
chapter 24 Farewell party

The days were passing by quickly ,sanjana had already completed her assignment and in two meetings with kartik they together made a perfect assignment for submission before the due date .Now the whole college was busy in studies as the exams are getting closer The management had decided to arrange a farewell party on the next day of last exam .

Sanjana was preparing hard for exams as she doesn't want to disappoint darsh ji .Choti ma was sending her breakfast ,lunch ,dinner at room only .As she has a habit of skipping meals for study piyali made sure that her health should not suffer because of exam stress .Darsh used to guide her in her studies ,she made it sure that she should take proper sleep for herself. The exams got started in no time ,all the papers till now are going well for sanjana .Her relieved face make darsh happy , the last day exams was also done .That day darsh took sanjana for dinner to make her mind relieved from the result tension

Kartik kapoor pov