
Chapter 84: Cole

##Chapter 84: Cole

Book Two: Don't Leave

"Someone's at the door, can you please answer it?" Mom yells from the kitchen where she's baking Christmas cookies.


That's not a complaint.

It means I'll have more food to take back to school when I leave tomorrow afternoon. I pause, unable to rip my attention away from the big screen TV as the final seconds of the first quarter play out. The bell rings for a second time as the ball is being passed and-

"Cole?" she shouts again.

Except this time there's exasperation lacing her voice.

And that's never good.

"I'm on it!"

But not really.



With a shake of my head, I jog to the door and throw it wide open. Almost immediately, I wish I'd ignored it.

"Hi, Cole." The edges of her lips lift tentatively.

When I remain silent, she shifts from one foot to the other before stuffing her hands into the pockets of her jacket.