
Steel Horizon

In the aftermath of a devastating robot uprising in 2752 Tokyo, Hiroto Tanaka, a resourceful 16-year-old highschool student, discovers Akatsuki Academy—a haven where survivors harness "Circuit Arts" to combat rogue machines. With friends like Yuki, Takeshi, Ren, Mei and Akari, Hiroto navigates a perilous world where alliances blur and the true intentions of the robotic leader, Omega, challenge everything he believes. As Hiroto trains and fights, he must unravel the mysteries of the uprising to protect what's left to save humanity.

EARTH2AIDAN · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

Return to Routine

The morning sun bathed Akatsuki Academy in a warm, golden light, its rays filtering through the reinforced windows and casting a serene glow over the ancient stone walls. The adrenaline of our recent mission had finally subsided, replaced by the comforting familiarity of our daily routines. Today was a welcome reprieve, a chance to catch our breath and reconnect with the quieter aspects of our lives at the academy.

As I strolled through the courtyard, the usual buzz of activity surrounded me. Students were chatting, some practicing their Circuit Arts in the open training areas, while others simply enjoyed the rare moments of peace. The sense of camaraderie was palpable, a stark contrast to the high-stakes tension of our mission.

Yuki Honda, with her characteristic energy, bounded up to me, her bright eyes reflecting the excitement of the day ahead. "Hey, Hiroto! Ready for another day of training?"

I smiled, appreciating her enthusiasm. "Yeah, it's good to get back to normal for a bit. How are you holding up after everything?"

She shrugged, her grin never faltering. "Just glad we made it back in one piece. Plus, I've been working on some new techniques I want to try out."

As we walked toward the training grounds, we were joined by Takeshi, his ever-present gadgetry in hand. He adjusted his glasses and smirked. "I hope you're ready for some serious practice today. I've been tinkering with some upgrades."

Yuki laughed, nudging him playfully. "You and your tech. Always looking for ways to get an edge."

We reached the training area where Akari and Mei were already engaged in a light sparring session. Akari's auburn hair was pulled up in a messy bun, her movements graceful and precise. The sunlight caught her features, making her look especially beautiful in that moment. I found myself catching feelings, my heart beating just a little faster. Mei's short, black hair streaked with purple gave her an edgy look that matched her sharp, analytical mind. Both looked focused yet relaxed, clearly enjoying the opportunity to refine their skills without the pressure of a mission hanging over them.

Akari paused mid-move, spotting us. "Hey guys! Come join us. It's a perfect day for some sparring."

Mei, catching her breath, grinned. "Yeah, and maybe we can teach Hiroto a thing or two."

I chuckled, stepping onto the mat. "I'll take you up on that challenge. Just don't be too hard on me."

We split into pairs, the familiar routines of sparring and Circuit Arts practice grounding us. The sounds of friendly banter and the occasional burst of energy filled the air, a testament to the bonds we had forged through shared trials and triumphs.

Later, during a break, we gathered under the shade of a large tree, enjoying the cool breeze and the sense of normalcy. Ren joined us, his calm demeanor a steadying presence amidst our group's dynamic energy.

"So, any thoughts on our next mission?" Ren asked, leaning against the tree trunk as he bit into a granola bar.

We were munching on snacks we had brought from the cafeteria—bento boxes filled with sushi, onigiri, and tempura. Takeshi adjusted his glasses, a thoughtful look on his face. "Well, I think we should be more prepared for unexpected variables. Our last mission showed that we can't predict everything."

Yuki nodded in agreement, taking a bite of her sushi. "True. But for now, let's just enjoy today. We deserve a break after all that."

Akari stretched, her eyes closing briefly as she enjoyed the peaceful moment. "I second that. It's nice to just...be normal for a while."

As the afternoon sun began its descent, we eventually made our way back to our respective dorms. The halls of Akatsuki Academy were filled with the usual hustle and bustle, students moving between classes, chatting in groups, or engrossed in their studies. It was a comforting routine, a reminder of the life we were fighting to protect.

In my room, I took a moment to reflect on the past few days. The mission had been intense, pushing us all to our limits, but it had also brought us closer together. We were more than just a team; we were friends, allies bound by a common purpose.

As I settled into my desk to work on an assignment, I felt a sense of gratitude for the calm moments amidst the chaos. The future was uncertain, and more challenges undoubtedly awaited us, but for now, we had each other, and that was enough.

The evening descended gently, and I found myself once again in the courtyard, this time under the soft glow of the academy's lights. Akari and Mei were sitting on a bench, deep in conversation, while Yuki and Takeshi were engaged in a friendly debate about the latest tech upgrades.

I joined them, the laughter and light-hearted teasing a perfect end to a day of much-needed normalcy. As we talked and shared stories, the stars began to twinkle overhead, a silent promise of the adventures yet to come.

No matter what lay ahead, we knew we could face it together. Here, at Akatsuki Academy, amidst the ruins of Tokyo, we had found not just a place to train but a place to belong. And that, more than anything, was worth fighting for.