
Stellar Echo: Heart of the Myst

In a galaxy where magic is more essential than air, and humans have reached the stars backed by ancient magical systems, we find a unique young man. With hair dark as the night sky and eyes full of memories that don't seem to belong to this life, he stands between two distinct realities. As he delves into the tangled dynamics of star governments and crosses paths with unforgettable individuals, his particular sense of right and wrong, shaped by echoes from another time, guides him—though not always in the expected direction.

lordanl · Fantasi
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165 Chs

Chapter 12

The Lysandra Lake is located in a secluded corner of the planet University, a secret whispered only by the wind among the trees and the birds that cross its sky. As you approach, the first thing that stands out is its crystal-clear water, which faithfully reflects the blue sky and the clouds that lazily float in it. The lake has a slightly oval shape, and at its center, the sun seems to dance on the surface, creating flashes that resemble scattered diamonds.

Surrounding this aquatic mirror, dense forests of firs and pines stand as century-old guardians. Their tall canopies form a canopy that filters the sunlight, casting dancing shadows on the ground covered with a blanket of moss. Among the trees, sporadic wildflowers add brushstrokes of color: yellows, reds, purples, and whites that contrast with the omnipresent green.

Along the shore of the lake, the land transforms into a pebble beach, where it is common to see small animals, such as frogs and dragonflies, enjoying their surroundings. From this point, you can appreciate the distant mountains, whose snow-capped peaks reflect alabaster against the horizon.

Floating carelessly through the enormous lake, one could see a boat of modest size, but which was imbued with special charm. Its hull, polished to perfection, shone with golden hues under the afternoon light, and glided silently over the waters of Lysandra Lake.

The deck of the boat had a velvet carpet in burgundy and gold tones, upon which was a beautiful woman with hair that looked like liquid gold, flowing in soft waves to the middle of her back, reflecting golden glints with every movement. Her eyes, deep and clear blue like the winter sky, looked with sweetness and love at the young man resting in her lap.

Her skin, fair and with a subtle rosy blush on her cheeks, was a perfect contrast with the rich golden tone of her hair. Her body was a harmonious blend of sensual curves and a toned figure, evoking the majesty and strength of a goddess, while arousing admiration and desire in those who contemplate her.

Next to her, lying in her lap, was a young man who defied any common description. His hair was an enigma, black as ebony but with flashes that reminded one of a starry night, as if each strand had captured a small star. His pale skin seemed almost translucent in the sunlight, highlighting the delicacy of his features and his youth.

"This is life..." Erik commented, still with his eyes closed, while his face showed the peace he felt.

"It's good that you like it, you should also rest more often, it's not good for you to be locked up all day," Sigrún said while gently caressing Erik's hair delicately.

"Mmm, maybe I should rest more often, it feels great, but why suddenly the idea of going out for a walk?"

"Nothing special, I just wanted you to enjoy a moment of rest," Sigrún commented with a small smile and ended up giving Erik a soft kiss on the forehead.

"Thank you, Master."

"You don't have to thank me, you're my little baby, it's natural that I do these things for you."

"Little? I'm already taller than you."

"Hehehe, that doesn't change anything, you're still my little baby."

"Hahaha, if you say so."

"Hehe, I say it because it's true."

The pleasant scene continued in peaceful and enjoyable silence, accompanied by the subtle sounds of nature, which served as a backdrop to the memorable scene. Some time later, Sigrún commented on something that had been worrying her for a while.

"Erik, why do you like being alone so much?"

Erik opened his eyes and looked for a moment into the deep blue eyes of his master, who looked at him with concern and affection.

"It's what I always say, being around people in the long run ends up bringing problems..."

"Why do you think that?"

"Well, throughout my life I've met many people, and almost all of them ended up bringing problems into my life. Actually, the only people who have been beneficial for me have been the old blacksmith and you, my masters, whom I consider the greatest stroke of luck in my entire life. So I think I've already exhausted my chances in that regard, that's why I prefer to enjoy what I have instead of looking for trouble elsewhere."

"But exiling yourself so much will bring you problems in the future..."

"I don't consider myself exiled, I always have you and Seraphina is excellent company too," Erik glanced towards a corner of the boat where two wolves that looked like small puppies slept peacefully. "Besides, in case of emergency, I'll always have that pair."

Sigrún looked with an ironic smile at the wolves sunbathing without a care in the world before commenting, "Humans are social animals, Erik, socializing is a necessity, depriving yourself of it in the long run will make you sick."

"But Master, in all the years we've been together, I haven't seen you socialize with anyone other than Master Eleonora and that red-haired woman."

"Hehehe, you mean Thalia, and that's because our lives are so long that it's very common to go centuries without meeting up with your acquaintances, but that doesn't mean I don't have friends. Actually, in my student days, I was very popular and knew everyone."

"How did that end up?"

Sigrún looked away, understanding perfectly what Erik was getting at, because he was really right; many of the problems she faced were thanks to other people.

"It ended well, you know. Although I really got myself into various problems because of it, it also allowed me to meet valuable people whom I appreciate a lot, so it was well worth it."

"And I went from being an illiterate orphan stranded on a deserted island, to being the disciple of two of the most beautiful and powerful women in the galaxy, how many can tell a story like mine? It's better not to tempt fate and wait a couple of centuries; after all, I still have a long life ahead of me, hehehe."

Sigrún looked uncomfortable at Erik's words but after a moment softly commented, "Do you want to know about your parents?"

Erik looked at his master and then turned his gaze towards the blue sky for a moment before answering.

"The truth is, no... maybe a long time ago I would have liked to. You know, back then I liked to imagine that my parents were heroes of justice and that when they defeated evil they would come back for me, but over time I understood that they were just regular people who simply didn't want me, so it's something I let go of."

"And what if they really loved you and were forced to leave you?"

"It sounds like you know something..."

"Yes..." Sigrún let her answer slip out almost like a sigh as Erik looked into her eyes.

"Are they still alive?"

"Your mother isn't..."

"I see... Is he a good guy?"


"Was it him?"


"Is he stronger than me?"


"I see..."

After the nearly cryptic conversation of questions and answers, Erik closed his eyes again and only said one more thing before falling silent, "Let's talk when I catch up to him."


Some time later, Erik fell asleep in Sigrún's lap as she tenderly caressed his face, almost as if she were lulling him with love. After a few hours, Erik woke up as the sky was darkening and found his master looking at him with a pleasant smile.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, hehehe, sorry for using you as a pillow."

"Don't worry about that, let's eat something."

Erik nodded and got up from the ground, followed by Sigrún. Near them, a beautiful glass table appeared with food of all kinds, decorated with a beautiful chandelier holding aromatic candles, which emitted a gentle fragrance of jasmine and vanilla. The flames of the candles danced to the rhythm of the wind, creating a play of lights and shadows that added a romantic touch to the beautiful boat.