
Chapter 91: Cassidy

##Chapter 91: Cassidy

Book Two: Don't Leave

Two hours later, we finally leave his room to scrounge up some food.

After making love three times, I'm famished. I'm so hungry that my belly is rumbling and growling in protest.

Once in the kitchen, Cole fills two bowls with cereal before saturating the flakes in milk.

"Eat up," he says with a wink before shoveling a spoonful into his mouth. After he swallows it down, he adds, "You're going to need all your energy."

A giggle slips free as I spoon Frosted Flakes into my mouth. As we finish our bowls, his phone chimes with an incoming message. He picks up the slim device and glances at the screen.

His gaze flicks to mine. "It's my mom. She's going to drop off some laundry I left at the house over the weekend."

My heart stutters as my eyes widen.

Dr. Thompson, who also happens to be Cole's mother.

My teeth sink into my lower lip as an internal debate gets waged in my brain.

Do I tell him that his mother was my psychologist?