
Stealing from the Sins

how did I go from highschool gradute to trying not to die in what is obviously britian.

Tacoma12 · Komik
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22 Chs

Where to go

After I had come back from my 'talk' with Diane I headed for a shower. When I walked in Liz came running towards me.

"What happened? Why are you so wet?" She ask when she got towards me. "Why do you smell fishy to?"

"I fell into a pond." I lied as she leaned over to sniff me.

With her leaning over near my face I couldn,'t help myself. I brought her face towards mine and kissed her. With a quick peck I finished and headed towards the shower.

Feels kind of akward to walk into the room of the person I put into a coma.

Now in the shower I figure was a good time to work out some of the details of my 'master' plan.

'I can use my magic to manipulate people to fight for me. So I just need to find strong people to control.' I start with the basic concept.

'The question is where to find strong people. I can't just go to the capital full of Holy knights. That I'm sure will kill me on sight.'

As I think of what to do I could see some movement of orange by the window. Looking over I was greeted to Dianes eye looking in.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"I'm making sure your safe." She responded like it was obvious. "I mean I am your bodyguard."

'So thats how she's going to justify her peeping.' I figure. "Hey by chance do you know where there are holy knights?"

This caught her off guard, but due to my magic she didn't question it.

"Well Their should be some in baste prison nearby." She said after thinking for a moment. "Some holy Knights also tend to roam to promote safety."

"Isn't the fox sin in baste prison." I ask remembering what Gil had said.

"Yea Ban is there." She said getting excited.

Honestly I don't know if I want to gather the Sin's. As I think about them I remember the only other female member of the Sin, Merlin.

"Speaking of the sins do you happen to know where merlin is?" I ask trying to steer the conversation else where.

"Why do you want to know?" She asked her eyes seemingly losing the light in them. There also seemed to be a hint of jealous.

"Well we need strong allies. I figured I should ask about them?" I lied.

"Well I did hear from a holy knight that past through my forest a while back that they heard she was in Camalot."

'She can't mean the camalot with king arthur right?' I thought. "Is the king named Arthur by chance."

"I think so." She said unsure. "He's a new king so I'm not sure."

'Maybe I should of learned the excalibur sword style.' I reason that if there is a king Arthur and Merlin then the sword should be here to.

Now that I think of weapons...

"Hey Diane do you have a weapon?"

"I did..." She began now looking away.


"I lost it." She admitted

'Ok we need to find that now too.' With this thought I exit the shower to get dressed. The whole time being stared at by Diane.

Now dressed I left to hallway to see Liz waiting for me.

"Lady Diane didn't attack you right." She suddenly blurts out.

I see she was worried that Diane would attack me like Meliodas did.

"No" was my simple answer. "I just wanted to see if we could depend on her."

I thought I should leave out the fun she had.

"Since we are talking about who to trust I need to know do you think we can trust the rest of the Sins?"

"I.... Don't know." She started out so sure but with Meliodas's sudden attack she wasn't sure anymore.

"Is there anyone else you think we can turn to?" I ask.

"My Father spoke highly of sir Denzel. He's the captian the Pleiades of the Azure Sky in Exeter in the northern part of liones."

"All right."

Now I need to figure out where to go. I could go to baste prison. Recruiting their knights and The Fox sin ban.

I could also head to Camalot for the new King and the sexy Merlin. A kingdom would help take down another kingdom.

Find Denzel and see if he could help.