
Chapter 30: A day with Your Highness Pt. 1

In the morning, Prince Nikolai finally stirred on his bed, naturally waking up from his long and deep sleep. Noticing a familiar setting after fluttering his eyes open, he was immediately relieved to realize he was still in his bed. He shifted his position and laid on his back as he stretched his arms above his head. A yawn escaping him.

"It's so nice to wake up in a soft bed once in a while."

He stayed in his position, his arms over his head, as he gazed up at his ceiling. The ceiling was already old, and like a forgotten canvas, the paint once a regal cream had faded to a muted, peeling yellow. A single chandelier were devoid of its crystals and hung from the overfamiliar ceiling. He stared at it while he waited for his grogginess from sleep to fade away, his whole body heavy and weak from a very long, deep sleep. 

"Sigh... This old manor is the only thing we have. And soon, this whole place will be abandoned for real."