
A weird declaration (1)

— Vlad! Time to wake up!

Hearing my mother's voice, I open my eyes at a leisurely pace and leave my bed.

I get up, as usual, without haste, and look around the room with a tired look,and start cleaning my room.

Sometimes people ask: "Vlad, why do you look like that?" More often than not, I just grin ironically.

Of course, this is not an answer, but what can you say? That I have an incurable blood disease? Or that I have to follow many rules in order not to accidentally die?

But I don't crave anyone's pity.

When did this problem appear, you ask?

Hmm, to be honest, I don't know. When I was 6-7 years old, I fell into coma. A few months later, I regain my consciousness. I came to my senses and found out that I have a disease that is incurable.

I know It sounds like the plot of some cliche novel , where the main character gets superpowers.

But, alas, everything is not so surreal, after all life is not a book.

Maybe it's funny to some people, but I don't think so. It's been five years since this cursed disease was discovered, My parents got me checked up in quite a few places.

But all of the doctors either said that : «I don't know what this disorder is ... », or else: «I can't save him, I'm sorry!»

After listening to it for years, I'm quite fed up. Well nothing new there.

Of course, sometimes I thought of committing suicide, but these ideas were eventually discarded.

Naturally, I could have ended my life if not for my parents. They tried very hard to heal me, so you can say that they are the chains that keep me from committing suicide.

After some time, I gradually got used to all this and even learned to endure attacks for a long time without complaining. I didn't want my parents to become more miserable than they already are.

Therefore, the mask, which hides how tired I am from this god forsaken life, has steadily become a familiar thing for me.

Now I am already twenty, and I study at an university, even despite the illness, however, it, of course, does not allow me to play sports or perform any physical labor.

— Vlad! Breakfast is ready!

A few hours later, My class ended, and I began to get ready to pack my things up and leave for home.

Today I had to stay late at the university, so when they let me go, it was already past dusk.

On the way home, I had to constantly turn around, because it seemed like someone was following me.

— Vlad, from this day on you will be my husband!

Suddenly, a sweet female voice was heard. She seemed to be very agitated, slightly impatient and with notes of excitement apparent in her voice.

I turned around, but did not see anyone, and, writing off everything as my mind playing tricks, I start walking. For a split second it seemed like goosebumps ran all over my body, but from what?

A few minutes later, the feeling that someone was walking behind me did not leave me, and this began to annoy me.

— Show yourself! — I shouted, unable to contain my anger.

There was no response, but the people passing by looked at me with a look one gives to a madman.

Still rather annoyed, I continued on my way, mentally repeating that these were all illusions, and I should not pay attention to them.

I wanted to reach home as soon as possible, so I decided to quicken my pace.

Suddenly, next to me, like lightning, a shadow appeared and dealt a strong blow at the back of my head.

The last thing I saw before losing consciousness was a woman with bright golden eyes, and nothing more.