
Tribute and a baby

A man that looked to be in his early 30ish. Was running through the woods. He was looking for trace of his lover.

He had on that day, chosen to meet his lover half way, from her diplomatic trade deal with a neighboring village. He had come to the carriage that should have been carrying her, with her guards. Instead of finding her. He had found her 3 guards dead, with 12 black clad assassins. He had searched around the carriage for his lover. But had only found tracks, leading into the woods.

He had taken off, in a sprint through the woods. Only to backtrack to find her trail again.

He had calm him self the 4th time he had needed to backtrack. And in a steady jog followed the trail.

It got a lot easier to follow her trail, when he found the wolf packs tracks, following her. He had speed op a lot after that.

He found her 5 minutes later with a pack of wolfs around her.

He screamed and released his axe from his back. He threw the axe in a over hand throw towards the wolf pack. The double bladed axe head slammed into the side of one wolf cutting it in two. Struck into the tree behind the wolf, stuck blade deep.

The enraged man charged into the surprised wolf pack.

He seized a wolf that was 2 meter long and a meter tall by the scruff of its neck, lifting it into the air.

He looked into this wolfs eyes, with madness and rage. Gripping it front paws and crushing it between his fingers. Anger and bloodlust coursed through the man. Throwing away the now maimed wolf. Looking around, he now stared into the wolf packs eyes, which was now snarling at him. They jumped as a pack of 6. The man stretched his arm out calmly, catching a wolf from its jump. While the other 5 wolfs slammed into him. The 5 wolfs started to bit him. But as much as they tried to bit him, teeth could not puncher flesh.

The man had now bloodshot eyes, with only rage and sadness in his eyes.

He crushed the wolfs front paws and threw that wolf on top of the first discarded wolf.

He went systematic from one wolf to the next wolf. While they tried to rip his flesh. He would calmly maim each wolf.

Crushing their paws. They would never walk, run or stand again.

When there were only 2 wolfs left, they tried to run. They did not get more than two steps away, before they were caught, and thrown on top of a pile of wolfs, with their front paws crushed.

The man knelt in front of his dead lover. Slowly pulling her into his embrace. Cradling her head. Her arms and legs where bloody with large sized chunks missing. Eaten by the mangy mutts.

Her face and stomach was intact, with only a large lump, on the side of her head.

The man just sat there, slowly weeping and stroking her hair.

The man just sat there stroking her hair until he felt her move. He froze, looking into her dead eyes, looking for life where none was. Yet again she moved. He looked at her stomach and saw his dead lovers stomach move.

In a swift move, the man walked over to his axe, ripping the axe out of the tree. Splitting the tree down the middle. Walking back to his dead lover he ripped her dress off in a swift motion. After he put his axe blade to her stomach and slowly cut into his dead lover.

Slowly he cut. Through the fat, muscle and inner organs. Finally coming to the placenta. He threw his axe over his shoulder and pulled the placenta out, blood and gore making a trail out of his dead lover.

Ripping open the placenta a small baby boy came spilling out.

The boy spit out fluids and sputtered a bid and that was it. No crying, no scream after being ripped out of his dead mother. Only a bid of sputtering.

The man just stood there watching his son in astonishment. The boy should be dead. But he was healthy baby.

His lover had to be dead for at least 25 minutes when he came. The wolf ordeal after, plus his sweating from his eyes ordeal had added an extra 5 minutes. There were no way the boy should be alive.

He picked op the now sleeping baby boy. As he slowly took off his jacket. Wrapped his baby boy in it, and lay his son beside his dead mother.

The axe head had a radius of 70 cm and was double bladed, with a iron rod down the middle, anchoring the 2 blades at the end.

The whole thing was massive. 2 meters in length. A true battle axe.

The man grabbed his axe, using it as a shovel. Digging a massive hole in the ground.

First the man threw 3 maimed wolfs down the hole with much snarl, whine and biting. After he gently lowered his wife down on top of the wolfs, to much howl and despair from them. After that, he threw the last of the wolfs on top of his dead lover. Grabbing his axe again, he began filling the hole with living wolfs and a dead lover.

A true warriors funeral. Burial with still living enemies. The man muttered a few words of farewell and promised vengeance.

He gently picking op his son, and began running home, at full speed.

The wolfs, had experience better days.

So this should be chapter one. I have a few chapters in waiting atm. But they are filled with spelling errors. So need a bid of time away from them, so i can see where my mistakes are.

Kolfaxicreators' thoughts