
Steel Horizon

In the aftermath of a devastating robot uprising in 2752 Tokyo, Hiroto Tanaka, a resourceful 16-year-old highschool student, discovers Akatsuki Academy—a haven where survivors harness "Circuit Arts" to combat rogue machines. With friends like Yuki, Takeshi, Ren, Mei and Akari, Hiroto navigates a perilous world where alliances blur and the true intentions of the robotic leader, Omega, challenge everything he believes. As Hiroto trains and fights, he must unravel the mysteries of the uprising to protect what's left to save humanity.

EARTH2AIDAN · Seni bela diri
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26 Chs

Data Analysis and Ramen

Back at Akatsuki Academy, we reconvened in our dark red uniforms within the secure confines of the analysis room. Captain Fujimoto stood at the forefront, his commanding presence accentuated by the soft glow of his cigar, which cast shifting shadows across the holographic displays.

"Alright, Team," Captain Fujimoto's voice cut through the ambient hum of technology, authoritative yet tempered with a hint of camaraderie. "Let's dive into the data from our recent mission. Yuki, Mei, start with the surveillance logs and system diagnostics. Ren, check the environmental sensors for any anomalies. Takeshi, Akari, focus on the tactical responses and patterns of the security protocols."

Yuki and Mei immediately began tapping into their respective consoles, their fingers dancing across holographic interfaces as they navigated through intricate lines of code. Ren adjusted his stance, his gaze shifting between his monitor and the environmental readings displayed before him.

Beside me, Takeshi leaned in with a sly grin, nudging me teasingly. "So, Hiroto," he whispered, "is Akari's analysis skill the real reason you're so focused today?"

I felt my cheeks warm at Takeshi's remark and glanced towards Akari, who was engrossed in her task with unwavering concentration. "I-I'm just... doing my part," I stammered, trying to hide my embarrassment.

Yuki, overhearing our conversation, chuckled softly, his eyes flicking towards Captain Fujimoto, who was silently observing the team's progress. "You know, Takeshi," Yuki remarked with a hint of mischief, "Hiroto's stare is almost as intense as this damn cigar of mine."

"True," Takeshi replied in a low voice, "but I think Hiroto's gaze has a different kind of intensity."

Meanwhile, Akari, sensing the playful banter around her, couldn't suppress a small smile. She glanced at me briefly, our eyes meeting before she returned her focus to her work, a faint blush coloring her cheeks.

As the analysis progressed, each member of their Team contributed their findings and insights, the room occasionally filled with discussions and debates over the implications of certain data points. Captain Fujimoto interjected at key moments, his deep voice guiding the team towards strategic conclusions.

Yuki delved into the surveillance logs, meticulously cross-referencing timestamps and anomalies. "There's a recurring pattern here," he noted, pointing to a series of timestamps. "It suggests a systematic routine in their patrols. If we exploit this gap..."

Mei, monitoring external communications, chimed in. "We intercepted encrypted transmissions during our infiltration. They're discussing a potential upgrade in their security protocols."

Ren nodded thoughtfully, adjusting his glasses as he analyzed the environmental data. "We detected fluctuations in energy emissions near the western perimeter," he reported. "It could indicate a new energy source or possibly a concealed entrance."

Takeshi and Akari focused on the tactical responses, mapping out hypothetical scenarios and response strategies. "If we encounter resistance here," Takeshi mused, tracing a route on the holographic map, "we could flank them through this sector."

Akari nodded in agreement, her voice steady as she proposed alternative tactics. "We should consider deploying diversionary tactics to draw their forces away from critical areas," she suggested, her eyes scanning the tactical display.

Throughout the analysis, my attention kept drifting back to Akari. Her focused determination and quick thinking were mesmerizing, reminding me of her prowess in combat and strategy. I found myself admiring not just her skills but also the strength of character she displayed under pressure.

As the hours passed, Captain Fujimoto finally signaled a break. "Well done, everyone," he commended, his tone reflecting pride in our collective effort. "Take some time to refresh yourselves. We'll reconvene later to discuss our findings and plan our next steps."

In the bustling cafeteria of Akatsuki Academy, Takeshi, Yuki, and I sat together with bowls of steaming ramen, enjoying a moment of respite amidst our mission preparations. Takeshi stirred his noodles thoughtfully before breaking the silence with a playful jab.

"So, Hiroto," Takeshi began with a smirk, "when are you going to admit that your real crush is on Akari, not just the mission?"

Yuki chuckled, sipping his broth. "Yeah, Hiroto. We've all seen how you look at her. It's not exactly subtle."

I sighed, rolling my eyes good-naturedly. "Come on, guys," I protested weakly, "can't a guy appreciate a teammate's skills without being accused of having a crush?"

Takeshi shrugged, slurping a mouthful of noodles. "Hey, nothing wrong with a little admiration," he said nonchalantly. "Akari's smart, talented, and she kicks robot butt. What's not to like?"

Yuki nodded in agreement, his gaze flicking towards Akari, who had entered the cafeteria with Mei. "Just admit it, Hiroto," Yuki teased gently. "You've got it bad."

I sighed again, a small smile tugging at my lips despite myself. "Alright, maybe... maybe I do admire her a bit more than I should."




After the intense analysis session in the secure confines of the analysis room, Mei and Akari found themselves unwinding in the peaceful confines of the academy's garden. They sat on a bench surrounded by blooming cherry blossom trees, their petals gently drifting in the breeze.

Mei couldn't resist bringing up their earlier conversation. With a mischievous grin, she turned to Akari. "So, Akari," Mei began playfully, "did you notice Hiroto's intense staring during the analysis?" she asked applying lip gloss

Akari's cheeks warmed slightly at Mei's teasing. She sighed softly, looking out at the serene garden. "Mei, come on," she replied quietly, "he was just focused on the mission, like the rest of us."

Mei chuckled softly, shaking her head. "Oh, Akari," she said with mock seriousness, "I've known you too long to buy that. Hiroto was definitely staring."

Akari shifted uncomfortably, her gaze flickering towards Mei. "Well... maybe," she admitted reluctantly, "but it's not like that."

Mei nudged Akari gently with her shoulder. "Sure, sure," she teased, "just remember, staring means something. Especially the way Hiroto does it."

Akari sighed again, a small smile tugging at her lips despite her embarrassment. "I suppose," she murmured, "but we have more important things to focus on."

Mei nodded in agreement, her expression softening. "You're right," she said gently, "but a little distraction now and then doesn't hurt."

As they enjoyed the peaceful moment together, watching the sunlight filter through the cherry blossoms, Akari couldn't help but steal a glance towards the academy hallway. Where she spotted Hiroto deep in conversation with Takeshi and Yuki, his expression serious yet animated.