

"We were meant to be together, but this life time wasn't meant for us." He whispered. Most painful thing ever is having, feeling for someone you cant be with. .......... "He wasn't the right person for you," her dad yelled. "Marring Seth will be a new beginning of life, trust me. He's meant for you." "Trust me!!,it was a new beginning of hell!!"

shywriter · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


She sneaked in through the window jumping in smoothly, phew! I hope no one will sense that I left, contrary to what she expected the lights went on, there she was the devil herself, how did she….

"Oh! My dear Cella, I warned you about sneaking but you're so disappointing" amber's smooth voice would make someone cringe; she uncrossed her legs and stood up looking at her.

"I'd like to know what grandpa will think about his so called sweet holy granddaughter," she stood up walking slowly towards her smiling as if she had hatched a plan.

"who gave you permission to enter your small filthy body into my room?" Marcella fumed this cousin of hers was something else but she won't let her spoil her good mood.

Also walking forward cella smirked, "aha! I know you may have found me red handed sneaking in, but I have a better plan better than you," Cella walked directly to her closet, took some document and threw at amber's face.

What is this, she asked internally. She opened the envelop and unfolded the papers right after photo's fell out, she bent down and took hold of the photo and rose up with a pale face,

'How is this possible? How did she find this?

"How I found out? That's out of your reach," Cella was happy for the first time in her life she tamed this loathsome lady.

"Who helped you find this because I know you can't do this alone," she spoke in a hurry trembling voice. Cella was happy hearing her trembling voice, had she crossed the line? no she didn't she just put the naughty dog to sleep.

"Relax my dear amber, that man didn't tell me much I'm sure that he's protecting his poor accomplice or should I say lover," she used the same voice Amber had used on her.

Amber looked at her with too much hate but she couldn't do anything, stomping her feet she left but stood after a step,

"When the right time comes I'll deal with you" she left unwillingly. She ran to her room and threw the papers down sat on the carpeted soft floor and pulled her hair, no one should know about this I've been concealing this information for years, now I must get rid of that ninny.

In the study room, the temperature was becoming UN bearable, silence traveled around bouncing on the four walls, it seemed that no one was willing to say a word,

"You all know that our company is collapsing, and if we do nothing about it, all the hard work that has gone through the Althea generation will turn into ashes." Monty explained. " she's the only one to help." He continued.

"Why her?, It's clear to all she can't do anything she's clueless about how to systematize her life," Anton laughed sarcastically .

"Watch your mouth Anton," this type of conversations did not go well as long as Anton was around, he mocked people around him as if he had a perfect life. Sawyer turned his head left and looked at him, "speaking about clueless children what have your 'cued-up' daughters done that can benefit this family? Other than disgrace ?" Monty sat there looking his sons, his health wasn't getting better and he didn't want to leave before he saved and continued the Althea legacy.

But looking at his grown up sons quarreling like fools made his heart ache, in all the generations there was no conflict about wealth and hate in the family but his generation, he failed and brought disgrace as sons. Success will only happen when there's solidarity.

He stood up and banged the table then coughed loudly, "What's wrong with you stupid sons?" sawyer helped his sit back down.

"You are the same people to solve the collapsing company issue and this time around am not helping any of you, am really tried to watch the family fall apart, I taught your well so you can hold this family together, but what have you contributed to make the Althea legacy go on?" he pinched his brows, this was really tiring he never thought that the sons that he bragged on so much would be the worst off him.

"Am so disappointed in you Anton you are the head of the family but your acting like a hooligan," he opened his drawer and took out a brown envelop and gave it to Sawyer, "You know what to do, we have no choice." Everyone left the room in a heavy heart , Sawyer always wished her last daughter to go abroad and pursue her dreams, what will the look on her face if she receive this type of news?

He walked in his room troubled, Ida Cora his lovely wife sat at the writing desk waiting for him,

"It must be a tough conversation by the look on your face," she walked and rubbed her small thumb to smooth en between his brows.

"Yeah," he sat on their bed with a heavy sign "Honey this is going to be hard," he looked at her clear eyes came closer to her and whispered into her ears, she leaned near ready to listen.

"WHAT!!" she laughed in disbelieve "That will never happen as long as am around, she is our last child sawyer are you listening to yourself?" she would not sit around and watch this happen.

"We have no choice…."

"Ha! No choice" she stood up and got off his arms "Last time it happen what was the result? W…what was the result…" she broke down, it was so painful to watch and not do anything, Sawyer never wanted this to happen either, but what can he do, he crouched down and scooped her in his arms, "Don't touch me!" she pulled herself from his hold wiping her tears , "You have to stop this from happening, am not ready to lose another girl," her red eyes explained everything.

Sawyer sat there motionless he had to choose between family or legacy...…..