
Sticky Fingers [An Anime-verse story]

I died, without knowing the cause. That should have been the end, but unfortunately, or maybe fortunately for me, it was just the beginning. Getting reborn into a world that looks normal at first glance, I thought I would be able to live my life peacefully. But as God had said, don't let your guard down, so that's exactly what I plan on doing. Not having any memory regarding my past life or any information about this world, I still don't plan on giving up my dream to live a peaceful life. But living in a world with man-eating monsters, people having the ability to change the weather, aliens trying to eat my insides, and having the powers of a spider, I think all these things make it a tad bit impossible. ~~ Yo, I know. The synopsis was shit. You failed to understand anything. Don't worry, I'm going to explain it properly now. So MC is like a self-insert, but he doesn't have any knowledge about the world he is in, which is a mixture of different slices of life anime. This story is not going to be completely slice of life, mind you. There are going to be some disturbing aspects here. There's going to be action, comedy, romance, slice-of-life, High school romance, drama, and many more. I'm telling this already so that you guys don't start complaining later on, MC doesn't have any knowledge about any anime going to be in the story. So, he is going to be like an OC character. Every character that I include in this story won't be acting in a manner that will benefit the MC. They will be similar to their original counterparts in personality. That's it. Peace. ~ Anime that I plan to include in this story • Crayon Shin-chan • Tokyo Ghoul • Parasyte • Sakurasou No Pet Na Kanojo • Oregairu • Horimiya • Toradora • Golden Time • Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai • Why the hell are you here, Teacher?! • We Never Learn • Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid • To Love Ru • Nisekoi • Haganai • Your Lie in April • Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions • Oreshura • Your Name/Kimi no nawa • Weathering with you/Tenki No Ko • Gamers • Quintessential Quintuplets • Lookism • SpyxFamily (characters only) • Higehiro And many more to come. I'd greatly appreciate it if you guys recommend some anime to include in this story.

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9 Chs

I died

I died. I don't know how, but I died.

It's really easy to decipher, seeing as how I'm nothing but a dotted orb floating in the endless darkness. Am I going to hell? I hope not. There's no internet there.

It's strange really, not knowing the reason behind your death. What makes it even more strange is the fact that I don't even remember who I was. Like, I don't even remember my name. It's confusing to a point that I don't even want to think about it.

So that's what I'd do, not think about it. What's the point? I'm dead anyway, it's not like I can change that if I somehow get my memories back.

"You're correct. It's stupid to think about it."

Hearing that voice coming from... I don't know man, it's coming from everywhere, I try to find the speaker. Thankfully, an average-looking boy, who appears to be 16 to 17 years old stood in front of me out of nowhere. There was no transportation, no magic, nada.

Is he a god?

"Ding! You are correct. I'm God." The young-looking god winked at me, a bright smile adorning his face.

'So you can hear my thoughts, cool.'

"Hm?" God put a hand on his chin, a thoughtful expression on his face, "You don't seem to be surprised by that, unlike some other humans who would start freaking out just by looking at me once."

I shrugged my shoulders, or at least I tried to, considering the lack of shoulders on my dotted body.

'What's the point to freak out? It's not like I wasn't expecting to meet you here. I'm dead, so I know there's going to be some sort of hearing, where you decide on where I should go based on my past life's actions.'

The young-looking God hummed, a slight smile on his face. I'm confused as to what he might be thinking right now, but I'm fine as long as I get to get reborn again. I don't want to go to heaven, nor do I want to go to hell.

Heaven seems like a cool place, but I'm not sure if I deserve to be there. It's better not to get my hopes up.

"You don't have any confidence in yourself, do you?" God asked, his smile shrinking a bit. I thought about what he said, before putting it in the back of my head.

'I don't know, maybe it's a trait from my past life.'

"Oh, you don't remember your last life."

'No, I don't.'

"That's strange. You shouldn't have forgotten who you were. At least, not yet." God came closer to me and grabbed me in his palms, his face coming dangerously close.

'Hey dude, hands to yourself. I don't swing that way.'

"Is this your attempt to crack a joke?" God asked, still holding me in place. "I'm going to be honest with you, it was terrible."

'Meh, blame my past self for that. I guess he had a terrible sense of humor.'

God chuckled, finally letting go of me. "You're weird. How come you remember your gender if you have forgotten everything about yourself?" He asked, a strange glint in his eye.

Now that he said it, I don't know. There are some things I still remember about my past life, like what my personality was like and my gender. But that's just coming back to me as I talk. It's a strange feeling.

"No use thinking about it now. Why don't we discuss what to do with you?"

I was broken out of my thoughts by God's voice, and the words he said made me give him my full attention. I hope my past self wasn't some evil egomaniac terrorist who wanted to end the world. I don't want to go to hell.

