
Storm Bringer : The Rise of Knight

Nico is a child who lived in poverty and loneliness. However, his life changed drastically when he discovered an extraordinary power that allowed him to turn his imagination into reality. After being saved by someone who protects the Knights, Nico finds himself in a beautiful world inhabited by humans with extraordinary abilities and amazing fantasy creatures. In this spectacular adventure, Nico attends the Knight ceremony, fights dragons, and acquires a legendary sword! Their lives are not only threatened by enemies in that world, but also from the real world! How can Nico survive the threats of two worlds? Find out in this epic novel, full of adventure, action, and mystery!

Chrono_Illusion · Fantasi
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29 Chs

Chapter 7 Eteria

They walked behind Fergus, following him to the edge of the hall. Arman explained to Nico that the old man with the broken glasses was the "senior" guardian knight Sir Vallhein, famous for his strength. He was Arman's mentor and his task was to guard the portal in the library to keep it safe from other worlds invasion.

Arman explained that the library was the center of the knight portal network in all of East London. With the portal, you could go anywhere. However, unfortunately, the portal also connected them to other worlds. Without Sir Vallhein, creatures from other worlds would probably come through the portal in the library and wreak havoc on the human world.

When they opened the door behind the hall, Nico and Arman found a room full of circular portals made of blue crystal. In the middle of the room hung a giant green gemstone that shone brightly over a stone pedestal.

The portals were guarded by two other knights who were responsible for ensuring that only certain people could enter. When they saw Fergus, they bowed and let him pass. But Nico and Arman, only after showing their identities were allowed to enter the room.

Arman led Nico to stand next to a portal. He asked Nico to take a small crystal that had been prepared there. If he didn't hold it properly, he could fall into another world. This made Nico afraid and he held it tightly.

As he stepped into the portal, Nico felt a strange sensation that felt like he was flying through the air. The surrounding scenery changed into flashes of light. Nico's stomach felt upset. He was able to vomit the bread he had eaten earlier, but he resisted the urge.

After a while, the scenery around Nico changed. The flashes of light united to form a scene like an airport. Nico looked left and right, now he doesn't understand why they were at the airport.

"Don't move." Fergus then held Arman and Nico's heads with both hands. Then suddenly their faces changed. Arman looked like an old man, and Nico looked like a child with Down Syndrome. His forehead elongated and his nose shortened. Their clothes also changed. Arman's armor turned into a shirt, and Nico's old clothes turned into a new-looking child's clothes.

"Don't forget. I'm old. Just one hour," Fergus said to Arman.

"Weakling," muttered Arman.

Fergus just snorted and walked backward, hitting the wall behind him and disappearing. This made Nico surprised because when Nico touched the wall again, it was as hard as stone. He couldn't go back to the library.

"Where is he?"

"The portal only works one way for us. Two ways for Fergus. It's up to the gatekeepers, those two who guarded the portal were gatekeepers. They have the ability to open portals all over the world. Sending people like us. But for the place we're going to, we can't use the portal. So we have to take a plane."

"Plane? Are we going to ride a plane?" said Nico in amazement. He had never ridden a plane before. He was very happy. They told him only rich people had the opportunity to ride a plane.

"But why our faces?" Nico asked in surprise when he saw his face reflected on the shiny airport wall. It seemed that Fergus really hated him. His face now looked very foolish.

"Did you Forget? Your face and mine are on the police blacklist. How could we fly with this many CCTV systems at the airport?"

"You can change people's faces?" said Nico in amazement while touching his now very wide forehead.

"Fergus was a scout knight. One of his abilities was to change someone's appearance according to his will. It was very useful for spying," explained Arman. "Unfortunately, he had a foul mouth."

They then walked down the stairs and went to the ticket counter. Arman began to tell about their destination. The plain was called "Eteria." According to legend, Eteria has existed since the beginning of the world's creation. At that time, the gods created Eteria as a place where they could put all the fantastic creatures they created. From frightening dragons to beautiful fairies, Eteria became the home of all creatures created by the gods.

