
Stellar Echo: Heart of the Myst

In a galaxy where magic is more essential than air, and humans have reached the stars backed by ancient magical systems, we find a unique young man. With hair dark as the night sky and eyes full of memories that don't seem to belong to this life, he stands between two distinct realities. As he delves into the tangled dynamics of star governments and crosses paths with unforgettable individuals, his particular sense of right and wrong, shaped by echoes from another time, guides him—though not always in the expected direction.

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165 Chs

Chapter 107

"You really love him, master," Liliana commented with a cheerful smile on her face, to which Eleonora replied with a jovial voice worthy of the lovesick lady she was.

"Of course, he is the love of my life, fufufu."

Hearing her master's voice filled with love and happiness, Liliana hesitated a bit, but mustered the courage to ask something a bit over the line. Since if her master loved that man so much, she would do everything she could to support her happiness.

"And does Master Eldurdóttir feel the same about him...?"

"Of course, Sig and I will be the wives and Seraphina will be the concubine; we have everything planned out and even bought our family planet, so the sisters will be even closer in the future, fufufu."

Eleonora quickly replied, full of enthusiasm and anticipation for the future, which inevitably put a smile on Liliana's face, but it quickly turned into a determined expression, and she asked.

"And doesn't it bother you to share the love of your life with other women, master?"

"If it were any other woman, maybe yes, but not with Sig and Seraphina, they are my sisters, and I love them from the deepest of my heart; plus, the fact that we fell in love with the same man is almost like it was meant to be.

So actually, instead of being something bad, it's something that fills us three with happiness. My sisters, the people who have spent the most time with me and who are an irreplaceable part of my life, will continue to be by my side as we share a deep love for the same man; if that's not happiness, then I don't know what is, fufufu."

"It seems like that's a big relief for you, master". Liliana commented with a smile upon hearing Eleonora's tone, to which she enthusiastically replied.

"Of course, and I'm going to tell you why it's something that will no longer happen, and you're my disciple, but keep it a secret, okay?"

"Of course, master."

"Well, you see, getting a partner or falling in love was always a very feared topic for us sisters. Since we got tired of seeing how, when a woman fell in love, she always ended up completely surrendering to her love. That inevitably led to relationships with their relatives becoming distant, something we didn't want to happen to us.

This got to the point where Seraphina even announced that no matter who Sig married, she would serve as her maid, even if that meant offering herself as a concubine to her husband, something that honestly I could not accept. Although I really love Sig and Seraphina, I couldn't see myself giving myself to a man I didn't love; luckily, Erik appeared in our lives and stole the hearts of all three of us, fufufu."

"Master, but why will Lady Seraphina be the concubine if you all are sisters?"

Liliana commented, a bit confused, since although she knew that Seraphina posed as a maid, in reality, she was not only incredibly powerful but also very close to her master. Something she found out after the little altercation they had when she scolded Erik.

"Well, that's because of Seraphina's strange feti... preferences; although she's a bit of a weird person, she's a great sister." Eleonora gently replied, while applying a hair cream that released a soft floral scent into Liliana's hair.

"You know, master, although I didn't understand before, now that I know how difficult it is to be by someone like Master Eldurdóttir's side, I find hard to understand. How could you bear it and even come to consider her your sister?"

To Liliana's insecure question, Eleonora replied in a calm tone while carefully combing her disciple's beautiful chocolate-colored hair.

"You know, many praised me for being able to have such a close relationship with Sig, who took my place as the greatest genius in history and ended up surpassing me by a wide margin. But the reality is, although it did hurt a bit and wasn't so easy to accept, in the end, I couldn't be more thankful for it.

The pressure and loneliness of being so far above everyone else is indescribable, something that, although I cannot say that it did not make me proud, the truth is that it was more terrifying than anything else. Having such high expectations placed on me made me terrified of failure, and although over the years I learned to live with it, it was a very complicated four thousand years.

But everything changed when Sigrún appeared. In just 50 years, that girl who came out of nowhere became the sensation of the galaxy, and for the first time in my life, I knew what true peace and tranquility was…"

The pair of master and disciple continued talking about random things, as if they were true mother and daughter, sharing stories, experiences, difficulties, and more. All the time with big smiles on their faces, while time passed without either of them realizing it.

In the end, and quite late, Liliana fell asleep on the couch, totally exhausted from the hectic day full of events and emotions she had. So Eleonora carried her to bed and tucked her in with a smile, then kissed her on the forehead affectionately.

"You really made me very proud. Rest; you worked hard."




The next day, Liliana got up from her bed and looked around a bit confused, but quickly the memories of the previous day came to her. A beautiful smile appeared on her face, which, soon after, turned into a serious and determined expression.

With a firm step, Liliana headed to the bathroom and, after a relaxing bubble bath, proceeded to use healing spells and a potion with the goal of erasing all traces on her face from her crying the day before. Then she took her student card and called her master.

"Good morning, master."

"Good morning, Liliana, did you rest well?"

"Very well; thank you for your concern, master."

"That's a joy."

"Master, the truth is that I'm calling to see if there is a possibility of meeting Erik today. I want to talk to him and clarify everything, so I can turn the page and start from scratch."

"Fufufu, then come to my private room."

After checking her appearance one last time, Liliana left her private room, heading to her master's, determined to ask for help in organizing a meeting with Erik to be honest with him. Something she believed was necessary to face the future with a new perspective.

Shortly after, Liliana arrived at a secluded and exclusive area, which had exquisite decoration and several levels superior to the area where her own private room was located. The place was a spacious circular hall flooded with Myst, with vegetation, subtle but beautiful decorations, and a beautiful fountain in the center that released a light golden liquid. The spacious hall was surrounded by different double doors, all with characteristic seals carved into them.

Liliana walked quickly through the hall until she reached a matte black door with the seal of a spear surrounded by lightning, on which she knocked gently. Shortly after, the door in front of Liliana opened by itself, revealing a spacious hall with marble floors and an elegant wooden staircase in front.

With a calm step, Liliana took the path to the left of the staircase, quickly arriving at a beautiful living room, decorated with different sofas, and a beautiful dining room at the back. Eleonora, Sigrún, and Erik were casually chatting at the dining table, while Seraphina stood behind Erik as his faithful shadow.

Noticing her disciple's arrival, Eleonora turned to look at her with a small smile, one that widened at the slightly surprised look on Liliana's face.

"Go ahead; we were waiting for you."

"Good morning, master, Master Eldurdóttir, Lady Seraphina, Erik."

Liliana quickly composed herself and headed to the dining room, where, right after sitting down, plates full of lavish food appeared on the table, putting a happy smile on Erik's face. At the same time, two tender wolf pups emerged from Erik's shadow with expectant looks.

"Good morning" x 3

"Let's have breakfast first."

Eleonora commented with a cheerful smile while taking the beautiful silver cutlery on the table, which at the same time served as a starting signal for Erik. He began to devour his food as if he hadn't eaten for years, though he didn't forget to share a bit with the wolves, as they began to perform dramatically the moment he started to eat.

After breakfast, Eleonora and Sigrún stood up from the table, while the dishes disappeared from it, and came to Erik's side, whom they kissed affectionately on the cheeks before saying goodbye.

"See you later, Erik". After kissing Erik, Sigrún commented with a small smile on her face and left the room. Followed by Eleonora, who also said goodbye affectionately.

"Don't get too caught up in your projects; we'll be back early today."

"Hehehe, okay". Erik said goodbye with a smile and then turned to look curiously at Liliana, who had a somewhat uncomfortable expression on her face.