Fingers crossed- wait, I don't have any.

"Now, listen attentively. You have died."

'I know.'

"Don't interrupt me."

God pouted, which only made me feel disappointed in him. It would have been cute if it was a pretty girl, but this is a boy we are talking about. To me, instead of looking cute, he looked childish.

"Y-you're surprisingly rude. Don't you have any fear that I might erase you if you think that way?"

I thought about it for a second, before trying to bow in front of God. With the most sincere words I could muster, I decided to apologize.

'I apologize. I thought out of turn. You are really cute God, my heart skipped a beat at your action.'

"... You don't have any shame, do you?" God's eyes twitched.

He looks annoyed at me, and for some reason, that expression gives me a sense of nostalgia. I have a feeling I got beat up a lot in my past life.

'What's the point of that? You can erase me at your whim. I'd rather not anger you.'

"Cowardly, but smart. I like that!" God beamed as if forgetting about our interaction from before. He is really easy to please.

'So? What were you saying before? I have died, then what?'

"Oh, yeah!" God cleared his throat. "As I was saying, you have died. Now, normally, I would have judged you by your past actions before deciding on what to do with you, but unfortunately, you have lost your memories. This means, even I'm unsure as to who you were and what you did." God surmised, taking me by surprise.

'Wait, aren't you God? The omniscient one? Shouldn't you know everything?'

"Not exactly," God replied sheepishly.


"I'm a god, yes. But I'm not omnipotent per se." He rubbed the back of his head, a sheepish smile on his face. "I'm just a lower God. I don't have any particularly strong powers. I judge people by looking into their memories, and only after that, do I send them to where they belong."


"You don't need to think too much into it. Even we gods have a hierarchy. The supreme one is the omnipotent one, compared to him, we all are nothing."


"Putting the matter of divine hierarchy aside," God said, once again clearing his throat. "I'm ashamed to admit, but I do not know what to do with you. The souls that come here, get their memory erased only when they are getting reborn. It's a one-time procedure too. This means, after completing one lifecycle, you can only get your memories erased once. If you try to go further than that, it might hurt the soul."

'That's troublesome. Does that mean I will have to be reborn?'

"Precisely. But it still is a bit worrisome, considering you won't forget about this whole encounter, unlike the other souls." God said, worry clouding his face.

'Let me guess, it's because the conversation we are having is after I have lost my memories. So I won't forget that I have met you, a God. Not to mention, I would remember that I have died once.'

"I'm glad you understand." God sighed in relief. For a god, he sure looks normal.

'Then, what do you suppose is going to happen to me?'

"Well, you are going to get reborn. But unlike the world you came from, you will be reborn into a world very different from your own." God explained, his smile returning on his face.

'How come you know which world I came from when I don't even know myself?'

"Well, it's because you are here, in this place. Only souls who come here are from Earth- 69."



'... I don't know, it just came to me.'


God stared at me, trying to say something but stopped. It almost felt like he wanted to tell me something, but by the looks of it, he doesn't seem very keen on telling me.

It was silent for a while after that, before it was broken by God's awkward laugh. Seeing him trying so hard to not make this any more awkward, I decided to laugh alongside him.

"Right... Let's, forget about that!" God clapped, and the scenery changed. Unlike the previous endless void of darkness, we were now inside a completely white room.

Woah. Teleportation? Cool.

"Right?" God smiled, looking quite proud of himself. "I'm good at teleportation magic, but we aren't here to discuss that."

Suddenly, a pair of spectacles appeared out of nowhere in God's hand. He quickly wore it, before giving me a friendly smile.

"Now then, my dear soul friend. I'm going to reincarnate you in a different world. In some worlds, this world is a work of fiction, but unfortunately for you, even if you did watch it before, you won't remember." God smiled giddily, as if my problems amused him.

He seems to be enjoying himself. It worries me a little.

'Well, it doesn't matter to me. I'm assuming this world is not dangerous?'

"Oh, it is dangerous. Very dangerous in fact." God's smile turned sadistic.

Well, ain't that a pretty sight? I'm going to get nightmares now.

'No thanks. I'd take my chances in hell. Thank you.'

God giggled at my reaction, his smile turning soft. I mean, I'm assuming it's soft, at least compared to the hideous one he had before.

"Relax. It's not as bad as you think it is. On the contrary, it's almost similar to your old world. There are just a few things different about this world. The only way for you to get in contact with the strange side of this world would be if you are unlucky. This world is 95 percent normal after all." God explained, the twinkle in his eyes was gone. He appeared to be telling the truth.

I'm still not convinced, however. My luck is shit.

