

  I took a seat next to him.

  "What's wrong, Calvin? Are you okay? I noticed you're uneasy in your seat," I asked, my gaze fixed on him.

  "A lot of people are looking at me, sister, and I noticed that they are mostly women, maybe they are curious about who I am. Too embarrassing," he complained.

  I couldn't help but laugh.

  "They have a crush on you. That's a normal female reaction. Maybe you're not aware of your good looks. So if you want to be a part of my life and my world, you have to get used to a lot of people staring at you. Because you'll be with them every day for the next few days." I command him.

  He stood up and bit into his food. I examined Calvin's younger sister. Lucy was looking after her, so she was eating. Perhaps she was hungry because she had eaten so well. My eyes widened as I approached the rooftop entrance and gaped at the visitor. Mr. Andrew Yun came with a friend.