
Chapter 446: Honor First

"What? Impossible!" Orgrim Doomhammer finally understood why Togis had such a complex expression of fear on his face. Enraged, he felt his blood boiling. His hand tightly gripped the handle of his hammer, to the point where the wood seemed on the verge of splintering.

Orgrim was unable to control his emotions. He drew his warhammer, the infamous Doomhammer, and swung it in the air, tracing a dark, massive arc.


The hammer slammed into the ground, burying itself deep. The violent impact sent chunks of rock flying, creating a terrifying scene.

Not only were the nearby guards startled, but Togis's young red dragon was also frightened. The dragon stared at Orgrim with a mix of caution and surprise in its vertical pupils.

"I knew it! I knew those altars he was creating would cause trouble! I was foolish enough to let him convert those ogres to fill the gaps in his army!" The Warchief, his eyes bloodshot, bit his lip so hard that his sharp tusks pierced the flesh, causing blood to seep out.

"Why was I so stupid!?"

He had warned himself countless times that Gul'dan was selfish, but the pressure from the humans and elves' magic was too great. In his eagerness to obtain a weapon to counter magic, he had overlooked this.

"I should not have considered this soul-selling demon as an orc!"

The ancient traditions of the orcs had led Orgrim to overlook Gul'dan. Before the Horde was established, orc clans would always resolve conflicts through duels of bravery. Any disagreements were settled in Mak'gora. Once a victor was determined, the loser would unconditionally obey the winner's commands.

Gul'dan was too cunning, not at all like an orc. He had meekly submitted to the Warchief after the Shadow Council was annihilated, then betrayed the Horde at its most critical moment, acting more human than the most despicable of humans.

"Warchief! Zuluhed suggests that we should send a pursuit force to punish these traitors immediately. Gul'dan's dark magic cannot protect all the ships, we can inflict enough pain on him. Warchief, please give the order." As Togis waited for the Warchief's command, another orc ran over.

Sabek, the young second-in-command of the Blackrock clan, had risen to his position after the two sons of the former Warchief Blackhand had defiantly split off to form a new clan.

Because of Orgrim's earlier outburst, the young dragon was restlessly whipping its tail against the ground. Sabek had to stop five or six meters away.

"Warchief, Hell scream's forces have already arrived not far west of Lordaeron City. Do we attack now, or wait for Gul'dan? If Gul'dan comes, we will have more people."

Orgrim gave a bitter smile. But his thoughts were quick: "More people? No one else is coming!"

Sabek looked shocked.

"Gul'dan has betrayed us!" Orgrim looked at his lieutenant and painfully relayed the news.

"What do we do?" Sabek immediately suggested angrily: "Betrayal must be punished severely! We should immediately return and annihilate Gul'dan and his clan!"

"Have you lost your mind? Grom's Warsong clan is currently attacking the western gate of Lordaeron City as per our agreement. Are you suggesting we abandon our brothers and go on a personal vendetta!?" Orgrim roared.

Sabek and Togis were both speechless.

"Togis, you must leave immediately. You must inform Grom to stop the attack on the human city and instead attack the human camp to the north of the city. We will pincer them. After breaking through the human camp, we will regroup. Only then will we seek revenge on Gul'dan!"

At this moment, Togis's young dragon suddenly spoke in Common: "I refuse to die for such a foolish command. The dwarves have at least five hundred gryphons and a Gryphon King waiting for me. Even I cannot break through this encirclement."

Orgrim's gaze sharpened: "You mean the Alliance was prepared all along?"

"It seems so. They deliberately let me in, but they are preventing me from flying further west."

As the dragon spoke, Orgrim was suddenly struck by a thought. Could it be that the humans knew in advance that Gul'dan would betray them? Or perhaps, was it the humans who colluded with Gul'dan to scheme against the entire Horde?

This was not an unthinkable scenario. If the king of Alterac could almost join the Horde, why couldn't that despicable Gul'dan cooperate with the humans?

Yes! That must be it!

Orgrim could almost picture the detestable Duke Markus gathering all his forces, prioritizing the annihilation of the exhausted Western Legion.

No! This cannot happen!

Orgrim suddenly jumped onto a large rock. He raised his warhammer in a battle stance and roared at all the warriors and chieftains of the small clans who were watching him.

"Gul'dan has betrayed the orcs! He has betrayed the entire Horde! The Twilight's Hammer and Stormreaver clans have taken our ships and headed south—"

As soon as he finished speaking, the orcs around him erupted.

They raised their weapons and cursed Gul'dan with the vilest of words! Every one of them cast their angry gaze to the south, as if Gul'dan and his minions were just beyond the horizon.

"Now, the honor of our people is at stake! But at the same time, our brothers from the Warsong clan are surrounded by a human army of three hundred thousand. So, we must first break through the human camp to the north, then seek revenge on Gul'dan!" Orgrim's strategy was entirely correct.

He had always been a competent commander, viewing every issue from the perspective of the entire Horde. However, he overlooked one thing: the Horde was always made up of many clans.

This time, his speech did not receive a warm response. Most of the orcs silently watched him, responding to his call.

Orgrim was taken aback; he understood the orcs' thoughts: Since the honor of the Horde comes first, we should deal with the traitor Gul'dan first. The Warsong clan? Isn't Grom Hellscream's Warsong clan very capable? Let them handle the humans and catch up later.