"Oh, don't you worry about that? I'd give you a boon." God puffed out his chest, a proud look on his face. "No need to thank me!"

'... What kind of boon are we talking about? Am I going to get a superpower?'


'Oh? That's kind of reassuring. Which power exactly?'

God smirked, his voice turning smug. "I don't know, have you heard about Spiderman?" He looked at me expectantly to see my reaction. I don't know what he is expecting, but I'm confused.

'Am I going to turn into a human-spider hybrid? That's disgusting.'

"No, you uncultured swine!"

God shouted, his face turning red. "How come you not know who Spider-man is?!" Man, he looks pissed. I guess I said something I shouldn't have.

'In my defense, I don't even know who I am for that matter. So stop shouting please, your voice kind of echoes.'

God took a few deep breaths to calm himself. After a few seconds, he finally got his bearings back.

"Alright, I guess it's not your fault. For your information, Spider-man is a superhero who can do whatever a spider can. And let me tell you, he is amazing!"

Someone is a fanboy.

"Of course!"

I giggled at God's enthusiasm. If he likes this spider dude that much, then he must be someone spectacular. I think I can give this new life a try.

Not that I have any other choice.

"Excellent! Now off yo-"


I interrupted God, a few questions still lingering in my head. He looked at me, a curious look on his face.

I wonder why? Shouldn't he be able to read my thoughts?

"Oh, I can read your thoughts, alright. I'm just trying to act the part you can say."

'... What does that suppose to mean?'

"Don't sweat the small stuff. Just think clearly. What's going through your head?"

I was still a bit confused, but I decided to not think about it too much. I have got more important things to concern myself with, after all.

'Well, I have got a few questions.'


'What are my superpowers exactly? How do they work?'

"I already told you. You can do whatever a spider can. Web slinging, wall-crawling, super speed, super strength, super reflexes, spider sense, healing factor, and heightened senses." God explained, an excited grin on his face, "And onto your next question about how to use your powers, that's something you gotta figure out on your own. You can't depend on me for everything now."

'Woah, that's a lot of powers. How strong am I?'

"Not too strong, but not weak either. In comparison to other normal humans, you can easily knock out a grown adult with a flip of your finger."

'That's crazy strong!'

"Right?!" God grinned. "The webs you are going to produce are going to be pretty durable. Like holding an entire building from falling level durable! You're going to be flexible. Your reflexes are going to be crazy good. The control you will have over your body will be incredible, so much so that you will be able to balance yourself on a simple needle without any difficulty. Not to mention, you can stick to the walls."

I was left dumbstruck by the description of my soon-to-be powers. If that's not overpowered, then I don't know what is.

"Nuh-uh. Sorry to burst your bubble, but no matter how cool Spiderman is, he is not overpowered." God said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

'What do you mean? He seems pretty op to me.'

"For normal human standards, yes he is. But there are some beings that you just can not mess with. In the world I'm reincarnating you, there exist such beings. But they are very few."


"Don't worry. You will be fine, as long as you don't do anything to piss them off." God reassured me, which wasn't very reassuring.

'Fine. It's not like I have a choice. I will just have to be cautious, right?'

"Right." God nodded, agreeing with me. "This world is pretty normal, except for a few supernatural aspects. I doubt you would even need to use your powers."

'I hope so. Alright then, I have another question.'

"I'm listening."

'What should I do in this world? How should I live?'

"Hm? That's a difficult question for me to answer." God hummed, seemingly in thought. "I don't know, do whatever you want maybe? Just try to keep a low profile. We don't want you messing up with someone you shouldn't."


"Other than that." God smiled brightly, "Live your life to the fullest!"

I would have smiled if I had a mouth, but seeing as I don't, I just hummed.

'Alright, that was all I had to ask. I'm ready now.'

God smirked, before summoning his glasses again, which had disappeared when I interrupted him. He looked at me, seemingly happy about something.

"It was nice talking to you, my dear soul friend. I hope you enjoy this life you're being given. Now then, " He clapped his hands and a portal appeared under me. "Off you go."

–I got sucked into the portal, and darkness engulfed me again.

Man, I sure hope it's a peaceful world.


Hello Dear Readers.

Author here.

So, this is the prologue chapter of my story. This is exactly how I'm going to write conversations between characters, so if you don't like it, I'd advise you to not read this book any further.

This book is going to be very much slice-of-life-centric, so don't get your hopes up on seeing a fight. MC is going to an anime crossover world, so the story will have elements like an anime.

I'm not a native English speaker, so forgive me for any grammar mistakes.

How do you guys like the chapter? Please leave a comment.

That's it.


Give me your power stones.

Manofculture_5978creators' thoughts