
Stellar Echo: Heart of the Myst

In a galaxy where magic is more essential than air, and humans have reached the stars backed by ancient magical systems, we find a unique young man. With hair dark as the night sky and eyes full of memories that don't seem to belong to this life, he stands between two distinct realities. As he delves into the tangled dynamics of star governments and crosses paths with unforgettable individuals, his particular sense of right and wrong, shaped by echoes from another time, guides him—though not always in the expected direction.

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165 Chs

Chapter 50

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. Even though he is indeed using more mana, he's following a path similar to that of a certain Master everyone knows. And let me tell you something, she started off using at least twice as much mana as the boy when she began as a mage."

The people present looked in surprise at the director, and a man with short black hair asked,

"Is it possible that the boy could surpass that woman, Director?"

"It's a possibility. After all, he has a better starting point than she did, and someone has already walked that path. It's evident he possesses incredible talent, which is undeniably even more terrifying than that of Sigrún." The director turned his gaze to Adrian and continued, "Adrian, arrange a meeting with that woman. It's time to bring her to our side."

All present looked at the director in surprise, and Ngozi spoke on behalf of everyone.

"Director, is that really necessary? While it's true that his power level is impressive for his age, his accomplishments are still not on par with what Sigrún achieved in her time. The fact that he doesn't have an elemental affinity severely limits him, and the cost of bringing that woman will undoubtedly be difficult to afford."

"The boy arrived as an advanced apprentice at just 15 years old and had already mastered communion with the Myst, all without even knowing it was a spell. He came from a backward planet and reached that level on his own on a deserted island." Adrian spoke in place of the director, revealing shocking information that left everyone present gasping in shock as they looked at the boy in a new light. The silver-haired man commented, letting his astonishment show in his voice.

"Damn monster…"





The battle on the platform seemed like a dance of fire, black rays, and all kinds of 'crystal' constructs, such as: arrows, spears, halberds, and even knives and swords, which ended up flying out of the combat zone and were stopped by an invisible barrier surrounding the area. Meanwhile, the two opponents moved from one side to the other, clashing and sending out various attacks.

But the entire situation of the battle changed when Percival sinisterly smiled at the moment his spear and Erik's machetes were about to clash for the umpteenth time, while the latter was airborne.

Percival's spear suddenly changed color, leaving behind its jet-black hue and transforming into a deep crimson, while the runes on the platform glowed strongly with a sinister dark color that strengthened the barrier. At the same time, black chains materialized out of nowhere, immobilizing the referee.

Amid the commotion and as several powerful presences arose, Percival's crimson spear cut through Erik's machetes like butter and reached his neck with terrifying ease and speed. The speed of the spear was so great that it was something impossible to achieve at the Ascended level and seemed to be something performed by a Revealed.

But instead of being frightened or anything of the sort, Erik looked at the situation with extreme calm, as time around him seemed to move in slow motion. With a single thought, Erik created a small platform of solidified Myst near his foot, allowing him to brace himself and change his direction of movement as he spun with free and ethereal movements. At the same time, two beautiful silver machetes appeared in his hands, covered in intricate runes carved all over their surface, and with them, he gracefully landed back onto the platform.

At that very moment, the barrier cracked on all sides, and several figures appeared in the sky and began to descend. All those present felt a horrifying pressure crushing them, but just then, something happened that took everyone by surprise.

The chains that materialized around the referee suddenly shattered like a pile of crystals as he screamed madly, conjuring a magic circle from which a powerful torrent of light shot towards Erik.


The barrier surrounding the platform shattered into pieces as a bright light obscured the view of what was happening. But when the light dissipated, an astonishing image emerged on the platform. On the ground lay Percival's headless corpse surrounded by a large amount of blood, while the referee had an ashen expression. Two beautiful rune-carved machetes protruded from his chest, and behind him stood Erik, accompanied by his wolves and Ebonique, who protectively surrounded him.

Around the entire scene were the 5 people who were just in the meeting room a moment ago. Outside the platform, the figure of Seraphina could be seen, shrouded in thick darkness that obscured her form. Three tentacles made of the same darkness held Alden, Yue, and Jia by the neck, all of them unconscious. Around her were other attendants from Sigrún's mansion, who were pinning several men to the ground.

"Everyone is apprehended on charges of conspiracy against the faction, take them away," Adrian spoke authoritatively as several individuals descended from the sky, dressed in futuristic-looking armor adorned with various carved runes. They went up to the various men on the ground and the young people that Seraphina was holding by the neck.

"As for you, Gareth Everglow, you are arrested on charges of high treason and conspiracy to commit crime," Adrian gave the referee a frosty look. Despite his appearance with machetes piercing his body, he was still alive and had no significant damage. The machetes were what kept him immobile, unable to do anything.

Without uttering another word, the 5 Masters rose into the air, with Gareth floating along with them. At the same time, Erik's machetes flew gently back to his hands. Seraphina approached Erik, and a thick darkness enveloped everyone, disappearing from the place and leaving all the spectators full of questions and astonishment due to the inconceivable resolution of the duel.

In a matter of seconds, everything went from being an exciting duel where the first disciple of Master Eldurdóttir was showcasing his exceptional talent to the world, to a massive capture by the faction, while Percival's headless body still lay on the ground, an arrogant smile still on his face.

Not much later, more guards in futuristic armor led all the spectators away from the scene, while at the same time cordoning off the area around Percival's body. All present felt a slight pressure on their chests; it was clear that this had all been a hunting game, where one thought they were the hunting cat, only to end up hunted seconds later.

But what most stuck in the spectators' minds was Erik himself and his calm, composed expression as he executed Percival. Then he dodged an attack that could have killed the majority of those watching and, even crazier, managed to incapacitate a sage, all within a matter of seconds.

(Damned monster...) was the thought shared by all the spectators as they left the place.





In the middle of the main hall of Sigrún's mansion, Erik could be seen sitting at the main table, calmly munching cookies while reviewing several notes in his planner. Accompanying him were his wolves, each about a meter in size, lying on both sides of his chair. Ebonique was perched on top of the boy's head, measuring just a bit over 30 cm.

"Are you sure you don't need to talk about what happened, young master?"

A concerned Seraphina sat close to Erik as she set down a beautiful porcelain teapot adorned with gold decorations on the table. Even though everything had gone according to plan, even with the inclusion of several last-minute extras and the judge's betrayal, Seraphina was somewhat nervous about how Erik would react to the entire situation. But the results were quite unexpected for her.