
Stellar Echo: Heart of the Myst

In a galaxy where magic is more essential than air, and humans have reached the stars backed by ancient magical systems, we find a unique young man. With hair dark as the night sky and eyes full of memories that don't seem to belong to this life, he stands between two distinct realities. As he delves into the tangled dynamics of star governments and crosses paths with unforgettable individuals, his particular sense of right and wrong, shaped by echoes from another time, guides him—though not always in the expected direction.

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165 Chs

Chapter 80

The days in the lives of Sofia, Clara, and Martín had improved by leaps and bounds since they got their new jobs, even though they hadn't started working yet. The simple advance they received had already changed their lives in ways they had never imagined possible.

With the advance they received, the first thing they did was pay off their debts, which was a delight for the trio of siblings, especially for Sofia and Martín, who enjoyed every moment of seeing the faces of their creditors filled with astonishment and then respect and adulation. It was something priceless for them.

But honestly, what the trio of siblings enjoyed the most was the not-so-rare situation when some became greedy for their money, and tried to attack them to rob them, only for things to change 180 degrees just by showing their medallions that identified them as employees of the arcane order. After all, it was well known that the order was terribly ruthless with those who harmed its members, to the point that it is said that on one occasion, the arcane order executed the entire royal family of a very powerful empire because they refused to hand over the crown prince to be judged for murdering an order employee.

But as the situation seemed to be getting too much into the heads of Sofia and Martín, who even tried to wear their uniforms to go out and show off, so Clara had no choice but to give them some 'tough love' and hit them a bit, taking advantage of her now excellent health, to reorganize their ideas and prevent them from committing foolishness.

The 'shock therapy' that Clara used worked wonders, as the pair of idiots, as Clara dubbed them for wanting to take advantage of borrowed power, which they only obtained by an incredible stroke of luck, came to their senses and again managed the low profile they were used to, returning to solving their things, saying goodbye to their acquaintances, and packing.

"Do you think they forgot about us?"

Sofia asked somewhat anxiously, sitting at the kitchen table in their house, accompanied by her siblings, with a calm Clara drinking coffee in a calm and elegant manner, and a Martín who didn't look much better than Sofia.

"Don't worry about it, I don't think they've forgotten about us," Clara replied calmly, to which Martín added with concern.

"But it's been almost a month since they left and they haven't come back..."

"They are very important people and they were on vacation, it's understandable."

At Clara's calm words, Sofia asked, filled with worry, "What if they really did forget about us? What do we do?"

"Very simple, we'll go directly to the arcane order on our own."

"But the arcane order is huge, how are we going to find them?"

Clara smiled softly at her worried siblings and calmly commented while pouring more coffee into her now porcelain cup.

"We don't have to find them, the order will do it for us. You don't know, since at that time Martín was studying and you were selling cakes, but before the Gaitán family left, I was talking with Mrs. Marta and she told me many things that her son wrote to her from the order and how things worked there.

Among the many things she told me, she talked about the medallions that our new lord gave us, which are really valuable things. According to her son's letters, they can only be obtained when working directly for an affiliate of a certain rank of the order, something her son achieved.

And she said that with these things one could request a free trip from any part of the order's territory to the station nearest to the residence registered in the medallion. Although she told me, her son never wanted to use it, since that would have to be paid for by his lord. But if they really forgot about us, I think it will be a good way to find them, since they gave them to us for a reason."

"Why didn't you tell us that? Do you know how worried I was?" Sofia commented a bit indignant while her brother Martín nodded in agreement, although without daring to say it out loud, as he was not foolish and with Clara being so energetic, he was almost certain she would apply another 'tough love therapy', something he preferred not to experience again in the short term.

At Sofia's indignant question, Clara simply smiled cheerfully and pointed out, "Because you all looked so cute, all worried."


Sofia was about to start a fight with Clara, but at that moment they heard a gentle knock on the door, so Sofia had no choice but to send a venomous look at her sister, to which she responded with a small smile, before going to open the door.

Upon opening the door, Sofia found herself face to face with her boss standing there, accompanied by his wives and his maid, looking even more handsome and elegant than she remembered. Containing the joy in her heart, Sofia bowed respectfully and greeted him courteously.

"It's a joy to see you again, Boss, we are ready to depart."

"Hehehe, that's good, because we are leaving, so let's go," Erik commented with a smile on his face, which immediately spread to Sofia, who smiled euphorically and hurriedly said.

"I understand, Boss, I'll go get my siblings and our suitcases."

"Don't be long."

After Erik's words, Sofia excitedly ran back into the house, leaving the door open, which caused a small smile on the face of Sigrún, who was reminded of the time she picked up her beloved disciple from the mausoleum island. She affectionately took one of Erik's arms and gave him a light kiss on the cheek.


Clara couldn't believe what she was seeing. After Sofia opened the door, she came back all excited, saying they had come to fetch them, so they had to leave quickly, which they did. After quickly putting on their uniforms, they collected their suitcases and left the house.

But what Clara found outside the house was something that honestly exceeded all her expectations. Although Sofia and Martín tried to express as best they could the beauty and elegance of their new lord and ladies, honestly, they fell short, very, very short.

At the door of her house, Clara encountered what she could only call, incarnate gods, possessing a beauty that seemed to completely transcend the mortal realm, entirely free of any imperfection. This beauty was further adorned by a unique elegance and dominance that exuded naturally, full of an enticing and mesmerizing charm.

But things only got crazier. After reaching their new lord, Clara suddenly found herself surrounded by runes, something she had never seen before, and with a flash, she felt a strange sensation of weightlessness, accompanied by a terrible dizziness that knocked her to the ground, along with Martín and Sofia. However, the latter took it better and managed to get up more quickly.

"Really, this feels very awful..." Sofia commented, a bit dizzy, to which her siblings nodded inwardly as they fought against the terrible urge to vomit that filled them, something that made the handsome, starry-haired young man laugh.

"Hahaha, you'll get used to it." After laughing a bit at the trio of siblings, Erik turned to look at Clara, who was recovering, seated on the ground, with a bit of curiosity. "And you are Clara, aren't you?"

"Yes, sir," Clara replied hastily while trying to stand up, but her dizziness played against her, making her stagger.

"Hahaha, don't worry, the dizziness doesn't last long, and don't call me sir, call me Boss."

"Yes, Boss."

"That sounds better..." Erik looked closely at Clara and Sofia with a bit of curiosity and commented, "But now that I look at you more closely, the level of resemblance you have to Sofia is impressive. You really are identical twins. If it weren't for your wavy hair and your slightly different aura, I would be unable to recognize you."

"It's understandable, Boss. Even our parents couldn't tell us apart when we were little girls," Sofia commented with a smile while helping Clara to stand, making them seem almost like mirror reflections of each other.

"How curious, it really is strange to meet identical twins, but well, anyway, for now, follow Seraphina, she will show you to your rooms, and rest for today. Tomorrow we'll talk about how things will work from now on and your respective jobs."

"Thank you very much, Boss." x3