
Stealing from the Sins

how did I go from highschool gradute to trying not to die in what is obviously britian.

Tacoma12 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Lightning strikes

"Nash!" Liz yelled once she saw me on Diane's Shoulder.

"Let me introduce you to my new friend Diane." I said rubbing the side of her face, causing a blush.

"Yo" Meliodas said jumping in.

"Captain!" Diane shouted. I think I'm deaf now.

Diane then grabbed him and gave what I assumed was her version of a hug. Holding him in both hands and bringing him towards her face.

Honestly at this point I still had my power in her monitoring her emotions. right now all I felt was pure admiration for him that border on a obsession.

Can't have that. So I turned it down a couple notches. With this done she put him down and began talking.

"You remebered I like whole roasted." she said grabing hawk tieing him to a spit and starting to roast him over a fire that just appeared.

Before he could be cooked Liz rushed in and saved him. Shame I feel like some pork.

Thats when Diane noticed the princess. She crouched down to get a better view and came face to face with her.

"I'm Elizabeth the third princess of liones." Liz greeted.

"Oh the princess I remeber you." Diane began with a smile matching Liz.

As they started to talk I smelled ozone, It seemed Meliodas noticed to looking over in a certain direction. There a figure clad in armour and a cape approached us slowly.

before I could react I was wraped in what looked like lightning rope. It tingle more then anything but when I went to strech it constricted me making it Impossible.

The figure came into view revealing a man with pink hair.

"I finally meet sins." the man said.

Any tension in the air quickly seemed to vanish though.

"Little Gil!" Exclaimed the unfazed Meliodas.

Hard to take you serious when you get called that.

"Your were one who clogged the water in vanya and the attempt to destroy it to right?" Meliodas said bring the tension back.

"He would never do such a thing! Gil was always so gentle when we were children." Elizabeth tried to defend him.

"I did." The man named Gil said Ignoring her.

He suddenly disappeared. He reappeared a second later swing his sword now covered in lightning at Meliodas. As it made contact Meliodas blocked it with his arm and was thrown back.

Gil flash over again while Meliodas was still sailing in the air. He appeared in front of him and launched him straight up. Now Meliodas was going straight up. Looking back Gil was gone again.

"Lightning King Iron Hammer!" Was suddenly shout followed by a bright flash of light. Meliodas smash to the ground forming a crater. On his chest was a bleeding gash going from shoulder to hip.

Now Gil stood over his prone form sword aimed at the neck.

"Any last words?" Gil asked.

"Where are the other sins?" Meliodas wheezed out.

"The location of only two of the sins are known. The fox sin is inprisoned at Baste prison the Grizzley sin is now in the capital of the dead." Gil answered now prepared to strike.

"Can I have another question?" Meliodas ask but continued "Who's Nash?"


He continued "He has strong magic and a sword style to match it. He also doesn't know where anything is. So theres no way he a wanderer like he says."

'When did he see that?'

"He is not a holy knight, but I will not say I know all of them." was his curt answer. "He could be part of Henderson's new generation."

At this point Meliodas poped up to his feet looking right as rain.

"You faked your injuries." Gil said after observing for a second.

"yea, I figured it was the only way you would tell me anything. Now its time for you to go."

Just then Diane pulled her bound arms apart destroying the lightning. She then leaned foreward clutching Gil. In response Gil's lightning cam back and attacked at Diane's hand.

Diane was unfazed by this and hurled him into the distance.

With that seeningly done Meliodas fix his gaze towards me.

"So who are you really?" He ask no longer his jovial self.

Feeling threated I started to gather my magic. Which turned out to be the wrong move. He responded by attacking me and leaving a matching wound on me.

As I started to black out I could see the look of horror on Diane and Liz's faces. Looking at Meliodas I saw a cruel look on his face with a black tattoo now ocer his eye. just as my eyes closed I swear I could hear an ominous laughter coming from hawk.