
Stranded Blood

Exiled due to an internal betrayal, Gianna, a former vampire clan leader, finds refuge in Immerstad, a land untouched by vampire rule. Her precarious situation worsens when Kurtis, a betrayer from her clan, seizes power. In this vulnerable state, she's rescued by Tohpati, a wealthy businessman, who offers protection in exchange for her servitude. This deal forces Gianna to confront her pride and adapt to survive, providing a glimmer of hope for reclaiming her lost status.

Air_Tuya · Fantasi
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11 Chs

Crimson Eclipse, Shadow and Fangs

Chapter 1

The occurrence of a lunar eclipse is a spectacle wherein we can discern the allure concealed within the aura of dread. The spherical entity of the celestial body emitted such a crimson glow that it momentarily expanded in our sight. The night sky commenced adorning itself with an unusual natural display – the Blood Moon. This lunar phenomenon presents the moon in a reddish-orange hue, its size appearing unusually large. While some dismiss it, others gaze in awe. Legends attribute this natural event to malice. How to confront it? Choose indifference. Nevertheless, prudence is warranted in our surroundings.

The woman strolled with her dog beneath the grim glow of the blood moon, a rare spectacle occurring every 195 years. Despite the unusual occurrence, life continued its usual course. Unbeknownst to the woman, a mysterious figure, resembling a vagabond, materialized and lurked nearby, ready to strike. Oblivious to the potential danger, the woman scanned the surroundings while standing outside the cafe terrace, awaiting someone. The creature, blending in like a mere tramp from a distance, went unnoticed by the casual passersby. 

Hidden beneath a tattered hood, the creature bared its fangs, its scheme accentuated by the hideousness of its blood-red eyes. Positioned at the entrance of a dim alley, those piercing eyes mirrored the phenomenon of the blood moon above. The woman's small dog sensed an otherworldly presence and responded with alarm barks. Perplexed by her pet's unusual behavior, the woman hastily led it away, completely unaware of the lurking creature. Meanwhile, the hooded figure paused in its ominous pursuits, thwarted by an unknown intervenor.

Startled by the enigmatic black-hooded figure, the passerby felt compelled to shield the homeless stranger from the watchful gaze of the woman and her peculiarly reacting dog. Oblivious to the essence concealed within the hooded guise, the Samaritan intervened to obscure the tramp's presence. However, upon the hood being swept away by a sudden gust of wind, an unexpected revelation unfolded – an astonishingly beautiful woman was concealed beneath the dirt-laden attire. A surge of admiration and determination filled the man as he found himself captivated by her charm. Yet, as peculiar events unfurled, escape became an imperative, leaving no time for contemplation. 

 The creature's demeanor shifted to predatory aggression in the blink of an eye. Her fangs aimed for the man's neck, seeking to satiate her otherworldly hunger. Acting on instinct, he swiftly covered her mouth, realizing the truth hidden beneath her hood. The woman, once perceived as a downtrodden tramp, now revealed her vampiric nature, and the man found himself entangled in a nocturnal encounter with the supernatural. 

Caught between fear and fascination, the man cautiously released his grip on the vampire. She recoiled, seemingly surprised by the unexpected restraint. The night he had taken an unforeseen turn, leaving the man grappling with the revelation that the supernatural world was more real and perilous than he could have ever imagined.

As Gianna's eyes widened with realization, she snapped awake, fully aware that her duty to serve her master awaited. Surprisingly, she found herself in her master's room, sprawled on a luxurious mattress, clad only in a satin nightgown. Panic surged within her as she scanned the room, noticing the absence of her master by her side. Determined not to be caught off guard, Gianna hastily rose from the bed, intending to tidy up before her master's leaving. Her efforts were abruptly interrupted as the door creaked open, revealing an unexpected presence in the room. 

"Well, look who decided to rise from their slumber. Quick, whip up something for breakfast," Tohpati commanded with a deep resonance to his voice. Gianna's eyes widened in astonishment as she beheld her master, impeccably attired albeit sans his formal suit. 

"Your tie is impeccably done, my lord. How did you achieve such precision?" asked Gianna, captivated by her master's debonair appearance. 

