
STB: Runes and Vampires

Disclaimer: I write fanfic on my phone so don't expect I have quality content, though I edit the chapters myself since I don't have an editor so there will be some spelling mistakes and grammar as English is not my primary language. Synopsis: A teenage boy who's very obsessed with runes and born in the wrong era and world, one day when he woke up in his parallel self in a completely different place and world to make it worse the previous him managed to kill the 4th progenitor with a stick! Now he has to bear the weight of becoming the new 4th progenitor. ××××× For benefits like getting new chapters earlier and some leaks for my future work and If you like my work please feel free to show some support in my pa treon: pa treon.com/Mozuto Or just join my Discord server discord.com/invite/yjAR4GqxTq

Mozuto · Komik
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43 Chs

STB: Chapter 15

I want to say thank you for the support [DarkZ and Zodiac] for joining my P@treon membership!


Chapter 15

The next morning Alex exited his and Sayaka's shared room leaving Sayaka who was still passed out from last night's passion with white liquid oozing from her intimate area as her legs twitched from time to time.

Alex saw Astarte who was waiting for him outside.

"Good morning master" Astarte said as she did a little bow.

"Hmm? Morning Astarte, Need something?" Alex closed the door but Astarte managed to catch a glimpse inside the room causing a small red tint to form on her cheeks but she quickly shook her head.

Alex saw this causing him to raise his eyebrow with a smirk on his face but didn't tease Astarte as he listened to her request.

"I need my monthly maintenance," Astarte said, causing Alex to blink a couple of times.

"Oh, that's right, I almost forgot that you're a homunculus Astarte" Alex faced palm before he put his hand on top of Astarte's head and pat her.

"Hmm, how about this I'll call you when it's time, I still need to prepare the things I need or do you want to watch?" Alex asked, causing Astarte to look at Alex's eyes for a bit before answering.

"Yes, I want to watch Master at work" causing Alex to nod as the both of them headed towards the attic.


"This is your first time here right?" Alex said, causing Astarte to nod as Alex entered the attic with Astarte in tow.

"Welcome, I guess? Make yourself at home" Alex said as he immediately went to work he grabbed his 3rd printer and programmed it to start printing a big glass tank that could fit a human being inside.

The little arms of the 3d printer started to extend as it began its work.


After printing the glass tube Alex added some reinforcement runes around the glass tank to avoid being brittle even though the glass tank is already reinforced with magic, it's better to be safe than sorry.

He then connected the tubes to the glass tank as he motioned Astarte to get inside.

"Here, wear this" Alex handed her a mask that is connected to the oxygen tank as Astarte got comfortable inside the glass tank

"Ready?" Alex asked her which she replied by nodding while giving Alex a thumbs up.

"Let's do this then" Alex presses the button as the liquid slowly fills up the glass tank.

What the liquid does is not only make Astarte rejuvenate, but even stronger too.

Alex added a little bit of his blood to the liquid. It's the reason why it has those effects.

Alex started experimenting on his blood after Sayaka told him what was the cause of her becoming a blood servant.

According to Sayaka's mentor, there are three ways to become a blood servant.

First and the traditional and efficient way that works the best is consuming the blood of a progenitor, well that depends if the progenitor will allow for his/her blood to flow into that person's veins since they can choose any time to just kill the person by detonating their blood inside the person who consumed it.

Second is also a traditional but crude way to do it is to take a piece of the progenitor's body, either flesh, organs, or bone, and wear it for a long time.

The third one is quite common, the progenitor needs to keep repeatedly biting the person he/she wants to turn into a blood servant.

The third one is how Sayaka became Alex's blood servant.

Now back to Astarte and the liquid surrounding her, yes, Alex is making Astarte his blood servant.

Alex is fine making Astarte his blood servant because she is his maid, that's all the reason Alex needs to make Astarte his blood servant.


While Alex was waiting for Astarte's maintenance he took out his phone because it was going to take a while before the process finished, which is one time thank goodness, it would take a long time due to him turning her into a blood servant while fixing her body at the same time.

Her being homunculus takes a strain on her body every time she moves around, just by living and not doing anything, her life force will continue to leak out from her body.

It will be worse if she uses her familiar, even if the familiar is under Alex's control and consumes his life force as in exchange for Astarte using the familiar powers, she still has to pay a tiny bit of her life force, since there's no free thing in the world.

There's always an equivalent of exchange, if that doesn't exist, then he might be a god at this point due to how overpowering the primordial runes are.

Every time Alex uses his runes, an equivalent of exchange happens, the rune gives him his desired results, while Alex gives his magical energy, it's a give-and-take relationship.

He needs to follow this rule since he's not a God. And he won't be since he feels it's just going to bring trouble in his life


As Alex watches a video of cute cats a message suddenly pops out causing him to frown, but ignores it as he continues watching a cute cat video that soothes his soul.

But suddenly his phone screen was filled up with pop-up ads to the point that it was unusable

"Okay... This isn't funny, I just want to watch cute cats..." Alex mumbled, but suddenly a message popped out on top of those ads saying.

[I finally found you!]


"... That's not creepy at all" Alex put his phone down as he watched Astarte like the day she was born floating on the glass tank.

After a while, his phone notifications rang one after another but Alex just ignored them, afraid of his new stalker, he still hadn't found out who his real stalker was (observer)... Just him thinking about it sends shivers on her back.

After a series of notifications that slowly but surely made Alex die inside and was about to throw the phone outside, when suddenly his phone rang.

"Yes?! I fucking swear If this is not important I'm going to throw you outside the island!" Alex yelled in rage but stopped when he heard the voice on the phone.

"Young man! How dare you talk to your mother like that! Do you want to die!? Huh!?" Alex started to sweat a lot when he heard his mother's threat.

"... Shit..." Alex mumbles but his mother manages to hear somehow.

"Huh!? ALEX! Did you just curse on me!? I swear! When I get home I'll whoop your ass! You understand!?" Then his mother dropped the call.

"..." Alex was speechless.

"Haha... I'm in danger" Alex chuckled then suddenly glared at his phone, as Alex read the message on his phone saying.

[Let's meet up, I have something important to say to you] The unknown sender sent.

Alex then replied.

[I swear, if this is not important, I'm going to throw you outside the island] Alex hit send.

[What did I do?!] The unknown sender sent it.

[You will cause pain in the ass, literally!] Alex replied to the unknown sender.

[I'm sorry, okay? Just meet me at the location I'm going to send at lunch, okay? It's very important!] The unknown sender sent and Alex didn't reply.

"I wonder who this guy is... Does that guy know I'm the 4th progenitor? Nah, I haven't revealed myself to the world- wait... Oh shit... My plan... Did my plan backfire..." Alex thought for a bit but then a noise distracted him from his musing.

He immediately hits the button causing the liquid inside the glass tank surrounding Astarte to drain rapidly.

Astarte stood for a bit before she opened her eyes and exited the glass tank.

"So? How do you feel?" Alex asked her as he placed a towel on the head.

"Feel different... More energized" she replied as Alex dried her hair.

"That's good I guess, report to me what you feel every 6 PM" Alex said, causing her to nod.

"Affirmative" Astarte replied, causing Alex to nod.

"Now, go wear clothes, you gonna catch a cold, if that's possible though..." Alex wrapped the towel around her body as Alex started to work on his new project.

Project Relic Eater.


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