

"We were meant to be together, but this life time wasn't meant for us." He whispered. Most painful thing ever is having, feeling for someone you cant be with. .......... "He wasn't the right person for you," her dad yelled. "Marring Seth will be a new beginning of life, trust me. He's meant for you." "Trust me!!,it was a new beginning of hell!!"

shywriter · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


Today was that day that no one wished that it would come, the graduation day. Marcella had no plan she didn't think of anything to escape her dad. As if her dad read her brain beforehand he planted bodyguards to for her everywhere even in the toilet. They were women.

She avoided Liam for his safety her dad was despicable he could do anything that would benefit him and thought that money solved everything. The day was bright as expected students were happy that they'll join college and have freedom. Parent teachers sat murmuring with happy faces, of course they were happy that the suborn kids will get off their backs.

Ida was also present but it was evident that she was sad, looking at her mom Marcella felt a wave of emotion, the urge of busting into tears was around the corner but she had to control her nerves on behalf of Althea family.

As if Ida saw her thoughts tears spilled down her covered eyes looking helplessly at Marcella, she couldn't do anything about it either,

"Am a failure Cella," she hugged her tightly. Marcella pulled her mom and they sat at a secluded place, looking at Ida's trembling body the urge to control her tears broke out and tears streamed down like a waterfall,

"I don't blame you mom," she trembled and held her mom shaking hands, "It's just fate; no one is to blame,"

"I couldn't do anything to save Brianna, of Course am to blame for all you fates," looking at Marcella "We can do something about it before the evening is here maybe run away."

Marcella almost chocked on her tears, "What run away are you serious mom?" was her mom insane, what happened when Brianna tried, there's no way she following that path.

"We all know what dad's capable of, he will not let us off," they stared blankly at each other no one thought of anything. The two ladies placed their heads close but they didn't see sawyer looking strangely at them. How long was he standing there?


Music played loudly and teens were happily dancing, Liam sat in between his friends and he was quiet than usual. He had not seen Marcella for a while and was worried. He hated the word money because that's what separated him from her, he couldn't even dream of going to see her because she was always surrounded; she always carried a sad expression on her small pretty face.

He missed her wide smile, that sincere smile that made him forget all the shit he always goes through. He knew that she sneaked every day to watch him, he didn't tolerate the action of sneaking but changing her mind was really hard. He had really sunk to the emotion than he thought.

He stood up and tried to do the dance moves that they had practiced but did the wrong moves,

"Can you get your shit together, we won't you drag us down again," the couch spat, Liam has been distracted the whole week, and that didn't hold them a favor. He was one of their best dancers and as the lead dancer he was there hope in winning the upcoming Dancing competition.

"He's missing his little wife, HAHAHAH," one of the boys laughed. No one laughed because they all knew he was jealous of Liam. The act of them ignoring him made him madder, Liam only got a pretty face nothing about him was that interesting. Also his dad the couch loved him like he was his son, that's what made him even madder.

He was the center of attention before that Liam joined the group, with that he had planned to get rid of him but it was so hard because he always got his way out. AAAAAAHHHH! I hate you to the bones; just you wait till I find something that will silence you.

"Boys rest for now tomorrow we will continue," Messi the couch explained, "Liam can I talk to you," he pointed at the direction of his mini office. Messi liked the young man and saw himself in him, Liam works so hard and saves to join collage and pay for his younger twin siblings' fees.

"Liam I know that you have a lot on your plate right now, but you have to act strong doesn't let people define you for the problems you bare." He laid flatly on his sit, and stared at the quiet lad sitting opposite him. He was still young to strive and suffer; He had sons just the same age but lived a comfortable life by his small salary, so why couldn't he do the same for him.

"Here take this," He stretched out his hand and handed Liam a brown envelope. Liam took the envelope sitting upright and opened it carefully and his somber expression changed and was replaced with the widest smile that made Messi's heart swell with satisfaction.

"No way…. How did you get this?" he was as happy as a child that had learned to walk after tripping and stumbling for long. He was his role model and idol, he watched all his show but never got the chance to attend his show live.

"Thanks so much this means a lot," tears spilled as he remembered his mom promising him that she won't sleep until she bought him the tickets, but she passed before she could even save the money. He held his chest painfully as he remembered the face his mom had before she died, he wanted to scream and run away from everything but he had to stay strong for his two lovely siblings.

Looking at the side, Messi also felt his pain. He watched him grow and saw their sick mother suffer on their behalf, she smiled to show how strong she was but she was a broken soul. He remembered how she received insults from her relatives because of giving birth at a young age, receiving the hate she still took care of her children till her last breath. She was a broken hero that will remain in her beloved heart.

"Happy birthday!!"
