

"We were meant to be together, but this life time wasn't meant for us." He whispered. Most painful thing ever is having, feeling for someone you cant be with. .......... "He wasn't the right person for you," her dad yelled. "Marring Seth will be a new beginning of life, trust me. He's meant for you." "Trust me!!,it was a new beginning of hell!!"

shywriter · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


Black clouds colored the clear blue sky and brought forth a dull atmosphere, a man slept looking at the sky, he couldn't move or change the direction of his beautiful grey eyes, and he was stuck like that. He believed his eyes mocked her to look at the moving clouds and envy them for their freedom to move. Why did it have to be him of all the people, he had a lot he had to complete before he faded.

'Why are you punishing me? I was fair to everyone'

'I promised myself not to be weak but looks like you may never know what fate hols for you' his thoughts ran wild. He slept there like a lifeless doll, but he still envied the dolls because they had someone to look after them but he was just there motionless.

He had many friends and family but none of them checked on him, humans are unpredictable, ungrateful and greedy. When sharing money with you they pretend to care but there wolves covered in sheep skin.

All of you that made me weak you'll pay slowly but painfully. I'll make sure you lose everything back to shreds. He tried to raise his head but it was too heavy and painful but did not give up because it was not in his dictionary.

He raised his head again and again till he managed to look at his surrounding well but he couldn't ignore his throbbing head. He counted one to three and moved but he fell off on his face with a thud. Suddenly someone come in running,

"Young master did you just move, I really had faith in you." An old man helped him up and supported him to sit with tears in his eyes. He remembered this man, his butler the man who took care of him since he was a toddler. The man who consoled him when the others bullied him, the man who showed him what love meant the man that helped him when they had that accident. How could he not cry?

The two men looked at each other crying like kids, "I knew you'll not disappoint me." He stood up and brought him water to wash his rusty throat. The man looked at him without hiding his excitement,

"I've always believed in you Seth, I knew my boy will never give up," he raffled his hair; he was still a child in his eyes. Seth looked at him and had a lot to ask but he was undecided. Butler Lincoln ran out and came pushing a wheelchair, placing it in front of Seth and helped him settle on it.

"I'll help you clean up then make some hot dinner so we can talk about what's next." He pushed the heavy wheelchair to the clean bath room. After the refreshing shower That Seth needed for a life time the two walked in the kitchen.

"Young master," poppy the butler's wife cried after he confirmed that he was truly awake. She ran and held his face soothing him, she may not know this boy very well like her husband but the young man helped and took care of her small family.

"We've never met but are always grateful for always taking care of my husband." She was indeed happy to see this handsome man that his husband kept praising.

"Poppy stop squeezing him you'll make him uncomfortable, Plus he just woke up." Lincoln pushed his wife a side. Poppy made a disapproving look,

"That's not fair hmph! Am also help you enjoy to see him again is that wrong?" she behaved like a five year old. Lincoln hugged to console her, he loved he so much. Seth looked at them feeling awkward, he was still single and never felt any feelings or the urge to try and date, the three people sat and ate peacefully; this was a peaceful celebration just like Seth liked.

After their dinner the two men sat by the fire and reasoned as before, It was hard for Seth to talk so he wrote on a piece of paper,

'What happen after the accident?' Lincoln read the paper carefully, and spoke looking at Seth.

"Your dad fell sick and Sofia is taking this chance to place Weston as the next heir, and also he will be the next CEO," he explained every detail honestly. Seth was just quiet and his mouth curved into a mischievous smile, after he discovered Sofia's secret she tried to get rid of him, but he went to hell and he's back. Thunder and lightning roared as if agreeing to his thoughts which made the old man next to him shiver.



"MARCELLA?" He rubbed his eye twice,

"It's really me..." She was happy to see the reaction to her surprise, she too miss him more than she can explain. She came to celebrate his day so she can forget all that's being going on at home. Marcella ran to his open arm and held him tightly as if they'd join their bones together. They sniffed and cried in each other's arms, they had been through a lot and yet to suffer. The people around them just looked and fell silent they all knew how it was hard to walk every path alone.

"You people can we just celebrate am hungry," one of the twins was really inpatient, "This looks really delicious, I can't wait to taste it. If you guys keep on hugging ill invite myself." The others laughed at her in words, it was rare for them to eat this type of food and ever since Marcella joined them as family they never lacked anything to eat and also wore beautiful clothes.

The group of friends enjoyed their meals in peace not knowing what will happen next. After the sweet meal they prepared to sleep, it was raining and dark so she couldn't go home.

Liam looked at Marcella awkwardly, she to shower so that she won't catch a cold,

"Hahaha!" she also understood the situation, they looked away quickly after their gazes met, "I'll go to shower" she ran in the birth room and locked the door then leaned at it , she held her chest were her heart beat like it was coming out.

She imagined what was to happen next but shook her head to push the thoughts away, ha!

After the long warm shower she went back to the room with a flashed face, she really had a naughty mind. Liam had left the room for her to wear his prepared clothes that he lended her for the night.