
chapter 1

Meet Angela Albert the most beautiful and crazy person you have seen she is crazy and she controlled most of her father's company she is 22 and a graduate from oxford university, she is not too famous in korean because she is new and quiet busy with work her mom died when she was 8years old and she did not have a mother figure while growing up but her father was the best even though he was sometimes clueless of how to take care of a baby but he tried his best and was super protective of her, that's for the introduction now let ride on

Angela came down from her red sport car her manager Mr Davis and bodyguard Tom greeted her good morning ma'am morning tommy how are you? fine ma, good to no so what do we have for today's meeting she asked Davis as she lead the way, we need to inspect the warehouse to make sure that the goods are of top quality and also you have a dinner meeting with the Hutton's family this evening at Princeton hotel,then I have alot of time to prepare, they got to her office and sat down, ma when are we for the inspection,10am so tell sandra to bring the documents for mr ford's project, ok ma I will do just that Mr Davis said and left the office immediately Tom whispered something to her, really so that bitch is trying to outsmart me in my own game well let's see who can play but i want you to keep track of all her activities and any where she goes I need to be a step ahead of her, sure I have everything covered, good so have my dad contacted you,yes but he did not tell me anything tangible about the proposed guy, Tell blaze to keep a close watch on dad and any top family he is seeing in korean because I have my doubt that he did not go to korean for a business meeting but because of the contract marriage, ok ma but you no how sly your father can be he would have known that you would send someone to investigate, you have a point there so what do you suggest we do, leave it to me I will handle it, if you say so.

chapter 2

Richmond Richie the only son of a multi billionaire he is the CEO of Richmond Entertainment and Richie enterprises, the biggest in Korean, Richie is a playboy and he hate it when girls are disregard him, he sees himself as a demi god and every girls should be submissive to him and obedient after all he can change their lives with just a stamp of his fingers, Richie did not have a good impression of his dad infact he disliked his dad because he was always detating his life, he wanted to study engineering but his father wants him to study business management so he could run his company when he graduate and also he does not act like a father and husband, he travels almost everyday but he sometimes make time for his family but that's not enough Richie and Skyler are the most handsome bachelor in korean and also business rivals, Richie hated Skyler because he took his first love Summer smith, he was really broken by her betrayal and promised to take his revenge on them, but he have not been able to surpass Skyler but this project was going to make him more Richer than Skyler and he was totally immersed in his work until the project is done and completed no clubbing and partying,

Richie came to the office very early as usual he has a meeting with Mr Desmond his biggest client and he needs to make sure that he finishes his work before the meeting in the afternoon,sir somebody dropped this envelope for you, drop it on the file rank, ok sir she dropped it and keep standing, you can go Richie said still focused on his computer, don't you need coffee you have been working since you came, no need I don't want anything so go back to your work, I can stay she said,he became really pissed are you dumb I said get lost he said as he raised his head from the computer, oh I see why she refused to go she he thought in his mind, you want to do something for me right he said with a smile on his face, yes boss anything you want she said and turned around, really he said accessing her,yes, if you say so I give you one minute to leave my office you are fired he said and called the security, show this ugly thing the way out of my office he said and continue his work, please sir this will not repeat itself again please sir, the guard roughly dragged her out of the office, that stupid woman has ruined my mood gosh he picked the envelope and read it his mood immediately worsen, A wedding invitation card from Skyler.

skylar what an urdacity, I no what that bastard is trying to do but I won't let him, but I can't get married to these cheap girl pretending to love me because of my wealth what should I do I think I need a drink, Skylar really got to me this time, fuck fuck he hit his table I should do something to prospone the marriage

Chapter 3

Kingston hotel