Tohpati surveyed his tie with a satisfied grin. "I must be off. I handle things myself, except for breakfast." He approached Gianna, lightly resting his hand on her slender waist.

"As my wife, ensure your service is exemplary," he asserted, their eyes locking and causing Gianna to blush. 

"I am aware, but I am merely your servant, am I not? And, I don't love you either, my lord," Gianna replied.

"That's precisely why you should prepare my breakfast. I don't love you either. Yet, be thankful I protected you before," he smirked with an air of dominance. 

"You know, I'm not accustomed to calling you 'husband' just yet." Gianna adjusted Tohpati's shirt collar, smoothing out any visible creases.

Gianna added, "From the very beginning, you told me to be a servant." She leaned in, whispering with her red lips softly in Tohpati's ear. "I even regard you as 'my meal'. Nothing more." Gianna smirked as Tohpati fell silent.

"What if, back then, I hadn't shared my blood with you? I would have left you stranded in this territory without a blood-sucking monster like you, if necessary, I'd discard all the animal blood supplies from my fridge," Tohpati stated in a low voice, "it makes me sick."

This time, Gianna remained silent. Tohpati smiled smugly, leaving Gianna in his wake. "Now, prepare me some breakfast," Tohpati exclaimed, giving the order.

"My lord, don't forget, you're the one who brought a vampire into your house."

Tohpati's stern facade wavered for a moment. He sighed, realizing the complexity of their peculiar arrangement. 

"Enough banter," he muttered, regaining composure. "Just ensure my breakfast is ready on time."

As Gianna busied herself with crafting a sandwich and pouring a glass of juice, Tohpati strolled over, casually grabbing a sandwich yet to find its place on the dining table. Unaware that he hadn't waited too long, he expressed impatience.

"Why is it taking so long to prepare such a simple breakfast? Are you still tired from last night's escapades?" Tohpati sneered. Gianna caught off guard, turned to face him, momentarily wordless as she met his scrutinizing gaze.

"Forgive me, my lord. I'm still adjusting to this different lifestyle," she admitted, her tone composed. "And rest assured, it has nothing to do with any nocturnal activities."

Tohpati raised an eyebrow, a smirk forming on his face. "Nocturnal activities? That's an interesting way to put it," he then shook his head, "Well, whatever you say. I'm leaving now."

A moment of silence hung in the air as Tohpati headed towards the door, Gianna watched him silently. Her eyes held a trace of mystery, a momentary pause in the joke. She observed him with a quiet intensity, hinting at thoughts hidden beneath her vampire facade. She sighed softly, preparing to resume her breakfast preparations, a hint of complexity in her expression.

As Gianna tidied up, she pondered dinner plans, skipping lunch preparations—her master wasn't bothered. Despite her vampiric nature, Gianna adapted fast to human life, comprehending its intricacies. Perhaps, her desire to establish a haven for creatures like her in this territory lingers.

Unfortunately, it's unattainable. Tohpati, deeply involved in the governance, akin to Gianna confined in a predicament. Unlike a government role, Tohpati, a pivotal figure in a crucial company, drives the nation's economy. Gianna grapples with the intricate facets of human life, especially amid her exile, remaining anxious about her homeland's vampire clans. Desiring a return, she prioritizes safety, residing in another domain until opportune moments arise.

"How much longer am I stuck here? Marrying him feels like a cage," Gianna sighed, eyeing the last pack of animal blood in the fridge, a dilemma forcing her to seek Tohpati's supply or consider another bloodsucking encounter.

As dusk approached, Gianna cloaked herself in dark attire, drawing surprised glances from onlookers – a necessary precaution for her safety. She navigated towards a secluded urban forest, a rarity in the bustling city. Alone, against her master's strict orders, she ventured into the risk-laden territory where hunting was forbidden. Reluctant to trouble her master, Gianna sought sustenance in the encroaching darkness.

Under the muted glow of the urban forest, Gianna moved with deliberate steps. Her attention was drawn to a playful rabbit, but before she could make a move, a shadow emerged from her right, forcefully bringing her to the ground. As she attempted to rise, she was startled to find herself face to face with another creature, bearing fangs similar to hers in the dimly lit surroundings.

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