
Chapter 77: Cassidy

##Chapter 77: Cassidy

Book Two: Don't Leave

The week leading up to Thanksgiving break flies by at breakneck speed. There are papers to write, tests to study for, hours spent at the tutoring center, and hockey practice to work myself over in so I can fall into a dead sleep at the end of the day and not spend more time stewing over Cole.

Does it work?

Not really.

I've arrived at the painful conclusion that I screwed up the best relationship I've ever had.

After my late-night dinner with Sammy, I decided to take a giant step back from the situation and focus on the reason I'm at Western in the first place.


I'm pouring all my time and energy into my courses, and trying hard not to dwell on Cole or Luke. Until I decided to pull back and get clarity, I hadn't realized how much everything was spiraling out of control.