
Stellar Echo: Heart of the Myst

In a galaxy where magic is more essential than air, and humans have reached the stars backed by ancient magical systems, we find a unique young man. With hair dark as the night sky and eyes full of memories that don't seem to belong to this life, he stands between two distinct realities. As he delves into the tangled dynamics of star governments and crosses paths with unforgettable individuals, his particular sense of right and wrong, shaped by echoes from another time, guides him—though not always in the expected direction.

lordanl · Fantasi
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165 Chs

Chapter 82

The group of masters, disciple, and maid appeared with a flash on the moon, which minutes before Erik had been looking at with longing. Upon arrival, the runes on Erik's suit softly illuminated, instantly generating something akin to an invisible force field around him, keeping him safe from the vacuum of space, while allowing him to breathe normally.

On the moon, Erik marveled at the ground under his feet, which resembled a canvas of fine and gray dust that stretched in gentle undulations to the horizon. The horizon not only appeared much closer but its curvature was incredibly evident to the naked eye. Craters of different sizes dotted the surface, almost like indelible scars telling the story of the countless impacts the moon had endured throughout its existence.

The sky on the moon was a dome of absolute darkness, a deep void filled with stars, which exuded a light of incredible sharpness, a clarity that couldn't be appreciated on the planet, standing firm and proud in the firmament without even a flicker. The sun, on the other hand, appeared as a disk of sharp and incredibly bright light in the sky, creating sharp shadows and strong contrasts on the lunar terrain.

In the distance, the planet Aranta hung in the sky like an orb of vibrant blues and greens, surrounded by a halo of white atmospheric light, an impressive and moving spectacle, especially for Erik, who looked around filled with emotion, like a small child in an amusement park for the first time. This brought affectionate smiles to Seraphina, Eleonora, and Sigrún.

Although for beings of their level, the vacuum of space presented no challenge and they only wore their suits to match their beloved Erik, the three women still activated them to create a suitable environment for their beloved Erik to enjoy his "space adventure" in the best way possible.

"This is fascinating..." Erik commented, almost dazed as he contemplated his surroundings. The sound of his voice reached the three women despite the vacuum of space, thanks to their suits. Although they didn't really need them to communicate, the suits were very important for maintaining the atmosphere.

"Hehehe, so what are you waiting for? Let's start your first 'space exploration'," Sigrún commented with a smile, to which Erik nodded excitedly and took a step forward. However, the excitement on his face turned to a slightly complicated expression as he realized that the gravity he felt was the same as on the planet university.

"Fufufufu." Eleonora, who guessed what was going through her beloved disciple's mind by his expression, let out a small giggle from her beautiful lips and gently touched Erik's suit before adding, "The gravitational simulation functions are now deactivated."

"Thank you, Master!" Erik thanked her excitedly and quickly returned to his original position, erasing with a ghost hand the footprint he had left, then took another step while floating slightly in the 'air', which filled him with great happiness, so he couldn't help but say,

"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind..."

The three beautiful women looked a bit confused at Erik, who was brimming with happiness as he said that curious phrase. Although it sounded very good, it honestly made no sense to them. After all, visiting a moon was so cheap that anyone with free time could do it. But it seemed to be something very special for Erik, as with a big smile on his face, he immediately crossed something off in his notebook after saying it, then quickly put it away. He then took out a glass box from his storage ring, where he very carefully placed a piece of the moon's surface marked with his footprint, which he had taken with the help of a spell.

The women affectionately watched Erik, who seemed to be living the best moment of his life, and followed him to play for a while on the moon, making sand castles and exploring the barren place, all while Erik refused to turn on the gravitational simulator of his suit, even when he almost flew off the moon several times because he didn't measure his strength well when jumping.

For his part, Erik was having the time of his life. Although the moon was not especially fun, and the feats he could achieve thanks to the weightlessness were things he could do without much trouble in normal gravity thanks to his super strength, walking on the moon and making a castle with its sand was an indescribable fantasy, a happiness he believed no one else could understand but him, as they couldn't grasp the context of the situation and what something like that meant in his past life.

"Is Erik making a flag?" Sigrún asked a bit confused as she watched Erik take out two platinum rods, a piece of blue cloth, needles, thread, ink, and a brush from his storage ring.

With all the materials in his hand, Erik began to weld the platinum rods together using fire magic. He then wrote his name on the fabric with a spell, as the brush wasn't much use to him since he didn't want to turn off the gravitational simulation. Afterward, Erik sewed some grooves into the fabric with the needle and thread, so that the platinum rods could pass through them.

"That seems to be the case..."

Eleonora commented a bit confused as she watched Erik plant the flag he had just made in the ground and pull out his portable shelter from his storage ring, the same one he used in the tournament. Then Erik created a small set where he began to take all sorts of photographs with the help of a small crystal orb.

Eleonora, Sigrún, and Seraphina watched in surprise as Erik had fun like a little kid taking photographs of the improvised set he had set up, nodding to himself in satisfaction from time to time as he looked at the photos he had taken.

After a while, Erik approached his masters and said cheerfully, "Masters, Seraphina, come on, we need to take a family photo, hehehe."

Although a bit confused, the three women approached Erik, and he quickly led them to the shelter. He then set the orb at a good distance from them. After checking that everything was in place, Erik positioned Seraphina among his masters, then hugged them from behind and took several photographs.

While Erik took family photographs in different poses and locations, Eleonora, Sigrún, and Seraphina looked tenderly at the huge smile on Erik's face, which was probably one of the happiest smiles they had seen on him in all the time they had been together. This filled them with infinite happiness, not only because of how happy he was but also because they were getting to know a new side of him, which made them feel much closer to him, something that would undoubtedly strengthen their relationship.

Not long after, Ebonique and Ignis joined the photo session. They helped the wolves stay in the vacuum of space so they could also be in the photos, which the wolves wanted to thank with a friendly lick, only to be hit on the head by them. However, Erik quickly avenged them, returning the hit and scolding them for not understanding the little and defenseless pups.

"You really enjoyed this moonwalk," Eleonora commented with a small smile on her face as she hugged Erik's left arm, who was gathering his things with the help of his ghost hands.

"Hahaha, yes, it was great."

"Hehehe, then the trip was worth it," Sigrún hugged Erik's right arm while speaking full of smiles.

"It was very much worth it," Erik commented with a smile, nodding in satisfaction at having gathered all his things and souvenirs.

"It's a joy that the young master enjoyed it so much," Seraphina said with a cheerful smile on her face next to Erik, while dark shadows covered the sandcastles Erik had made in the distance.

After a few more words, the group vanished from the moon with a flash, returning to the cruise ship again, full of smiles and joy. There, they enjoyed a pleasant and sumptuous dinner together, before going to bed.

Although the day ended with a minor internal war in Erik's room, as Seraphina, Eleonora, and Sigrún wanted to sleep with Erik, Ignis and Ebonique adamantly refused to give up their spots, since the bed wasn't big enough. In the end, the matter was resolved by bringing out a larger bed, and everyone slept together, accompanied by the wolves, who howled sadly to not be left outside.