

'You punks need to know how to respect people and their choices",Annie scolded them as they started cursing at each other and started pulling each other hairs. No teacher was at the field to stop them so all the students gathered around them and cheered.

"Stop",A tiny but loud voice sounded as everyone stopped what they were doing.

"Please, don't fight for me",Sana breathed heavily as tears rolled down to her cheeks and she ran away.

"Awnnn, She's crying but wasn't this caused by her though such a drama queen",A guy complained and sneered.

"Oh Gosh she gives me the creeps with her attitude",A girl said and shivered.

"How can you guys just believe stupid allegations when they haven't found evidence or anything,What you guys are doing to this girl you will surely regret it",Annie said angrily and left looking for Sana.

When Annie saw Sana,she was at the roof top staring at a distance without any care of the world.

"Sana, don't listen to what they have to say okay,I know you didn't kill him",Annie stood beside Sana and hugged her from behind.

"But I hit him with a rod",Sana broke down in tears and hugged Annie.

"It's not me really,