
still deciding the title

Randy Boland is picked by the system run by the government to be a superhero. Joining the justice league and being granted powers is everyone’s dream. However, upon his ascension into hero duties, other small heroes begin to die, and he rises in rank. On missions he goes to, villains end up spared and missions become sabotaged. It doesn’t take long for the world to realize that for the first time, the powers of a hero had been given to a natural villain. Randy’s motive? Take revenge on the government and the other heroes for 10,000 years of oppression and injustices.

Matt_Gale · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs


The beeping of the small intercom system at my desk seemed to be the thing that annoyed me most today. Aside from the note I found at my desk, reminding me to avail myself for the hearing announcements just about an hour ago. 


'Who do you think it'll be?' Jamie, my best friend and confidant, said with a giddy tone. 


'Is it not obvious, they have been keen on preselecting heroes for a century now, nothing is going to change.' I scoffed, as I leaned back against my seat. 


'See but this time, they're going to let the systems randomly pick.'


'That's just what they're telling us,' I looked up at him, hating the glint of hope behind his eyes. 'Be honest with yourself Jamie, when has the government ever kept it's word?' 


I knew the truth all too well. The promise of a new hero being picked from random masses was all but a joke. It was the same propaganda bullshit. 


'The systems will turn and roll, and they'll spit out a government name in the act of annonimity.' I shrugged as I got up. 


'But don't you think that maybe they're afraid?' 


'Afraid of what?' I sighed, as I looked back at him. 


'The people are angry, the riots have increased in time and masses. This is the one attempt the government has to please us.'


'LOOK AROUND!' He gasped, startled, as his eyes met mine. 'Look at the world around us. The government has grown rotten by day, and there isn't a thing we can do about. The heroes, meant to protect us, are out for themselves. They don't care about us. None of them do.' 


I squint my eyes as I bang my fists against the wall. A wave of pain jolts into me, but it was nothing compared to the pain of loosing everyone I loved. 


'Look man, lets just go to the hearing and see who will be announced.' Jamie got up, his footsteps reveting on the carpeted floor as he walked towards me.


I fall to my knees, trying my best to hold back my tears. I hate what my life has become. 


'I hate this life without them.' I let out, feeling defeated. 


Three months ago, I lost everything I ever cared about.


'I know man, but you have to believe they're in a better place.' Jamie whispered as he rubbed my shoulders. I hated that notion. While this country was going into shambles, there was no better place. This was our home. And they were killed on our soils, in our home, where they were safe. 


The government did that!


'Let's go.' I got up and picked up my coat. Everyday, with every step I take, with every breath I take, I do it thinking of them. Of the injustice committed against them. And the life they would have lived. 


We walked out of the building and into the parking lot. I sit at the drivers, ignoring Jamie's jabber about not being fit to drive. Once he's situated next to me, I cough my engine, and drive us out of the lot. 


The man flying right above our building complex infuses rage within me. Gone were the days where heroes brought good to the country. Now the terrorise it. Inducting taxes and acting as foot soilders for the government. 


'What would you do if you're picked?' Jamie's question causes me to roll my eyes, my fingers tighten against the driving wheel as I look at him for a moment. 


'I guess I'd make sure the world went to war.' I joked, and he laughed. 'And I would use my powers to actually protect people. But still, there's figures up there that deserve an ass whopping, and I would do just that.'


Jamie laughed as his remained on me, I took a swerve at the next station and headed for the corner building. 


'Well for me,' He started, pinting at me with that sinister smile, 'I would uphold my oath. And take care of the people. I would abide by the law, and bring justice to everyone. Save the masses, and try to find a way for both the government and the public to coexist in peace.' 


'Typical Jamie.' I scoffed, and to which he hit my arm. 


'Hey, what's that supposed to mean.' 


'Well man, if you got picked, you'd deserve it. You're a good man. You'd make a wonderful hero.' I let out, knowing exactly what it meant for him. 


'Thank you, man, and so would you.' He spoke, and I let that statement linger. 'I'm serious man, you're a great man, and you'd make a wonderful hero.' 


Jamie and I, were two opposite sides of the same coin. He desired nothing but peace. He couldn't hurt a fly. He was all for forgivness and putting everything behind us. All for letting people go, welcoming healing, or whatever other bullshit he talked about. 


He was kind, and he was a hundred times more worthy of that lottery than anyone else. 


However, the truth was naked and bare. Jamie, deep down, must know. There was no way anyone random would be selected. The order had only been passed as a distraction against the riots forming in the east. 


The hero's have always been preselected at birth. Children of prominent ministers, military commanders and men with enough money to wipe their asses on it. 


The hero selected has always been narrowed down to once every fifty years. And in every selection, seven heroes were choosen. 


However, this times selection would uphold one thing and one thing only. The numbers. While they would never keep their promise of choosing a person at random, still, only one person would be hero this time. 


Unlike the last 10,000 years, the power of seven superheroes would be given to one. 


Our drive became quiet, Jamie, seeming to be lost in thought, stared out the window as we entered the basement of the corner building. Chatter from upstairs filled the vicinity, making it obvious that the masses had arrived. 


'You hear that?' Jamie's face lit up as he alighted the car. ' That is the sound of hope and joy.' 


I smirked, as I stepped out of the car. 


'The people have hope Randy. That is more than anything this country has had since the last selection.' I corked my head as I listen to him. 


'Why are you not happy man? This is a joyous occasion. The people are happy.' 


'It's not the hope that scares me Jamie,' I let out, as we walked towards the elevator. 


'then what is it man?'


' What happens when that hope disappears?' his eyes grew dark, something I'd never thought possible. Silence settled between us as we stepped into the elevator. 


'I'm not one who likes being the bearer of bad news, but think about it.'


'I've heard you Jamie,' he raised his hands in dismissal. 'You don't think for even a second that the government will keep it's word.' 


'NO! it's not that!' 


'THEN WHAT IS IT?' His voice was high and mighty, his eyes were covered in pain as he looked at me. 'I have known you all my life Randy. And im sorry what happened to your family man but you have to get over it. You're always this dark force looming over everything. You can't see the good in anything. It's messed up man.' 


I kept quiet as I stared at him. It took everything within him not to punch him right now. 


'Look man, I'm sorry, I go..'


'So let's for one moment assume that this little thing you got going on is going to work,' I let out in an amused tone. 'let's assume that the government will keep it's word, and one person will be selected at random. The public will have hope. They will feel included and valued. Then what happens when just one person, capable of being the most powerful superhero in the world, turns on us?' 


The elevator door dinged, before it opened. The hall, filled with tens of thousands of people, welcomed us. I stepped out, before I heard anything he wanted to say. I merged with the crowds as Jamie called behind me. 


He was the last person I wanted to hear from right now. But he was right about one thing. The people here, were full of hope and joy. What happens, when all of that is taken away?