

darkness surrounded me no shape form just void soon a feeling between me came, here I stayed inside my pain, can't go left but don't know right everything dark, dark as night.

then the first one passed my me, a whisper a soul a flailing dream.

from one side to the other a path was cleared, then came whispers adhered.

confusion anguish pain and fear, they all passed by and left me here.

an obyss they went but I must stay, what is this the light of day?

no worse a scene of terror, eyes of flame all it scares.

death death I see death I look at him and he looks back.

piercing prying at me he delves, in his eyes are the pits of hell.

the tearing screaming souls do cry why did they have to die.

I can't run I can't breath is it that he looks for me.

rolling tossing his body forms.

of dark ashes his bodies torn, unformed and vuage I see what is.

only his eyes they do make sense, he looks at me and words do beckon not from mouth nor from heaven.

in my head and all around a rasping voice does sound.

here you stay and here you remain endless sorrows to you insane.

stuck between invisible glass, a special damnation for your class.

neither God nor hell except and wretched soul of your neglect.

so far away from heaven above, yet the devil himself won't show you love.

a place for you nowhere belong, stuck between you will be long.

and with that my mind went mad no more sight of him I had.

this way thay may I would turn.

but all the same the darkness stayed, and this is how I turned insane.

darkness darkness everywhere, of whispers here and whispers there, I felt my mind going black.

though it doesn't matter I'm still trapped for all around me the darkness stays, trapped in here for all my days.

if ever I where to leave this place in the light I'd spend my days.

tho if only one wish was formed, to rid the glass that teaps my form.

darkness darkness I'm trapped inside.

Trapped in this forever tide.