

What happens when a cannibalistic psychopath manipulates his victim into falling in love with him? Finley had just graduated from college as a pomologist and decided to go into the dating world to have her first boyfriend but she was very unlucky. What happens when Finley discovers that the rich, handsome, surgeon is a cannibalistic psychopath in disguise?

Del17_writz · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter 1

"Help, help!!, someone, please help me!".

A young lady shouted, banging on an iron cage, cell block profusely. She looked pitiful, with her blood-stained clothes and her tattered hair.

"No one will help you here".

A weak lady said, leaning on the concrete wall in another room beside hers.

The young lady shouting stopped with shock she wasn't expecting to hear another lady's voice here, in the next room beside hers! That means there are other victims.

'What! How long has she been here that she knows this, is she another of his victim too?'

"Are you a victim?".

The shouting lady asked the other one, as she slowly walked to the other side of the room and leans in on the wall with one side of her ears.


The weak lady answered.

"For how long have you been here?". The shouting lady asked again.

"I don't even remember, let's say for a week now, I think he brings in new girls every one or two weeks".


The other weak lady started crying.

"My baby, he took my baby...., He kidnapped me and my baby, I want to see my baby".

"He kidnapped you here?...".

The shouting lady asked confused.

"Yes, he deceived me into dating him through a dating app and asked me to come to see him with my baby...".

The weak lady couldn't finish her words, she started crying again.

"Did he tell you where your baby is, when you woke up?".

"No, he said he is somewhere safe, when I asked him, that he would bring her to me later".

The shouting lady took in a deep breath and let out a feel sigh.

She was deceived into dating him too.

"How long did you date him for?".

"A week, before he requested to go out with me on a date and that I should come with my baby, so he would see her".

"We dated for two weeks, he said he wanted to go on a vacation at a family resort, he asked for me to come with him and I agreed. He came to pick me up from my house a week later and we left together for the vacation but he took me to his house instead...".

The shouting lady said and paused for a few minutes before asking again.

"What's your name?".

"My name is Kali". The weak lady replied.

"Kali, we will escape this place together, okay?".

"How? I don't think that would be possible anymore, I have lost half a leg, and one of my breasts, look he is eating us alive, last time there was a girl before me, I was new and she was here before me and since the last time I heard her crying when he dragged her out of her cell, she hasn't been back, I am sure he has killed her off after eating almost half of her body, her name was Anna". The weak lady's voice breaks and she started sniffing continuously, she is crying again.

The shouting lady threw up.


"Yeah, be ready he would soon come".

Few seconds after the weak lady said that heavy footsteps were heard.

He is coming!

The footsteps stop at the cell before the shouting lady's cell.

The sound of keys can be heard as the person brings it out of his pocket, he tried opening Kali's cage, when the shouting lady, shouted.

"Rowan!! Don't you dare eat her, you cannibalistic, psychopathic, killer!!!".

The man stopped, and he started walking again. He appeared at the front of the shouting lady's cell.

The tall man had a good body physique, he had gray eyes that looked like he could see through someone if he stares at them for too long, with a chiseled jawline, and his jet-black hair, that isn't long or short, he looked really beautiful and scary at the same time.

He had a face that can attract and repel.

"Finley, how is your stab wound?". He asked after staring at her for a minute.

His voice is surreal, it sounded so nice and smooth.

One of the many reasons Finley liked him.

Finley stared at him, then she touched her stomach.

She felt it, the bandages were there.

She started having flashbacks.

Finley didn't notice her wound this morning, she has been busy trying to get out of this cage that she forgot about the stab wound and surprisingly she wasn't also feeling any pain in the area.

She rushed to the protector of the cage and spat on him.

"Get away from here!!".

"Did you vomit?". He asked as he took a small hand towel from his pocket and cleaned the spit off his face.

"You lured in poor single women and mothers with that face of yours just so you could eat them!! You will rot in hell!".

"It's time to eat".

He said nonchalantly and left.

"Aaarrgggghhhh!!!". Finley shouted.

"Stop shouting, save your strength because any food that he gives to you is laced with a drug that will be making you weak day by day so that you can't shout anymore".

"What! Who told you I will be eating his food? !". Finley shouted.

"I said the same thing".

"I will escape from here and I will take you with me, my friends on the outside will start looking for me very soon and they will inform the police".

"Yeah, but it will take some time as they will be looking for his real identity, you and your friend know him as Rowan, right?". Kali asked.


"Well, he told me that his name is Waylen Shobal, and he told Anna his name is Nate".

"What a scum".

The heavy footsteps were heard again but this time he was rolling a trolley.

On the trolley, there were trays of food.

He stopped in front of Kali's cage

He took out the keys, opened the cage protector, and entered inside with a tray of food.

The food looked nice and had a delicious aroma.

Kali couldn't move because of her amputations.

There were blood stains on the bandages wrapped around her chest area where the left breast was amputated.

The man bent down to inspect it, Kali started whimpering with tears coming out of her eyes, she tried moving away from him but could only move an inch.

He stared at her with a smirk, he was enjoying her suffering.