
Stellar Echo: Heart of the Myst

In a galaxy where magic is more essential than air, and humans have reached the stars backed by ancient magical systems, we find a unique young man. With hair dark as the night sky and eyes full of memories that don't seem to belong to this life, he stands between two distinct realities. As he delves into the tangled dynamics of star governments and crosses paths with unforgettable individuals, his particular sense of right and wrong, shaped by echoes from another time, guides him—though not always in the expected direction.

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165 Chs

Chapter 23

"That's precisely the reason why Desmond called him a monster, he's really only 15 years old. You'll see for yourself when you reach the revealed level. Now let me explain a bit how he managed to do what he did without casting a single spell."

Liliana and Desmond attentively looked at their teacher as the latter pulled out from his storage ring an agenda and a beautiful pen, intending to take notes on what Eleonora was about to discuss.

"Firstly, that distant slash he sent out is a very creative combination of several techniques. As you can imagine, that slash is a mix of intermediate techniques of emission and shape control.

But if it were just that, it wouldn't be so powerful. What truly made it powerful, to the point of appearing like a spell, was that Erik also used Essence Transformation and Mystical Confluence. He used his mana to influence the Myst and applied the essence transformation to the whole, making them incredibly sharp or what's also known as magical edge."

Liliana and Desmond stared wide-eyed at their teacher. They really struggled to believe what they were hearing, especially Desmond. Unlike Liliana, he mastered all those techniques, or so he thought until now. To do what Erik had done, in such a short time, with such precision and without the support of a magic circle, was something beyond his capabilities, despite being much stronger. But Eleonora didn't stop and went on.

"Secondly, there are those arrows. This, although even harder for you to believe, is solidified Myst."


Desmond and Liliana exclaimed simultaneously. After all, something like the solidification of Myst was something everyone knew. Although it was very complicated to do, it wasn't much different from the magical edge. At the end of the day, it was using Mystical Confluence and applying Essence Transformation to solidify the ensemble. But aside from being terribly difficult to do, moving it was almost impossible.

The moment the Myst solidified, something very curious happened that had magicians baffled to this day. The magician lost almost all connection with the solidified Myst, making anything they tried to do with it impossible.

Moreover, the solidified Myst had another curious property. After solidifying, the formation maintained its relative position with respect to the planet. This was used to move Myst constructions by linking the relative position of the formation to an object through a spell. Thus, by moving said object, the Myst construction moved with it.

"Fufufufu, yes, it's crazy, but it's real. Although we're still unsure why Erik can do this, we believe it's an ultra-rare affinity. But let's continue with what Erik did in the fight."

"There's more?!!" * 2

"Fufufufu, yes, though just a couple of really simple things, actually. The way he could read Liliana like a book was due to Ethereal Projection, although you probably already know that." Eleonora looked at her students, who nodded like chickens before she continued. "But what truly allowed him to reach a level of power sufficient to confront Liliana's barriers was the Communion with the Myst."

Desmond and Liliana, thinking they could no longer be more surprised, now felt directly dizzy with the new information. Communion with the Myst was a master-level technique. Something that a normal person could take thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years to master. While it was true that occasionally geniuses appeared who could master it in a couple of centuries, those were super geniuses of a generation, and even then, it took them centuries. Someone like Erik could only be called a monster.

But even with its monstrous difficulty, Communion with the Myst was the dream of anyone who used magic. After all, it meant having an almost complete fusion with the Myst, allowing an uninterrupted mana flow and a profound understanding of the Myst, elevating their abilities several levels above those who didn't master it.

"Master, how can someone like that exist?" Desmond looked up at the sky with a broken heart, on the verge of depression, seeing someone so absurd. After all, he, who was called one of the geniuses of this generation—a title that made him proud—now seemed nothing more than a very tasteless joke.

"Don't get discouraged, Desmond. It's true that Erik is undoubtedly a unique genius, one greater than you. But that doesn't mean you're lesser or that you don't have a chance. After all, look at me. I'm the sworn sister of the greatest genius in the galaxy, someone who shattered my records one by one by an unbeatable margin, and managed to catch up and become a master at an age where I was barely a sage. Making it evident that surpassing me is just a matter of time. But you know what? It doesn't matter if she ends up surpassing me because, whatever happens, she remains my little sister, just as Erik will always be your younger disciple."

Eleonora smiled gently at Desmond and Lilina who looked at her in surprise, but she didn't stop and added something more.

"So don't worry about Erik's brilliance. Live your lives at your own pace and don't forget that you yourselves are geniuses above the vast majority, so you will still achieve great things and will be the future pillar of our galaxy. And if all that is still not enough for you, you can still help Erik with everything you can now. He might return the favor later, and even if he doesn't, you can still tell your descendants that you contributed to the rise of a star. It will be a great anecdote."

Eleonora looked affectionately at her disciples who seemed to be deeply reflecting on many things.





When the flash of light faded, Erik found himself in front of an imposing Victorian-style mansion, with pointed towers and steep rooftops blending with the pulsating signs of magical runes embedded in the brick walls. The chimneys emitted a soft red glow, as if an eternal fire dragon resided within.

The mansion's doors and windows were crafted from a rare magical wood that seemed as alive as a tree, rooting itself in the foundations and twisting into exquisite and symbolic shapes. The mansion's gardens were a wonder in themselves, with fire flowers burning brightly without being consumed, and wooden trees that looked carved into shapes of various magical animals.

"Hehehehe, what do you think of your new home?" Sigrún commented with a small smile, looking at the surprised Erik.

"Your house is truly impressive, Master."

"It's our house now."

Erik turned to look at Sigrún in surprise for a few seconds, almost as if trying to see through her, but shortly after, he sincerely thanked her.

"Thank you, Master."

"I already told you, Erik. I'm now like your elder sister; you don't need to thank me."

"I understand, Master."

"Well, now follow me. I'll show you the house and your new room."

Sigrún entered the beautiful mansion followed by Erik, who looked around in amazement. The first thing Erik noticed upon entering the mansion were two rows of men and women dressed in elegant maid outfits and butler suits standing on either side of the main lobby. They bowed respectfully as an incredibly beautiful woman, who looked to be around 25 with ink-black hair and fair skin, approached and bowed in front of Sigrún.

"Welcome back, young mistress."

"Hello, Sera. Let me introduce you to my first disciple. His name is Erik, and from now on, he will live here. Consider his orders as my own."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, young master Erik. My name is Seraphina, and I am the head housekeeper of the young mistress's mansion. I will be at your service from now on."

"Mmmm" Erik looked at his master with doubts, but she just nodded in affirmation. So, he continued, "Then I'll be in your care from now on, Miss Seraphina."

"It will be a pleasure, young master. Do not hesitate to ask for anything you might need."

Erik just nodded, looking extremely uncomfortable as he reflected.

(Although I was quite wealthy in my past life, no one ever addressed me as 'young master' or something like that, Such an uncomfortable feeling...)

After chuckling at Erik's reactions for a bit, Sigrún proceeded to give him a personal tour of the mansion's interior, which was a labyrinth of alchemy labs, spell libraries, and elegant chambers.

Each room was brimming with magical artifacts, from mirrors that could display distant places to floating books that open on their own to reveal their secrets. The high ceilings were adorned with magical frescoes depicting scenes from humanity's conquest of the galaxy, with stars and planets that seemed to move and shine with their own light.

"Well, Erik, this will be your room."