Eteria was a land shrouded in mystery and wonder. It was said that only the bravest of knights could survive its treacherous terrain and claim the powerful swords hidden within. Legends had been passed down for generations, tales of knights who could bend the laws of physics and perform feats of superhuman strength. Some even said that Eteria was a safe haven for those hunted by governments or despots, a sanctuary where they could learn, grow and develop their unique abilities without fear of persecution.

However, over time, Normal people began to feel the presence of Eteria and a desire to explore it arose. At first, only people with extraordinary powers like knights could enter Eteria. For a very long time, the Eteria plain remained a secret from the outside world, but legends and folk tales about Eteria began to spread thanks to social media.

Rumor has it that the forests in Eteria are filled with fairy music, its rivers gleam with the light of glowing fish, and its dungeon caves are filled with plenty of gold treasures. As a result, now some ordinary people have also managed to find a way to enter Eteria.

However, the existence of Eteria still remains like a fairy tale for most people. Only people with strong knowledge and connections can find a way to enter Eteria.

The government also began to investigate the existence of Eteria. Therefore, whenever there is an unusual event, people like Nico are hunted by the government to search for information that may help find the location of Eteria.

To enter Eteria, one must fly through Heathrow International Airport. Order a special ticket in the hidden lobby behind the cafeteria whose entrance is dark and scary. The Knight Confederation has bribed the airport authorities to keep it secret and hidden so that no one knows. The plane prepared is a special plane that can disappear from radar and is strong enough to pass through the storms that often limit the borders of Eteria.

When someone manages to enter Eteria, they will be faced with beauty and wonders that they have never seen before. Green parks, spectacular waterfalls, magical forests, and towering mountains can be seen all around them. In Eteria, interacting with fantastic creatures is a normal thing.

The landscape was as diverse as the people who called it home. There were four regions and each region had its own unique charm and beauty.

"So that's our destination," said Arman, who had been explaining in detail. "They refer to ordinary people as 'Normy' or 'Normies,' but as a derogatory term, they call it 'weaklings' like what Fergus said to you before"

Nico was amazed. "So, are we going there now? Right now?"

"Yup. We can't use the portal to go there," said Arman as he took out his round pocket watch. "Come on, we only have half an hour before our faces return to normal."

They hurriedly walked and finally arrived at the hidden ticket counter after passing through the airport cafeteria, which was crowded with people. Arman then handed over their identification papers to the counter while giving the "Eterium" money that looked like the currency used in Eteria.

"Why isn't there a portal to get there?" asked Nico while waiting for the counter attendant to finish processing their papers. "Isn't it easier?"

"Since ancient times, the Eteria Zone cannot be equipped with any portal. Maybe because there are many treasures, artifacts, dungeons, and mysteries scattered around, so no one can take a shortcut to get them," explained Arman. "If you could do that, thats cheating. Gatekeeper knights can make a portal directly to the treasure place. Without having to go through traps and complete their missions."

"Excuse me, Sir Arman." The counter attendant appeared to return some papers to Arman. "We have reconfirmed. For Mr. Nico's passenger, we cannot accept him to board the plane."

"What?" Arman asked in surprise.

"The passenger named Mr. Nico was declared unfit to enter Eteria by our division head. He is not a knight, he has no record of power, and Mr. Nico's physique... how should I say it. He's... disabled," the ticket officer explained politely and formally. "Sir Arman must be aware of the Eteria Confederation's policy. Only worthy people are allowed to enter Eteria. This is also for Mr. Nico's own good. There are many dangers he will face there, and mental disabilities can endanger his life."

"What do you mean by disabled?" Arman asked confusedly. Did he hear wrong? Nico is not disabled at all. Arman then looked at Nico's face, which now looked like he had Down syndrome, and suddenly remembered.

"You bastard, Fergus!" Arman shouted angrily.