
Stellar Echo: Heart of the Myst

In a galaxy where magic is more essential than air, and humans have reached the stars backed by ancient magical systems, we find a unique young man. With hair dark as the night sky and eyes full of memories that don't seem to belong to this life, he stands between two distinct realities. As he delves into the tangled dynamics of star governments and crosses paths with unforgettable individuals, his particular sense of right and wrong, shaped by echoes from another time, guides him—though not always in the expected direction.

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165 Chs

Chapter 81

After the trio of siblings responded in unison, Seraphina led them inside the ship while the siblings looked around filled with surprise and excitement. Meanwhile, Sigrún and Eleonora approached and hugged Erik with satisfied smiles on their faces.

"You know, I originally thought you didn't want to hire the other siblings," Sigrún commented softly as she approached her dear disciple.

"Well, actually, it's not that I didn't want them, and honestly, I would have made exactly the same decision as you did, the problem wasn't that," Erik commented with a calm expression, to which Eleonora added while intimidatingly hugging Erik's arm.

"Let's leave the past in the past, let's not dwell on that matter anymore and focus on improving in the future."

"Eli is right, let's leave that topic and better talk about how does the Boss feel about his new assistants?" Sigrún said with a smile while hugging Erik's other arm and playfully touching her disciple's nose.

"How can I feel? We haven't even started working yet, hehe."

"Silly," Sigrún 'annoyed' gently pinched Erik's nose, to which he only responded with a smile while Eleonora commented with a contained laugh.

"And how are you going to handle their education?"

"I've been thinking about it and for now, I think I'll do it myself. Although I'm not especially good at teaching, teachers are expensive, and the order still hasn't paid me the royalties for the magazine or the payment for the patents they bought from me, so I'm broke. Besides, the reason I decided to take Sofia in the first place was that I liked her attitude and I'm interested in undertaking the path to raise loyal talents, so in a way, it will be a necessary experiment."

"Hehehe, I'm signing up for your classes."

Erik just rolled his eyes at Sigrún's words, something that not only displeased her but even Eleonora joined in and whispered softly in Erik's ear with a sad and pitiful voice, while slowly caressing Erik's hand with her index finger.

"So, our dear disciple will leave his poor teachers out of his first class? How cruel and ruthless can a disciple be to not help his teachers who love him so much to fulfill a little dream they have? How cruel and ruthless!"

"Alright, alright, I'll give my first class tomorrow here on the deck, and you are both invited to it."


Eleonora and Sigrún smiled joyfully, and after kissing Erik's cheeks, they ran off the deck like excited children, glancing at each other with complicity, which made Erik smile. Shortly after, he went to the edge of the ship and, using the activation permissions granted to him by Sigrún, slightly altered a small part of the tropical landscape around the ship, creating a hole that seemed to connect to another world, allowing for the beauty of outer space and the moon to be seen.

Although the planet Aranta was very beautiful and interesting, full of a culture, colors, smells, and sounds that would catch anyone's attention, to Erik, that inert gray rock floating in the cosmos was far more interesting. A nearly mythical terrain for humanity in his previous life, stepping on it was considered a titanic achievement that went down in history, marking the end of a war and consolidating the global hegemony of a superpower for the following decades.

While looking over the edge, Erik remembered the excitement and awe he felt watching that historic moment on television with his parents. Those black and white images, even to this day, in his second life, continued to appear in his dreams, almost like an indelible reminder of the tenacity and human intelligence of his past life.

The feat of stepping on that gray rock was undoubtedly one of humanity's greatest prides, especially for Erik. At his peak, many years after the first moon landing, he helped to conquer that legendary terrain again, etching the name of his company in history forever. Unfortunately, he could never witness that scene with his own eyes. Although he was an important part of the project, he could only watch it on a screen, albeit in color, like any other person.

That's why he found his situation a bit funny. Here, one of the achievements he was most proud of was nothing more than something common and ordinary, easily achievable for most people in the arcane order, to the point where it wasn't even considered an attractive tourist spot for the majority, and only some eccentric tourists, miners, or the army were interested in those vast arid rocks.

With his gaze lost in the vastness of the cosmos, Erik gazed in fascination at the star-filled void, which made him feel so small and insignificant, less than a speck of dust in the grand scheme of things. This sensation was strangely liberating for him, almost idyllic, as it was as if no matter what happened, in the end, they were trivial matters in the grand scheme. Yet, at the same time, this immeasurable emptiness filled him with a certain passion to traverse and conquer it with his own hands, to leave an eternal mark in this sea of stars. Though that would be too much work, so he would probably just tour around until he got tired.

As Erik gazed overboard, Eleonora, Sigrún, and Seraphina returned to the upper deck, now dressed in black, elegant, and aerodynamic suits, yet formidably functional, which fit perfectly to their streamlined and voluptuous bodies, allowing them total freedom of movement, almost like a second skin. At the same time, they offered impenetrable protection against the unknown dangers of the universe.

Across the surface of the suits, runes of all kinds, inscribed with surgical precision, shimmered in a faint and enigmatic light, seeming to dance softly over the black fabric, creating a wonderful contrast that gave off a sense of power and conquest.

The three women joined Erik, where Sigrún and Eleonora affectionately took his arms, drawing the attention of the boy lost in his thoughts. He turned to look at them, but what he saw left him utterly surprised.

"What are those suits?" Erik asked in surprise, looking up and down at his masters and his maid, who exuded a sensual, almost hypnotic charm in those tight suits that accentuated their beautiful and curvaceous silhouettes.

"They're for our moonwalk, isn't it obvious? Fufufu," Eleonora commented with a giggle, while Sigrún handed Erik a male version of the same suit they were wearing.

"Really?" Erik asked, his eyes shining like flashlights, filled with excitement, which put charming and tender smiles on the faces of the three beautiful women.

"Of course, we can't end our vacation without doing the number one activity our Erik wanted," Sigrún commented with a soft and happy voice, before giving her disciple a loving kiss on the cheek.

"Then I'll go change, be right back." Erik released himself from his masters and ran inside the ship, as he not only had to change but also had to take one of his storage rings, which contained the necessary items for his lunar exploration.

"Fufufu, alright, don't take too long," Eleonora commented with a hand on her cheek, watching with eyes full of love as her excited disciple ran off.

"I'll be right back!"

Erik shouted back as he entered the interior of the ship with the suit in hand, while the three beautiful women laughed softly at his tender attitude, which only surfaced on occasions like these. Over time, Erik had become accustomed to his surroundings, and his tender reactions had become rarer.

After a while, Erik came running back to the upper deck, where his masters waited for him, drinking tea around a table made from the wood of the floor. He was wearing the black spacesuit given to him and looked incredibly excited. As he gazed at his masters with eyes that almost emitted flames, the women smiled, then made the table and chairs disappear, along with the porcelain. Without wasting more time, with a simple flash of runes, the group vanished from the spot.