
Stellar Echo: Heart of the Myst

In a galaxy where magic is more essential than air, and humans have reached the stars backed by ancient magical systems, we find a unique young man. With hair dark as the night sky and eyes full of memories that don't seem to belong to this life, he stands between two distinct realities. As he delves into the tangled dynamics of star governments and crosses paths with unforgettable individuals, his particular sense of right and wrong, shaped by echoes from another time, guides him—though not always in the expected direction.

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165 Chs

Chapter 89

A young man with bluish-black hair and dark eyes slowly approached the twins with an awkward smile, filled with fear and doubt, after receiving a malicious glare from Edward, who then turned to look at Olivia with a disdainful smile as he spoke.

"Tell the disciple they're talking about that EDWARD STONE will take his people for a drink, and if he has something to say about it, let him come and find me."

"I remind you, disciple Stone, that what you're trying to do is considered kidnapping and carries a prison sentence, so I hope you can desist in your attempts before involving direct disciple Erik, the boss of the youths, or I will have to call security."

Olivia's words only greatly increased Edward's scornful smile, who commented with arrogance.

"So they're with that coward, who would've thought he was still around here hiding without daring to show his face, hahaha, well tell him to come and find me and stop the stupidity of accusing me of kidnapping, I'm just inviting them for a drink."

As Edward laughed full of himself, the young man with bluish-black hair reached Clara with the intention of grabbing her arm. But at that moment, Martin stepped forward while accumulating and 'compressing' mana in the palm of his hand, which he released in a single blow, sending the young man's arm forcefully backward.

"Stay away from my sister..."

With a dark expression, Martin stood in front of his sisters and raised his guard, following the military boxing teachings he received in school. Meanwhile, the young man with bluish-black hair looked at his arm in surprise, struggling to understand how someone so weak could push him back, but quickly regained his senses and filled with anger at being humiliated by a mere novice.


After shouting in rage, the young man threw several punches at Martin, who dodged them calmly and patiently, demonstrating an exquisite understanding of space and his opponent's rhythm, making minimal movements and dodging the young man's rapid punches by mere millimeters.

The young man grew enraged and impatient at seeing how Martin dodged all his punches, making him look incompetent, so he quickly took a stance similar to Martin's and strengthened his body with mana before stomping the ground forcefully and launching a powerful right hook directly at Martin's face.

Without changing his expression, Martin moved his torso back, making the young man's fist stop millimeters from his chin, unable to reach him, forcing the young man to retract his arm with an angry look.

But Martin had been waiting for this opportunity, so the moment the young man began to retract his arm, Martin strengthened his arm and back, while accumulating a 'great quantity' of mana in his fist and 'compressing' it as his torso followed the movement of the young man's arm, who was retreating hastily.

When the young man finished retracting his arm and was about to raise his guard again, Martin had already reached him and, without giving him time to react, struck him with a strong right hook to the jaw, while simultaneously releasing the compressed mana in his fist in a display of exquisite coordination.

The hard and incredibly precise punch from Martin, combined with the explosive release of the mana, ended up causing the head of the young man with bluish-black hair to turn forcefully, forcibly turning off his consciousness, making him fall to the ground knocked out.

All those present, including Edward, watched the scene, incredulous, after all, it was not every day that a novice-apprentice knocked out a peak-apprentice so easily, a scene that could only be described as surreal.

But although Martin had knocked out his opponent, it could hardly be said that he had defeated him, after all, he had not caused any real damage. To the point that the jaw of the young man with bluish-black hair, where Martin's punch had made full impact, looked intact and didn't even have a slight reddening, so he would not take long to get up.




After bidding farewell to the siblings, Erik headed to the artificer area of the library, where he searched for a while for a couple of books on the creation of spatial artifacts, zazen discipline artifacts, and some information on ruin exploration that he hadn't read before.

After gathering a satisfactory number of books, Erik proceeded to his private room accompanied by Seraphina, who carried the books in her hands, since before Erik could put them in his storage ring, she snatched them from his hands with a professional smile.

When Erik reached the hallway leading to the private rooms, he could hear Sofia in the distance, politely but firmly declining what seemed like a proposition, just as he had instructed her to, which made him nod in satisfaction.

Wanting a better view of the scene, Erik quickly used the trick his masters commonly used to hide their presence and approached, followed by Seraphina, who did the same, intending to snoop on the situation.

Soon, Erik arrived at the spot where the siblings were without attracting anyone's attention, only to find some random idiot openly and shamelessly committing a crime without fear of the consequences. But a pleasant surprise was that Erik could see firsthand Martin's great talent and exquisite technique, which made him nod in approval while commenting to Seraphina.

"Martin is talented."

"Certainly, young master, he will undoubtedly be a great knight," Seraphina commented with a soft and calm smile, but the sharpness in her gaze towards Edward told a completely different story.

"Hehehe, you're right, I'll have to find a good teacher for him..."

"That would be a good option, young master."

Erik walked closer to the scene, contemplating Martin's future path and how truly useful his talent would be for him. After all, even though the security and law enforcement in the arcane order were impeccable, no businessman could do without well-trained and capable private security, as one never knew when a crazy person unafraid of consequences might attack unexpectedly. Just like at this moment.

"What, do you feel very important for knocking out that trash? Today I'm going to teach you what power means, and I'll take your sisters right in front of your eyes so you learn to respect."

Edward commented arrogantly and with anger while he approached Martin with heavy steps, who had a serious expression on his face, while Olivia pulled out a light blue crystal card intending to call security to throw the idiot into a jail cell for a couple of months to see if that would teach him a lesson.

"Is that idiot really trying to commit a crime in broad daylight with so many witnesses?" Erik asked, a bit surprised by the man's stupidity, after all, the severity of the order's legal system was not just a rumor, and if he dared to do what he said, he would end up with several decades in jail at the least, in addition to a hefty fine, courtesy of the arcane order's court, a place quite terrifying from what he had heard.

"Well, it's really rare to see such an idiot these days, I guess he must have something to rely on, a foolishness because not even a Master could save himself from the court."

"There really are all kinds of people in the world..."

"Fufufufu, although in the order such people are rare, in other factions it's a daily occurrence, so the young master should remember to be decisive when visiting them."

"I really don't feel like visiting them now that I know that, it will be a damn nuisance."

"Fufufu, you'll get used to it, young master, by the way, when dealing with that idiot, remember to do it in a dominant manner to send a message, or people will think it's easy to play with you."

"I understand..." Erik couldn't help but sigh, but quickly his face changed, turning serious and cold, full of authority and elegance.