
stop it don't read it

Guy dropped in the dungeon wakes up at the 1st floor My novel follows a scenario script format works that I won't be visiting bleach dbz one piece, ( don't know much about the three worlds ) ( don't judge me ) works I will be visiting nasuverse black clover fairy tail *will update as I go further* I plan to put at least 50 chaps before hopping to a different world

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23 Chs


I am currently going towards the hostess of fertility and I spot my chibi goddess

Drake: Hestia sama

Hestia: Drake you came!

Drake: of course I live here, let's go in

I walked in to see mama Mia talking with ryuu

Drake: yo boss

Mia: ah Drake you came early today

Drake: yeah I didn't go dungeon diving I had some other work today

Mia: oh who's the little girl

Hestia had a tick mark on her forehead

Drake: oh she is my goddess and can I trouble you to prepare the room next to me she will be living there also add the food two times

Mia: oh sorry about that goddess sama, and Drake since you are here you should get working now

Drake: in a few minutes I want her to give me her blessings

Mia: OK I won't disturb you for that, just come as soon as possible

Drake: yeah

I then proceed to pay ryuu for both of our rooms, after Hestia had placed her stuff she came into my room with a very calm smile

Hestia: you ready

Drake: yeah

I removed my shirt and lied down on my bed after some while I felt a great feeling on my lower back

Hestia: it might hurt a bit

Drake: go-ahead

A few seconds later I felt a drop of something on my back and later a burn although it wasn't much pain it gave me a peaceful effect

System : [ divine energy detected all stats upgraded

Str ( strength) : 799 - B

End ( endurance) : 999 - S

Dex ( dexterity) : 899 - A

Agi ( agility) : 799 - B

Magic: 999- S

Mana : 10,000/10,000

( note - mana regeneration will now have double the rate per level due to falna)

( 999: 100 per hour

1999: 200

2999: 400

3999: 800

4999: 1600

5999: 3200

So on and so forth)

Abilities upgraded: not afraid to kill has evolved into killing Intent

Killing Intent: { bitch I am a mightyena} you can intimidate opponent just by directing your pressure at them

Hestia: done

Drake: hum It was rather quick

Hestia: let me check you-

I felt something wet on my back and a as I turned head sideways I see Hestia about to cry

Drake: what happened goddess

Hestia: your really strong Drake kun thank you for joining my Familia

As she says this she gets off my back and sits beside me while sobbing

Drake: now don't cry

I hug her which she returns back with her own hug

Drake: ' she feels really good to be around, its probably her divinity instead of being attracted to her due to her charm it feels rather wholesome' hum~

Hestia listens to me humming and giggle a little before melting into my embrace and asking

Hestia: how is it

Drake: really calming, it will be really good if I could use you as my body pillow

Hestia blushes and says

Hestia: Drake - ecchi

Drake: well its probably because of your divinity as the goddess of the hearth so being around you is really calming

Hestia: hum~ 'Praise me more'

Drake: well I should get going now I need to cook OK

Hestia held me tightly

Hestia: don't go

Drake, I Hug her close and say

Drake: we can spend the night together if 6ou want but I Need to work now OK

Hestia: hun~

I left my goddess who had a little worried expression after ensuring her and giving her a few head pats

{a a few minutes later}

As I walked down to towards the kitchen I take a good look at my left hand which is usually being covered by the arm guard on it is a red tattoo in the shape of a very decorative spear's tip ( Hakuno Kishinami command seal) it is my second reward that I obtained from my gacha along with the runestone that I just gave to Hephaestus, I don't plan to summon a servant very soon as there won't be anything stopping me yet

Unless Freya decides to send ottar on my ass and I am pretty sure that my shield is enough to tank some hits while I turn that idiot into a pin cushion

Drake: ' let's think about it later'

I go to the bar to see riveria, ais and lefiya sitting at a table

Drake: yo

Riveria: good evening Drake how's the day so far

Drake: well from getting myself a blacksmiths contract and joining a Familia with a cute and friendly goddess I can say it's going good

Riveria: congratulations on your contracts

Drake: thanks, but you seem to be a little stressed out

Riveria: well our team is coming back tomorrow so we will have to be disbanding our 'party' I hope you can understand

Drake: no, it's not a big deal I was playing to do some solo dives

Riveria: I hope you are careful

Drake: Yeah, well how about this eat as much as you like for today the meal is on me, at least I can do something for all the help you have provided to me

Riveria: thanks for the generous offer

Drake: no problem

I went towards the kitchen where I found mama Mia managing the stuff and may who was cooking with a very fast pace

Mia spots me

Mia: Drake wash your hands and get to work there are a lot of customers

Drake: on it, also don't charge riveria san today I will pay her share

Mia had a questioning look on her face

Mia: why

Drake: well it's our last day as a party so I thought of paying for the food

Mia laughs and says

Mia: oh youth, sure kiddo now go and cook the food doesn't cook itself

{a a few hours later}

After the day ended I went up to my room after getting 70 % of my daily wage why cuz ais is a beast when it comes to eating

As I open the door I see Hestia lying on my bed

I approach her

Hestia: took you long enough

I hug her and say

Drake: well need to do my job or else how am I going to pay the rent and for the betterment of our familia

Hestia smiles and hugs me back

Hestia: I feel very lucky to have you

Drake: me to Hestia sama

We stay like that for a while

Drake: Well let's get something to eat and then we can sleep

Hestia nods

After eating we get to my bed and then fall asleep while holding each other


another one

cuz I feel a little bit generous today,



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