
Chapter 647: A Hero Squad? Or a Boss Squad?

A whole night of fairies fighting, oh, fighting fairies!

The sun rose, the icy morning breeze swept away the dim clouds, and the reluctant sun ascended above the Alterac Mountains, casting a somewhat warm light into the room, awakening Duke.

To his right, Alleria was still sound asleep, a satisfied smile lingering at the corner of her mouth. That blend of nobility and wild allure, no matter how many times Duke saw it, always fascinated him.

Beside him, Vereesa's long legs were clamped around Duke's thigh. Duke smiled, slightly shifting his body, freeing himself from the entanglement of those elastic legs.

Duke's movement did not wake the two sisters. After losing Duke, her human pillow, Vereesa unconsciously shifted to the right, embracing her elder sister.

Alleria, seemingly accustomed to her sister's actions even in her subconscious, murmured and embraced her sister in return.

After freshening up, Duke stepped outside to see Jandice, Gavinrad, and his Knight Captain Casa waiting.

"Arrange a meeting for me with King Llane Wrynn and Commander Lothar, as well as Archbishop Faol."

Two hours later, everyone was gathered.

Llane asked with concern, "Are you sure you don't need more hands to clear Karazhan?"

Duke shook his head, "No, there are too many narrow places in Karazhan, too many people would be restrictive. Besides, that's my own territory, I know it well."

Anduin's loud voice chimed in, "Duke is right! That ghost place...uh, having more people there is useless. Moreover, these elites, not to mention hitting Karazhan, even if they go anywhere in the world, they can more than defend themselves."

Looking around, Duke's Karazhan raid team was quite splendid.

The warrior and main tank was Muradin Bronzebeard, who had run here himself upon hearing the news.

The vanguard consisted of Gavinrad and Tirion Fordring, two original paladins.

The rogue was Edwin VanCleef.

The ranged group consisted of the Windrunner sisters, plus Duke and Rhonin, two mages.

Healing was provided by Stormwind Archbishop Benedictus.

Duke looked around, almost bursting into laughter. Were these called elites?

Damn, it was clear that he was leading a bunch of hero and boss-level characters to fight another bunch of bosses!

Such madness, probably only Duke would do.

If these guys were all in their peak state from the future, Duke would definitely dare to abuse Neltharion to death without the help of the four Dragon Aspects.

At this moment, they were all serious.

Muradin and the two paladins were repeatedly checking their hammers and shields.

Edwin carefully applied poison to his daggers. This was the first time Duke had summoned him since the liberation of the entire Stormwind Kingdom. For a while, Edwin almost thought he had lost Duke's attention and was a bit depressed. Now that Duke had summoned him to clear Karazhan, Edwin was naturally thrilled.

The Windrunner sisters showed varied reactions. Sylvanas and Vereesa couldn't wait to see the creatures and enemies of another world, while Alleria, acting like a big sister, warned them not to be careless.

Rhonin was nervously reviewing the spells in his spellbook. After witnessing the Dragon Battle, he was quite experienced, but hearing about the creatures coming out of the spatial rift, he couldn't help but get nervous again.

On the other hand, Archbishop Benedictus was the calmest, always ready to sway people with the Light.

Jandice on the side was a bit worried, "Duke, you gave me your trinket, what will you use?"

Duke patted his waist, "This is [Cruelty's Trick]! This one is [Unbridled Will], just like Rhonin's, both produced by Neltharion, absolutely guaranteed with confidence!"

Illysia was then a bit relieved.

"Don't worry about this guy, he won't die if anyone does." Alleria, hands on hips, for some reason, whenever this topic came up, Alleria always thought of Duke's two 'feigned death' moments that even made her shudder a bit. If she hadn't confirmed up close that Duke was very much alive, she might even think Duke was some kind of undead.

"Alright, be careful!"

"Don't worry, I have a squad of spirit warriors and a powerful mechanical construct in Karazhan. If all else fails, I can call for help." Duke waved a necklace hanging around his neck. The chain itself was unremarkable, but a red scale was threaded as a pendant.

The portal opened.

The raid team entered in single file.

After ascending to the **Master of the Bright Moon, Duke's portals became more stable. During the transmission, there was only a slight shaking, even less than riding a horse.

In his vision, everything stretched and elongated, and the surrounding scenery became bizarre and confusing.

The Windrunner sisters, who had experienced many transmissions, felt nothing, but Muradin and Edwin, experiencing transmission for the first time, almost vomited as soon as they stepped out of the portal.

Upon exiting, Duke saw Khadgar in spirit form, "Master, you're finally back! We can hardly hold on any longer! Wuuwuu!"

"I'm back, aren't I?" Duke comforted Khadgar.

Although Khadgar's performance was a bit comical, Duke did feel sorry for him!

During the entire Second War of the Dark Portal, Duke hardly returned to Karazhan a few times. If it weren't for Khadgar leading the Spirit Guard to maintain control in the mage tower, Duke wouldn't even be able to coax those mages to come.

Duke checked and, during the raid on Karazhan led by Lothar, the bosses that were dealt with included Attumen the Huntsman, Moroes the Steward, Nightbane, Chess Event, and the Prince.

Medivh's father, Aegwynn, had vanished after blocking a cursed smoke for Duke. The Curator was controlled by Duke.

Actually, the remaining boss-level monsters were not many. If it were the former Archmage Duke, it would definitely be tough. Now, well! Duke really used it for training.

The demon that was specifically mentioned by Alexstrasza would definitely not be any cat or dog.

But... who would it be?

Duke repeatedly compared the famous demons in his memory, his mind in chaos. Actually, the demons in Azeroth are not technically called demons. To be precise, that is a race called Eredar.

This humanoid, highly intelligent race does not come from the world of Azeroth or Draenor, they come from a distant and ancient world in the universe called Argus.

Sargeras, while fighting the dreadlords, was affected by a heart-taking technique, and then began to doubt his own 'divine birth'. He persuaded Kil'jaeden and Archimonde, two of the three Eredar leaders, and the Eredar split. The more righteous Prophet Velen took his people and fled to Draenor for refuge, those Eredar also became the later Draenei.

And the remaining Eredar who mixed with the two Burning Legion commanders began to be called Man'ari, which is the demon in the eyes of the people of Azeroth.