker, snatching the bracelete from its wrist.


Goblin Berserker's Wristlet

On activation, user enters "Berserk"

AGI, VIT & STR increased by 50%

for 1 minute


"Huh, neat"